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Topic: golf challenge
Kenny Lau (Jan 29 2019 at 09:15):
import data.equiv.basic data.polynomial linear_algebra.multivariate_polynomial universes u v w namespace mv_polynomial variables (α : Type u) (β : Type v) [comm_ring α] [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] def option_ring_equiv_aux11 : α → polynomial (mv_polynomial β α) := polynomial.C ∘ C instance option_ring_equiv_aux12 : ring (polynomial (mv_polynomial β α)) := @comm_ring.to_ring _ $ polynomial.comm_ring instance option_ring_equiv_aux13 : is_ring_hom (polynomial.C : mv_polynomial β α → polynomial (mv_polynomial β α)) := by apply polynomial.C.is_ring_hom instance option_ring_equiv_aux14 : is_ring_hom (option_ring_equiv_aux11 α β) := is_ring_hom.comp _ _ instance option_ring_equiv_aux15 : is_semiring_hom (option_ring_equiv_aux11 α β) := is_ring_hom.is_semiring_hom _ def option_ring_equiv_aux1 : mv_polynomial (option β) α → polynomial (mv_polynomial β α) := eval₂ (option_ring_equiv_aux11 α β) (λ x, option.rec_on x polynomial.X (polynomial.C ∘ X)) def option_ring_equiv_aux21 : mv_polynomial β α → mv_polynomial (option β) α := eval₂ C (X ∘ some) instance option_ring_equiv_aux22 : is_ring_hom (option_ring_equiv_aux21 α β) := by convert eval₂.is_ring_hom _ _; apply_instance instance option_ring_equiv_aux23 : is_semiring_hom (option_ring_equiv_aux21 α β) := is_ring_hom.is_semiring_hom _ def option_ring_equiv_aux2 : polynomial (mv_polynomial β α) → mv_polynomial (option β) α := polynomial.eval₂ (option_ring_equiv_aux21 α β) (X none) variables {α β} set_option class.instance_max_depth 5 theorem option_ring_equiv_aux3 (f : mv_polynomial (option β) α) : option_ring_equiv_aux2 α β (option_ring_equiv_aux1 α β f) = f := induction_on f (λ r, calc option_ring_equiv_aux2 α β (option_ring_equiv_aux1 α β (C r)) = option_ring_equiv_aux2 α β (option_ring_equiv_aux11 α β r) : by congr' 1; convert eval₂_C _ _ _; convert mv_polynomial.option_ring_equiv_aux15 α β ... = option_ring_equiv_aux21 α β (C r) : by convert polynomial.eval₂_C _ _; apply_instance ... = C r : by convert eval₂_C _ _ _; apply_instance) sorry sorry end mv_polynomial
Kenny Lau (Jan 29 2019 at 09:15):
challenge: shorten this code, but keep the compiling time low
Kenny Lau (Jan 29 2019 at 09:16):
(yes, the set_option class.instance_max_depth 5
line is there to keep the compiling time low)
Kenny Lau (Jan 29 2019 at 09:16):
@Johannes Hölzl
Kenny Lau (Jan 29 2019 at 12:31):
@Chris Hughes
Johannes Hölzl (Jan 30 2019 at 15:18):
@Kenny Lau I think we have a problem either with the ring homomorphisms, or some of the mv_polynomial instances... I changed the proof to mv_polynomial (β ⊕ γ) α ≃r mv_polynomial β (mv_polynomial γ α)
, allowing also the symmetric variant.
Kenny Lau (Jan 30 2019 at 15:19):
are you planning to put this into mathlib? I'm about to prove the same theorem
Johannes Hölzl (Jan 30 2019 at 15:20):
its already in master
Johannes Hölzl (Jan 30 2019 at 15:20):
Kenny Lau (Jan 30 2019 at 15:20):
oh nice!
Johan Commelin (Jan 30 2019 at 15:23):
Aah, using rename
we might be able to slightly cleanup the mv_polynomial
adjunction that I PR'd a while ago.
Kenny Lau (Jul 02 2020 at 08:59):
import data.polynomial
universes u
open polynomial
open_locale classical
lemma nat_degree_le_nat_degree {R : Type u} [semiring R] {f g : polynomial R}
(hfg : f.degree ≤ g.degree) : f.nat_degree ≤ g.nat_degree :=
by_cases hf : f = 0, { rw [hf, nat_degree_zero], exact zero_le _ },
by_cases hg : g = 0, { rw [hg, degree_zero, le_bot_iff, degree_eq_bot] at hfg, cc },
rwa [degree_eq_nat_degree hf, degree_eq_nat_degree hg, with_bot.coe_le_coe] at hfg
theorem nat_degree_div_by_monic {R : Type u} [comm_ring R] (f : polynomial R) {g : polynomial R}
(hg : g.monic) : nat_degree (f /ₘ g) = nat_degree f - nat_degree g :=
by_cases h01 : (0 : R) = 1,
{ haveI := subsingleton_of_zero_eq_one h01,
rw [subsingleton.elim (f /ₘ g) 0, subsingleton.elim f 0, subsingleton.elim g 0,
nat_degree_zero] },
haveI : nonzero R := ⟨h01⟩,
by_cases hfg : f /ₘ g = 0,
{ rw [hfg, nat_degree_zero], rw div_by_monic_eq_zero_iff hg hg.ne_zero at hfg,
rw nat.sub_eq_zero_of_le (nat_degree_le_nat_degree $ le_of_lt hfg) },
have hgf := hfg, rw div_by_monic_eq_zero_iff hg hg.ne_zero at hgf, push_neg at hgf,
have := degree_add_div_by_monic hg hgf,
have hf : f ≠ 0, { intro hf, apply hfg, rw [hf, zero_div_by_monic] },
rw [degree_eq_nat_degree hf, degree_eq_nat_degree hg.ne_zero, degree_eq_nat_degree hfg,
← with_bot.coe_add, with_bot.coe_eq_coe] at this,
rw [← this, nat.add_sub_cancel_left]
Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2020 at 11:39):
import data.mv_polynomial
import linear_algebra.determinant
universes u v
variables (n : Type u) [fintype n] [decidable_eq n]
noncomputable def det_poly : mv_polynomial (n × n) ℤ :=
matrix.det $ λ i j : n, mv_polynomial.X (i, j)
variables {n} {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] (M : matrix n n R)
theorem eval_det_poly : (det_poly n).eval₂ coe (λ p, M p.1 p.2) = M.det :=
Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2020 at 11:40):
golf challenge
Reid Barton (Jul 10 2020 at 11:41):
Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2020 at 11:41):
Reid Barton (Jul 10 2020 at 11:43):
It might use simp lemmas that weren't in mathlib at the time
Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2020 at 12:01):
my solution:
import data.mv_polynomial
import linear_algebra.determinant
universes u v
variables (n : Type u) [fintype n] [decidable_eq n]
noncomputable def det_poly : mv_polynomial (n × n) ℤ :=
matrix.det $ λ i j : n, mv_polynomial.X (i, j)
variables {n} {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] (M : matrix n n R)
namespace mv_polynomial
theorem eval₂_int_cast {α β σ : Type*} [comm_ring α] [comm_ring β]
(f : α → β) (g : σ → β) [is_ring_hom f] (n : ℤ) :
(n : mv_polynomial σ α).eval₂ f g = n :=
int.induction_on n (eval₂_zero f g)
(λ i ih, by rw [int.cast_add, int.cast_add, int.cast_one, int.cast_one, eval₂_add, ih, eval₂_one])
(λ i ih, by rw [int.cast_sub, int.cast_sub, int.cast_one, int.cast_one, eval₂_sub, ih, eval₂_one])
end mv_polynomial
open mv_polynomial
theorem eval_det_poly : (det_poly n).eval₂ coe (λ p, M p.1 p.2) = M.det :=
unfold det_poly matrix.det,
haveI : is_semiring_hom (coe : ℤ → R) := ⟨int.cast_zero, int.cast_one, int.cast_add, int.cast_mul⟩,
haveI : is_ring_hom (coe : ℤ → R) := is_ring_hom.of_semiring _,
simp_rw [eval₂_sum, eval₂_mul, eval₂_int_cast, eval₂_prod, eval₂_X]
Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2020 at 12:02):
Dont we know that eval2 is a ring hom?
Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2020 at 12:06):
I would expect something like (eval2_hom f g).map_int_cast n
as proof term.
Reid Barton (Jul 10 2020 at 12:06):
like this? https://github.com/rwbarton/swan/blob/lean-3.4.2/src/for_mathlib/ring_hom_coe.lean
Reid Barton (Jul 10 2020 at 12:06):
but this is from ye olden days of 2019
Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2020 at 12:13):
Is it planned to get this stuff into mathlib?
Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2020 at 12:13):
Zulip lacks :swan:
Reid Barton (Jul 10 2020 at 12:14):
this is about all the stuff there is here
Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2020 at 13:33):
if only mv_polynomial were computable
Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2020 at 13:33):
then we can have explicit formulas of determinants easily
Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2020 at 13:33):
should be able to make it easy nonetheless.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC