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Stream: general
Topic: graphs: tc hierarchy
Johan Commelin (May 28 2020 at 09:54):
@Floris van Doorn you had some scripts that generated graphs of the type class hierarchy. Is that right? Do you still have them somewhere?
Johan Commelin (May 28 2020 at 09:54):
If so, we can probably teach them to output json.
Floris van Doorn (May 29 2020 at 05:13):
Yes, and I put it here: https://gist.github.com/fpvandoorn/4d4c52322d7eb661e5154f9a732754d4
It currently produces output like this:
File: C:\Users\Floris\.elan\toolchains\leanprover-community-lean-3.14.0\lib\lean\library\init\algebra\order.lean
Line: 26
Type: class
File: d:\projects\mathlib\src\order\bounded_lattice.lean
Line: 250
Type: instance
Source: bounded_lattice
Target: semilattice_inf_bot
File: d:\projects\mathlib\src\algebra\group\basic.lean
Line: 219
Type: instance
Source: group
Target: has_inv
File: d:\projects\mathlib\src\order\bounded_lattice.lean
Line: 94
Type: class
It shouldn't be hard to modify the output.
It currently mostly prints "the algebraic hierarchy". This means instances and classes that have at most 1 argument that is not a type-class argument (within square brackets), and the instances can only be forgetful instances (where the conclusion is a class applied to a variable).
Floris van Doorn (May 29 2020 at 05:13):
What is the output you want, and how do you want to use it? Automatically generating a graph would be nice.
Johan Commelin (May 29 2020 at 06:37):
The idea would be to automatically generated an interactive graph using d3.js
Johan Commelin (May 29 2020 at 06:37):
So the output should probably be some sort of json, although Patrick also linked to a package that can convert .dot
files into d3 graphs.
Johan Commelin (Jun 01 2020 at 08:29):
@Bryan Gin-ge Chen The output of the script by Floris (see above) is yaml... is that ok for you? I guess we can easily postprocess that into suitable json, right?
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jun 01 2020 at 15:02):
Yes, it shouldn't be too hard to postprocess. I bet the script could be modified to output JSON pretty easily too though.
Johan Commelin (Jun 01 2020 at 15:30):
Right, that's what I thought. What kind of JSON format are we looking for?
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jun 01 2020 at 15:47):
For experimentation we can just go with whatever's quickest to implement.
Johan Commelin (Jun 01 2020 at 16:10):
Should it look like
[ # a list of edges
{ source : 'group', target: 'monoid' },
{ blabbla },
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jun 01 2020 at 16:14):
Yeah, I think that would work fine (modulo correct JSON syntax :wink: )
Johan Commelin (Jun 01 2020 at 16:24):
/me doesn't really know json
Johan Commelin (Jun 01 2020 at 16:24):
I'll try to hack the output into that form once my kids are in bed
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jun 01 2020 at 16:30):
No worries, I probably won't have time to play around with graphs until the weekend, and I can probably quickly do this myself then.
Floris van Doorn (Jun 01 2020 at 18:22):
There's also the question what you want the content of the graph to be exactly. The algebraic hierarchy? All type-classes?
I think currently my script gives you a bit more than the algebraic hierarchy. It gives you all "unary type-classes" but I think there are also some typeclasses with argument m : Type u -> Type u
which you might want to remove.
Johan Commelin (Jun 01 2020 at 19:03):
I was thinking initially just all type classes...
Johan Commelin (Jun 01 2020 at 19:03):
But maybe you get lots of junk then?
Floris van Doorn (Jun 01 2020 at 19:19):
Well, if your idea is to get a graph similar to the one in the mathlib paper, then I recommend just using the algebraic hierarchy + "forgetful" instances. For other classes/instances it's a lot less clear what arrows to draw.
What arrows represent group A -> group B -> group (A x B)
or decidable_eq A -> decidable_eq (list A)
or decidable_eq real
Johan Commelin (Jun 01 2020 at 19:21):
Hmmm, I hadn't really thought about the edges, I think. Your suggestion sounds good to me.
Johan Commelin (Jul 06 2020 at 18:04):
I'm going to try to generate an update version of this graph for the workshop
Johan Commelin (Jul 06 2020 at 18:05):
Now it would be great if we could reuse some sphere eversion machinery (@Patrick Massot) to create a clickable version that takes you to the corresponding page in the docs.
Patrick Massot (Jul 06 2020 at 18:10):
That part is very easy. The tricky part is to have a meaningful manageable graph to display.
Johan Commelin (Jul 06 2020 at 18:21):
I just ran the script by Floris. It generates a graph with 120 edges.
Johan Commelin (Jul 06 2020 at 18:22):
Oops, that's wrong
Johan Commelin (Jul 06 2020 at 18:25):
My new count is about 520 nodes and 400 edges. Which still seems weird.
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 14:49):
I'm trying to make the script by Floris output two JSON lists, one with nodes, and one with edges. But I'm bad at meta
stuff. Here is what I have so far:
import algebra.group.defs
open tactic declaration environment native
meta def pos_line (p : option pos) : string :=
match p with
| some x := to_string x.line
| _ := ""
def file_to_topic : string → string :=
λ s, (s.split_on '/').head
structure item :=
(file : string)
(line : string)
(name : string)
(topic : string := file_to_topic file)
structure node extends item.
namespace node
def jsonify : node → string :=
λ n,
"{ name : " ++ n.name ++ ",\n" ++
"topic : " ++ n.topic ++ ",\n" ++
"file : " ++ n.file ++ ",\n" ++
"line : " ++ n.line ++ " }\n"
instance : has_to_string node := ⟨jsonify⟩
end node
structure edge extends item :=
(source : string)
(target : string)
namespace edge
def jsonify : edge → string :=
λ e,
"{ name : " ++ e.name ++ ",\n" ++
"topic : " ++ e.topic ++ ",\n" ++
"source : " ++ e.source ++ ",\n" ++
"target : " ++ e.target ++ ",\n" ++
"file : " ++ e.file ++ ",\n" ++
"line : " ++ e.line ++ " }\n"
instance : has_to_string edge := ⟨jsonify⟩
end edge
/- parses information about `decl` if it is an instance or a class. -/
meta def parse_decl (env : environment) (decl : declaration) :
tactic (option (node ⊕ edge)) :=
let name := decl.to_name in
if (env.decl_olean name).is_some
then do
olean_file ← env.decl_olean name,
let I : item :=
{ name := to_string name,
file := olean_file,
line := pos_line (env.decl_pos name) },
is_c ← tactic.has_attribute `class name,
if is_c.1 then
let N : node := { .. I } in
return (some (sum.inl N))
else do
is_i ← tactic.has_attribute `instance name,
if is_i.1 then do
(l, tgt) ← return decl.type.pi_binders,
guard (l.tail.all $ λ b, b.info = binder_info.inst_implicit),
guard (tgt.get_app_args.head.is_var && l.ilast.type.get_app_args.head.is_var),
let src := to_string l.ilast.type.erase_annotations.get_app_fn.const_name,
let tgt := to_string tgt.erase_annotations.get_app_fn.const_name,
guard (src ≠ tgt),
let E : edge := { name := to_string name, source := src, target := tgt, .. I },
return (some (sum.inr E))
else do return none
else do return none
variables {α β : Type*}
def list.remove_none : list (option α) → list α
| [] := []
| (none :: l) := l.remove_none
| (some a :: l) := a :: l.remove_none
def list.split_sum : list (α ⊕ β) → (list α) × (list β)
| [] := ([], [])
| ((sum.inl a) :: l) := let L := l.split_sum in ((a :: L.1), L.2)
| ((sum.inr b) :: l) := let L := l.split_sum in (L.1, (b :: L.2))
/-- prints information about unary classes and forgetful instances in the environment.
It only prints instances and classes that have at most 1 argument
that is not a type-class argument (within square brackets),
and the instances can only be forgetful instances
(where the conclusion is a class applied to a variable) -/
meta def print_content : tactic unit :=
do curr_env ← get_env,
o ← (curr_env.fold list.nil list.cons).mmap (parse_decl curr_env),
trace (to_string o.remove_none.split_sum),
meta def test : tactic unit :=
do curr_env ← get_env,
d ← get_decl `comm_monoid,
trace (to_string d.to_name),
o ← parse_decl curr_env d,
trace (to_string o),
run_cmd test
run_cmd print_content
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 14:49):
If someone could help, that would be awesome.
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 14:51):
The idea is to be able to generate interactive graphs that will link to the correct docs.
We might need to tweak the info that we save in the nodes and edges.
Also, I want items to have a "topic" so that you can easily hide all the nodes that come from the subdirectory src/algebra
, and focus on src/topology
, etc...
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 14:51):
(The full graph will be too large to be useful.)
Rob Lewis (Jul 07 2020 at 14:53):
returns a bool and a nat. The bool isn't whether the attribute is there or not, it's whether the attribute is persistent (non-local). has_attribute
will fail if the attribute isn't there.
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 14:54):
Aha... so what do I do now?
Rob Lewis (Jul 07 2020 at 14:54):
You can use succeeds
if you don't actually need the output of has_attribute
, which I don't think you do.
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 14:54):
Is there some sort of success
thing? That I should prepend?
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 15:06):
I now have, but it still doesn't seem to work
import algebra.group.defs
open tactic declaration environment native
meta def pos_line (p : option pos) : string :=
match p with
| some x := to_string x.line
| _ := ""
def file_to_topic : string → string :=
λ s, (s.split_on '/').head
structure item :=
(file : string)
(line : string)
(name : string)
(topic : string := file_to_topic file)
structure node extends item.
namespace node
def jsonify : node → string :=
λ n,
"{ name : " ++ n.name ++ ",\n" ++
"topic : " ++ n.topic ++ ",\n" ++
"file : " ++ n.file ++ ",\n" ++
"line : " ++ n.line ++ " }\n"
instance : has_to_string node := ⟨jsonify⟩
end node
structure edge extends item :=
(source : string)
(target : string)
namespace edge
def jsonify : edge → string :=
λ e,
"{ name : " ++ e.name ++ ",\n" ++
"topic : " ++ e.topic ++ ",\n" ++
"source : " ++ e.source ++ ",\n" ++
"target : " ++ e.target ++ ",\n" ++
"file : " ++ e.file ++ ",\n" ++
"line : " ++ e.line ++ " }\n"
instance : has_to_string edge := ⟨jsonify⟩
end edge
/- parses information about `decl` if it is an instance or a class. -/
meta def parse_decl (env : environment) (decl : declaration) :
tactic (option (node ⊕ edge)) :=
let name := decl.to_name in
if (env.decl_olean name).is_some
then do
olean_file ← env.decl_olean name,
let I : item :=
{ name := to_string name,
file := olean_file,
line := pos_line (env.decl_pos name) },
is_c ← succeeds (tactic.has_attribute `class name),
if is_c then
let N : node := { .. I } in
return (some (sum.inl N))
else do
is_i ← succeeds (tactic.has_attribute `instance name),
if is_i then do
(l, tgt) ← return decl.type.pi_binders,
guard (l.tail.all $ λ b, b.info = binder_info.inst_implicit),
guard (tgt.get_app_args.head.is_var && l.ilast.type.get_app_args.head.is_var),
let src := to_string l.ilast.type.erase_annotations.get_app_fn.const_name,
let tgt := to_string tgt.erase_annotations.get_app_fn.const_name,
guard (src ≠ tgt),
let E : edge := { source := src, target := tgt, .. I },
return (some (sum.inr E))
else do return none
else do return none
variables {α β : Type*}
def list.remove_none : list (option α) → list α
| [] := []
| (none :: l) := l.remove_none
| (some a :: l) := a :: l.remove_none
def list.split_sum : list (α ⊕ β) → (list α) × (list β)
| [] := ([], [])
| ((sum.inl a) :: l) := let L := l.split_sum in ((a :: L.1), L.2)
| ((sum.inr b) :: l) := let L := l.split_sum in (L.1, (b :: L.2))
/-- prints information about unary classes and forgetful instances in the environment.
It only prints instances and classes that have at most 1 argument
that is not a type-class argument (within square brackets),
and the instances can only be forgetful instances
(where the conclusion is a class applied to a variable) -/
meta def print_content : tactic unit :=
do curr_env ← get_env,
o ← (curr_env.fold [] list.cons).mmap (parse_decl curr_env),
trace (to_string o.remove_none.split_sum),
meta def test : tactic unit :=
do curr_env ← get_env,
d ← get_decl `comm_monoid.to_comm_semigroup,
trace (to_string d.to_name),
o ← parse_decl curr_env d,
trace (to_string o),
run_cmd test
run_cmd print_content
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 15:18):
This bit
meta def print_content : tactic unit :=
do curr_env ← get_env,
o ← (curr_env.fold [] list.cons).mmap (parse_decl curr_env),
gives an error
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 15:18):
⊢ true
Anne Baanen (Jul 07 2020 at 15:20):
It looks like the line guard (tgt.get_app_args.head.is_var && l.ilast.type.get_app_args.head.is_var),
is the one that fails. What is the goal of that check?
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 15:21):
I don't know... it was there in Floris's version
Anne Baanen (Jul 07 2020 at 15:23):
I'm guessing then that it detects declarations that we don't want to process. In that case, the issue is that the first failing declaration aborts the whole command, so we want to wrap the command in a <|> return none
. Let's see if it helps...
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 15:23):
Without the guards it works!
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 15:23):
import algebra.group.defs
open tactic declaration environment native
meta def pos_line (p : option pos) : string :=
match p with
| some x := to_string x.line
| _ := ""
def file_to_topic : string → string :=
λ s, (s.split_on '/').head
structure item :=
(file : string)
(line : string)
(name : string)
(topic : string := file_to_topic file)
structure node extends item.
namespace node
def jsonify : node → string :=
λ n,
"{ name : " ++ n.name ++ ",\n" ++
"topic : " ++ n.topic ++ ",\n" ++
"file : " ++ n.file ++ ",\n" ++
"line : " ++ n.line ++ " }\n"
instance : has_to_string node := ⟨jsonify⟩
end node
structure edge extends item :=
(source : string)
(target : string)
namespace edge
def jsonify : edge → string :=
λ e,
"{ name : " ++ e.name ++ ",\n" ++
"topic : " ++ e.topic ++ ",\n" ++
"source : " ++ e.source ++ ",\n" ++
"target : " ++ e.target ++ ",\n" ++
"file : " ++ e.file ++ ",\n" ++
"line : " ++ e.line ++ " }\n"
instance : has_to_string edge := ⟨jsonify⟩
end edge
/- parses information about `decl` if it is an instance or a class. -/
meta def parse_decl (env : environment) (decl : declaration) :
tactic (option (node ⊕ edge)) :=
let name := decl.to_name in
if (env.decl_olean name).is_some
then do
olean_file ← env.decl_olean name,
let I : item :=
{ name := to_string name,
file := olean_file,
line := pos_line (env.decl_pos name) },
is_c ← succeeds (tactic.has_attribute `class name),
if is_c then
let N : node := { .. I } in
return (some (sum.inl N))
else do
is_i ← succeeds (tactic.has_attribute `instance name),
if is_i then do
(l, tgt) ← return decl.type.pi_binders,
-- guard (l.tail.all $ λ b, b.info = binder_info.inst_implicit),
-- guard (tgt.get_app_args.head.is_var && l.ilast.type.get_app_args.head.is_var),
let src := to_string l.ilast.type.erase_annotations.get_app_fn.const_name,
let tgt := to_string tgt.erase_annotations.get_app_fn.const_name,
-- guard (src ≠ tgt),
let E : edge := { source := src, target := tgt, .. I },
return (some (sum.inr E))
else do return none
else do return none
variables {α β : Type*}
def list.remove_none : list (option α) → list α
| [] := []
| (none :: l) := l.remove_none
| (some a :: l) := a :: l.remove_none
def list.split_sum : list (α ⊕ β) → (list α) × (list β)
| [] := ([], [])
| ((sum.inl a) :: l) := let L := l.split_sum in ((a :: L.1), L.2)
| ((sum.inr b) :: l) := let L := l.split_sum in (L.1, (b :: L.2))
/-- prints information about unary classes and forgetful instances in the environment.
It only prints instances and classes that have at most 1 argument
that is not a type-class argument (within square brackets),
and the instances can only be forgetful instances
(where the conclusion is a class applied to a variable) -/
meta def print_content : tactic unit :=
do curr_env ← get_env,
o ← (curr_env.fold [] list.cons).mmap (parse_decl curr_env),
let (ns, es) := o.remove_none.split_sum,
trace (to_string ns),
trace (to_string es),
meta def test : tactic unit :=
do curr_env ← get_env,
d ← get_decl `comm_monoid.to_comm_semigroup,
trace (to_string d.to_name),
o ← parse_decl curr_env d,
trace (to_string o),
run_cmd test
run_cmd print_content
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 15:24):
Anne Baanen said:
I'm guessing then that it detects declarations that we don't want to process. In that case, the issue is that the first failing declaration aborts the whole command, so we want to wrap the command in a
<|> return none
. Let's see if it helps...
Ooh, that makes sense. Because I do indeed get garbage output if I simply comment out the guard.
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 15:25):
I don't know exactly where to put the <|> return none
. Would be delighted if you show me.
Anne Baanen (Jul 07 2020 at 15:25):
I tried to put it around the call to parse_decl:
meta def print_content : tactic unit :=
do curr_env ← get_env,
o ← (curr_env.fold [] list.cons).mmap (λ x, parse_decl curr_env x <|> pure none),
trace (to_string o.remove_none.split_sum),
Anne Baanen (Jul 07 2020 at 15:26):
Then I get output like:
([{ name : partial_order,
topic : ,
file : /home/arch/arb/.elan/toolchains/leanprover-community-lean-3.17.0/lib/lean/library/init/algebra/order.lean,
line : 26 }
, { name : has_coe_t_aux,
topic : ,
file : /home/arch/arb/.elan/toolchains/leanprover-community-lean-3.17.0/lib/lean/library/init/coe.lean,
line : 123 }
, { name : is_cond_left_inv,
topic : ,
file : /home/arch/arb/.elan/toolchains/leanprover-community-lean-3.17.0/lib/lean/library/init/algebra/classes.lean,
line : 55 }
, { name : is_total,
topic : ,
file : /home/arch/arb/.elan/toolchains/leanprover-community-lean-3.17.0/lib/lean/library/init/algebra/classes.lean,
line : 95 }
, ...
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 15:27):
Yup, same here...
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 15:27):
Now, all we need is a way to turn a filename into a topic
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 15:28):
Probably split_on '/'
, end then take the first thing after src
, or after library
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 15:29):
And for nice links to docs#foobar
we probably need to save more stuff, like the full name.
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 15:29):
Or maybe name
is already the full name... I don't know.
Anne Baanen (Jul 07 2020 at 15:33):
Johan Commelin said:
split_on '/'
, end then take the first thing aftersrc
, or afterlibrary
def file_to_topic : string → string :=
λ xs, ".".intercalate ((xs.split_on '/').drop_while (λ x, x ≠ "library" ∧ x ≠ "src")).tail.init
Anne Baanen (Jul 07 2020 at 15:34):
Maps "/home/arch/arb/.elan/toolchains/leanprover-community-lean-3.17.0/lib/lean/library/init/algebra/classes.lean"
to init.algebra
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 15:35):
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 15:36):
We'll have to play a bit with the exact value of this function, I guess. But this is a good start.
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:29):
This script should not be run by people that have a username library
or src
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:42):
I'm reasonably happy with this version:
import algebra.group.defs
open tactic declaration environment native
meta def pos_line (p : option pos) : string :=
match p with
| some x := to_string x.line
| _ := ""
def prepare_filename₁ : string → list string :=
λ xs, ((xs.split_on '/').drop_while (λ x, x ≠ "library" ∧ x ≠ "src"))
def prepare_filename₂ : list string → list string
| ("library" :: l) := ("core" :: l)
| ("src" :: l) := l
| _ := []
def filename : string → string :=
"/".intercalate ∘ prepare_filename₂ ∘ prepare_filename₁
def topic : string → string :=
list.head ∘ prepare_filename₂ ∘ prepare_filename₁
structure item :=
(file : string)
(line : string)
(name : string)
(topic : string)
structure node extends item.
namespace node
def jsonify : node → string :=
λ n,
"{ name : " ++ n.name ++ ",\n" ++
"topic : " ++ n.topic ++ ",\n" ++
"file : " ++ n.file ++ ",\n" ++
"line : " ++ n.line ++ " }\n"
instance : has_to_string node := ⟨jsonify⟩
end node
structure edge extends item :=
(source : string)
(target : string)
namespace edge
def jsonify : edge → string :=
λ e,
"{ name : " ++ e.name ++ ",\n" ++
"topic : " ++ e.topic ++ ",\n" ++
"source : " ++ e.source ++ ",\n" ++
"target : " ++ e.target ++ ",\n" ++
"file : " ++ e.file ++ ",\n" ++
"line : " ++ e.line ++ " }\n"
instance : has_to_string edge := ⟨jsonify⟩
end edge
/- parses information about `decl` if it is an instance or a class. -/
meta def parse_decl (env : environment) (decl : declaration) :
tactic (option (node ⊕ edge)) :=
let name := decl.to_name in
if (env.decl_olean name).is_some
then do
olean_file ← env.decl_olean name,
let I : item :=
{ name := to_string name,
file := filename olean_file,
line := pos_line (env.decl_pos name),
topic := topic olean_file },
is_c ← succeeds (tactic.has_attribute `class name),
if is_c then
let N : node := { .. I } in
return (some (sum.inl N))
else do
is_i ← succeeds (tactic.has_attribute `instance name),
if is_i then do
(l, tgt) ← return decl.type.pi_binders,
-- guard (l.tail.all $ λ b, b.info = binder_info.inst_implicit),
-- guard (tgt.get_app_args.head.is_var && l.ilast.type.get_app_args.head.is_var),
let src := to_string l.ilast.type.erase_annotations.get_app_fn.const_name,
let tgt := to_string tgt.erase_annotations.get_app_fn.const_name,
-- guard (src ≠ tgt),
let E : edge := { source := src, target := tgt, .. I },
return (some (sum.inr E))
else do return none
else do return none
variables {α β : Type*}
def list.remove_none : list (option α) → list α
| [] := []
| (none :: l) := l.remove_none
| (some a :: l) := a :: l.remove_none
def list.split_sum : list (α ⊕ β) → (list α) × (list β)
| [] := ([], [])
| ((sum.inl a) :: l) := let L := l.split_sum in ((a :: L.1), L.2)
| ((sum.inr b) :: l) := let L := l.split_sum in (L.1, (b :: L.2))
/-- prints information about unary classes and forgetful instances in the environment.
It only prints instances and classes that have at most 1 argument
that is not a type-class argument (within square brackets),
and the instances can only be forgetful instances
(where the conclusion is a class applied to a variable) -/
meta def print_content : tactic unit :=
do curr_env ← get_env,
o ← (curr_env.fold [] list.cons).mmap (λ x, parse_decl curr_env x <|> pure none),
let (ns, es) := o.remove_none.split_sum,
trace "{ nodes : \n",
trace (to_string ns),
trace ",\n edges :\n",
trace (to_string es),
trace "}",
meta def test : tactic unit :=
do curr_env ← get_env,
d ← get_decl `comm_monoid.to_comm_semigroup,
trace (to_string d.to_name),
o ← parse_decl curr_env d,
trace (to_string o),
-- run_cmd test
run_cmd print_content
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:44):
See https://gist.github.com/jcommelin/da4a87f4d7d87b6e11e3308b5ba97771 for the output
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:44):
@Bryan Gin-ge Chen Is this the type of json file that you could turn into a nice D3 graph?
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jul 07 2020 at 16:45):
Almost! Just add double quotes around the key names and any string values.
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:46):
Ok, cool! Let me try that.
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:51):
@Bryan Gin-ge Chen Voila: https://gist.github.com/cffe869fe6ba0f154b15d45a2e4a08f2
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jul 07 2020 at 16:54):
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 580 column 11 of the JSON data
. Something is still wrong, let me check...
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:55):
#3307 contains the script that I'm using.
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jul 07 2020 at 16:55):
Ah, line 580 looks like this: "line" : }
. Maybe if there's no line
data you'll want to put null
there? Or just skip the line
field entirely?
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:56):
Aah, there is an empty "line"
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:56):
Hmm, whatever you think is best.
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jul 07 2020 at 16:56):
I haven't been following, what would an empty line mean?
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:57):
meta def pos_line (p : option pos) : string :=
match p with
| some x := to_string x.line
| _ := ""
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:57):
We can turn the ""
into "null"
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jul 07 2020 at 16:57):
Yeah, that would work.
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:58):
I have no idea what it means that p
is none
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:58):
@Bryan Gin-ge Chen https://gist.github.com/6d9da8c35a91cacb4a70d5c390c1d17f
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:59):
Ooh, that's the script
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:59):
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 16:59):
That's updated output
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jul 07 2020 at 17:01):
OK, it parsed! I'll see what I can do later (possibly the weekend). I might prioritize looking at the Live Share stuff first though.
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 17:01):
Ooh, Live Share would be awesome!
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 17:01):
(I still didn't get it to work on my setup, though. Stupid MS sign-in page.)
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 17:12):
I imagine something like https://observablehq.com/@peatroot/interacting-with-directed-acyclic-graphs, where we can hide nodes and edges depending on which topics are selected as "visible".
(I got that link from Bryan, in another thread.)
Floris van Doorn (Jul 07 2020 at 19:25):
Johan Commelin said:
I don't know... it was there in Floris's version
The goal of my script was to only print unary type classes and forgetful instances between them.
These guards were there to filter out instances that did not fall into this category.
The way my script was setup was that failing means the declaration was skipped.
Floris van Doorn (Jul 07 2020 at 19:29):
Is a class like src#is_idempotent a class you want to print in your graph?
Floris van Doorn (Jul 07 2020 at 19:30):
Or an instance like src#nat.has_mod?
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 19:38):
I think I don't really care about those
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 19:39):
I would prefer to get a graph containing things like group
, field
, topological_space
, normed_space
, metric_space
, topological_monoid
, etc...
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 19:39):
But exactly how to characterise those... I dunno
Floris van Doorn (Jul 07 2020 at 19:49):
That's what my script did, and what those guard
expressions did.
I'll modify your script to filter them out.
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 19:50):
To filter what out?
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 19:50):
@Floris van Doorn I think I want basically what your script did. And it seemed that it's what I have now... after Anne debugged it for me.
Floris van Doorn (Jul 07 2020 at 19:51):
But your script also outputs a bunch of "junk", like the class and instance I mentioned above.
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 19:51):
Aha... no idea why it does that
Floris van Doorn (Jul 07 2020 at 19:51):
because you removed those guard
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 19:51):
Ooh, lol... I forgot to uncomment the guards
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 19:52):
This is how it starts after uncommenting them
{ "nodes" :
[{ "name" : "partial_order",
"topic" : "core",
"file" : "core/init/algebra/order.lean",
"line" : 26 }
, { "name" : "has_coe_t_aux",
"topic" : "core",
"file" : "core/init/coe.lean",
"line" : 123 }
, { "name" : "is_cond_left_inv",
"topic" : "core",
"file" : "core/init/algebra/classes.lean",
"line" : 55 }
, { "name" : "is_total",
"topic" : "core",
"file" : "core/init/algebra/classes.lean",
"line" : 95 }
, { "name" : "has_ssubset",
"topic" : "core",
"file" : "core/init/core.lean",
"line" : 340 }
, { "name" : "has_andthen",
"topic" : "core",
"file" : "core/init/core.lean",
"line" : 334 }
, { "name" : "is_cond_right_inv",
"topic" : "core",
"file" : "core/init/algebra/classes.lean",
"line" : 58 }
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 19:53):
Is there a reasonable way to filter out has_coe_t_aux
? Or does is quack too much like a group or a topological monoid?
Floris van Doorn (Jul 07 2020 at 19:53):
It shouldn't be there, since it has two arguments. I think my original script filtered those out.
Floris van Doorn (Jul 07 2020 at 19:54):
Things like has_mul
and the like will of course be printed.
Floris van Doorn (Jul 07 2020 at 19:55):
Just checked, my original script doesn't print has_coe_t_aux
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 19:56):
Ok... I clearly blundered.
Floris van Doorn (Jul 07 2020 at 19:56):
The line
guard (l.tail.all $ λ b, b.info = binder_info.inst_implicit),
was there for both instances and classes, you removed it for classes. You can probably put it back, and it should filter those out.
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 19:58):
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 19:59):
I pushed to the PR
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 20:00):
Output now starts with
{ "nodes" :
[{ "name" : "partial_order",
"topic" : "core",
"file" : "core/init/algebra/order.lean",
"line" : 26 }
, { "name" : "has_ssubset",
"topic" : "core",
"file" : "core/init/core.lean",
"line" : 340 }
, { "name" : "add_comm_group",
"topic" : "algebra",
"file" : "algebra/group/defs.lean",
"line" : 301 }
, { "name" : "add_left_cancel_semigroup",
"topic" : "algebra",
"file" : "algebra/group/defs.lean",
"line" : 106 }
, { "name" : "comm_group",
"topic" : "algebra",
"file" : "algebra/group/defs.lean",
"line" : 298 }
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 20:00):
That looks quite promising.
Floris van Doorn (Jul 07 2020 at 20:08):
If you add guard l.head.type.is_sort
(for both instances and classes), that should filter out things like monad
Johan Commelin (Jul 07 2020 at 20:11):
Aha... I'm not sure if we want that... would it kill too much?
Floris van Doorn (Jul 07 2020 at 20:50):
I don't think so, what class on Type* -> Type*
do you want to include in your graph?
Johan Commelin (Jul 08 2020 at 04:48):
Well, maybe we want to allow all the monad
and functor
etc..., because if you can easily switch them off using the topic
field, why not support them?
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC