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Stream: general
Topic: generalize_proofs
Reid Barton (Dec 01 2018 at 00:41):
Does generalize_proofs
ever work?
Reid Barton (Dec 01 2018 at 00:41):
I get this error unknown declaration '1'
Simon Hudon (Dec 01 2018 at 00:48):
What did you write?
Simon Hudon (Dec 01 2018 at 00:49):
I think generalize_proofs
is obsolete. I remember @Mario Carneiro saying that h_generalize
does the work generalize_proofs
was intended to do
Reid Barton (Dec 01 2018 at 00:52):
something very complicated
Reid Barton (Dec 01 2018 at 00:52):
ah, let me try that
Reid Barton (Dec 01 2018 at 00:56):
hmm, I realized I need to also generalize the type that it is being converted to, and that seems tricky
Reid Barton (Dec 01 2018 at 00:56):
I'll just go back to my interim solution
Simon Hudon (Dec 01 2018 at 01:00):
Try h_generalize! h : my_var == new_name
then you can generalize the type of the new variable
Chris Hughes (Dec 01 2018 at 01:27):
Does changing the definition of collect_proofs_in
in tactic.generalize_proofs
to this work?
private meta def collect_proofs_in : expr → list expr → list name × list expr → tactic (list name × list expr) | e ctx (ns, hs) := let go (tac : list name × list expr → tactic (list name × list expr)) : tactic (list name × list expr) := (do t ← infer_type e, mcond (is_prop t) (do first (hs.map $ λ h, do t' ← infer_type h, is_def_eq t t', g ← target, change $ g.replace (λ a n, if a = e then some h else none), return (ns, hs)) <|> (let (n, ns) := (match ns with | [] := (`_x, []) | (n :: ns) := (n, ns) end : name × list name) in do generalize e n, h ← intro n, return (ns, h::hs)) <|> return (ns, hs)) (tac (ns, hs))) <|> return (ns, hs) in match e with | (expr.const _ _) := go return | (expr.local_const _ _ _ t) := collect_proofs_in t ctx (ns, hs) | (expr.mvar _ _ t) := collect_proofs_in t ctx (ns, hs) | (expr.app f x) := go (λ nh, collect_proofs_in f ctx nh >>= collect_proofs_in x ctx) | (expr.lam n b d e) := go (λ nh, do nh ← collect_proofs_in d ctx nh, var ← mk_local' n b d, collect_proofs_in (expr.instantiate_var e var) (var::ctx) nh) | (expr.pi n b d e) := do nh ← collect_proofs_in d ctx (ns, hs), var ← mk_local' n b d, collect_proofs_in (expr.instantiate_var e var) (var::ctx) nh | (expr.elet n t d e) := go (λ nh, do nh ← collect_proofs_in t ctx nh, nh ← collect_proofs_in d ctx nh, collect_proofs_in (expr.instantiate_var e d) ctx nh) | (expr.macro m l) := go (λ nh, mfoldl (λ x e, collect_proofs_in e ctx x) nh l) | _ := return (ns, hs) end
Chris Hughes (Dec 01 2018 at 01:38):
I think the problem is that infer_type
fails given a sort
Mario Carneiro (Dec 01 2018 at 03:04):
is not so much obsolete as broken and abandoned
Mario Carneiro (Dec 01 2018 at 03:04):
I think it works as long as there are no binders in the goal
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC