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Topic: has_continuous_mul extends has_mul?

Bernd Losert (Dec 21 2021 at 23:34):

How come has_continuous_mul does not extend has_mul?

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 21 2021 at 23:40):


Kevin Buzzard (Dec 21 2021 at 23:41):

it does?

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 21 2021 at 23:41):

I mean, it doesn't extend it, but it asks for has_mul M which is the same thing modulo technical details about maps between classes

Adam Topaz (Dec 21 2021 at 23:42):

Search zulip for the word mixin for more about this design choice.

Eric Wieser (Dec 21 2021 at 23:42):

class has_continuous_mul extends has_mul X would mean "if you write has_continuous_mul X, you get a new multiplication on X". This means if you write [ring X] [has_continuous_mul X] you just got two different multiplication operators, which is unlikely what you wanted to express.

Eric Wieser (Dec 21 2021 at 23:43):

class has_continuous_mul [has_mul X] means "you can't use has_continuous_mul X unless you have a multiplication already".

Bernd Losert (Dec 21 2021 at 23:50):

Ah, I see.

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:07):

I am having trouble getting the following to work:

import tactic
import order.filter.partial
import algebra.support

noncomputable theory
open set filter classical
open_locale classical filter

variables {X Y : Type*}

structure convergence_space (X : Type*) :=
(converges : filter X  X  Prop)

attribute [class] convergence_space

open convergence_space

instance [p : convergence_space X] [q : convergence_space Y] : convergence_space (X × Y) := sorry
instance [p : convergence_space X] : convergence_space (option X) := sorry

structure continuous [p : convergence_space X] [q : convergence_space Y] (f : X  Y) : Prop :=
(filter_converges :  {x} {}, p.converges  x  q.converges (map f ) (f x))

class has_continuous_mul (X : Type*) [convergence_space X] [has_mul X] : Prop :=
(continuous_mul : continuous (λ p : X × X, p.1 * p.2))

class has_continuous_smul (S X : Type*) [has_scalar S X] [convergence_space S] [convergence_space X] : Prop :=
(continuous_smul : continuous (λ p : S × X, p.1  p.2))

class convergence_group (G : Type*) [convergence_space G] [group G] extends has_continuous_mul G : Prop :=
(continuous_inv : continuous (has_inv.inv : G  G))

class partial_group_action (G X : Type*) [group G] :=
(α : G × option X -> option X)

open partial_group_action

class continuous_partial_group_action (G X : Type*) [convergence_group G] [partial_group_action G X] [convergence_space X] :=
(continuity : continuous α) -- COMPLAINS that it can't find instance of convergence_space G

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:09):

That's precisely because your convergence_group is a mixin.....

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:10):

import tactic
import order.filter.partial
import algebra.support

noncomputable theory
open set filter classical
open_locale classical filter

variables {X Y : Type*}

structure convergence_space (X : Type*) :=
(converges : filter X  X  Prop)

attribute [class] convergence_space

open convergence_space

instance [p : convergence_space X] [q : convergence_space Y] : convergence_space (X × Y) := sorry
instance [p : convergence_space X] : convergence_space (option X) := sorry

structure continuous [p : convergence_space X] [q : convergence_space Y] (f : X  Y) : Prop :=
(filter_converges :  {x} {}, p.converges  x  q.converges (map f ) (f x))

class has_continuous_mul (X : Type*) [convergence_space X] [has_mul X] : Prop :=
(continuous_mul : continuous (λ p : X × X, p.1 * p.2))

class has_continuous_smul (S X : Type*) [has_scalar S X] [convergence_space S] [convergence_space X] : Prop :=
(continuous_smul : continuous (λ p : S × X, p.1  p.2))

class convergence_group (G : Type*) [convergence_space G] [group G] extends has_continuous_mul G : Prop :=
(continuous_inv : continuous (has_inv.inv : G  G))

class partial_group_action (G X : Type*) [group G] :=
(α : G × option X -> option X)

open partial_group_action

class continuous_partial_group_action (G X : Type*) [convergence_space G] [group G]
  [convergence_group G] [partial_group_action G X] [convergence_space X] :=
(continuity : continuous (partial_group_action.α : G × _  option X)) -- COMPLAINS that it can't find instance of convergence_space G

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:10):

You should also fix your partial_group_action class, so that you can actually use \alpha instead of giving the type signature..

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:15):

So you're saying that I should NOT make convergence_group a mixin? I was copying what topological_group does.

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:15):

No, I'm saying that you were missing some assumptions

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:15):

BTW, why are you defining a partial_group_action class? Can't you just use mul_action G (option X)?

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:15):

Ah, so those assumptions are not "brought into scope" from using convergence_group G?

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:16):

Exactly, this is the main distinction when compared with class ..... extends ...

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:17):

Like Eric said above, if you want to have a ring with a continuous multiplication, you would need to write [ring A] [has_continuous_mul A].

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:17):

Adam Topaz said:

BTW, why are you defining a partial_group_action class? Can't you just use mul_action G (option X)?

I still need the class for extra properties not shown in the toy code here. I guess I could extend it?

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:18):

If [has_continuous_mul A] gave you a has_mul instance, then you would have two competing multiplciations, one from the continuous mul and one from the ring, and that's not what you want.

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:18):


Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:18):

Isn't a partial group action just an action of G on option X, or is that not what you are claiming?

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:19):

Well, there's more to it. For example, forall g, alpha(g, nothing) = nothing.

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:19):

oh right..

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:20):

Thanks again.

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:20):

hmm... maybe there is a way to avoid making a new definition for this...

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:21):

Do we have a typeclass for a multiplicative action on a pointed type which respects the distinguished point @Eric Wieser ?

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:22):

Adam Topaz said:

You should also fix your partial_group_action class, so that you can actually use \alpha instead of giving the type signature..

Why does this cause problems?

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:23):

It doesn't cause problems per se, but why should you make a new definition with all the associated API if you can just use something off the shelf?

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:23):

No, I meant this fix:

(continuity : continuous (partial_group_action.α : G × _  option X))

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:23):

Oh I see....

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:23):

Why can't I just write continuous alpha?

Yaël Dillies (Dec 22 2021 at 00:24):

Adam Topaz said:

Do we have a typeclass for a multiplicative action on a pointed type which respects the distinguished point Eric Wieser ?

Sounds like (half of) a monoid_with_zero_action, if that exists?

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:24):

Again, this is because you're using the field from a class -- we had a similar discussion about your convergence_space.converges, remember?

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:24):

Yeah, but I made it a class, not a structure.

Yaël Dillies (Dec 22 2021 at 00:25):

A class is a structure!

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:25):

True, but there's a difference between making a structure and then adding the class attribute to it and just using class.

Yaël Dillies (Dec 22 2021 at 00:26):

I think the only difference is the implicitness of field arguments.

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:26):

If I use [act : partial_group_action G X] and then write act.α, it works.

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:27):

It's as if Lean can't figure out where alpha is coming from.

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:27):

But this is the same issue as writing p.converges for [p : convergence_space X].

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:28):

Again, this is like writing g.to_has_mul.mul x y instead of x * y when [g : group G].

Yaël Dillies (Dec 22 2021 at 00:28):

To your discharge, understanding how to pass around arguments idiomatically is pretty hard. Welcome to the steep learning curve :wink:

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:29):

Well, there seems to be some confusion on my part as to when instance arguments require something to the left of : and when not.

Yaël Dillies (Dec 22 2021 at 00:31):

They should almost never. But I think you're hitting the "almost" with your instances on your structures.

Eric Wieser (Dec 22 2021 at 00:31):

Adam Topaz said:

Do we have a typeclass for a multiplicative action on a pointed type which respects the distinguished point Eric Wieser ?

I'm afraid I can't decode this meaningully!

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:32):

If M is a monoid and X is a pointed type with distinguished point * : X, (which might be called 0 ;)), do we have a typeclass for an action of M on X such that m \bu * = * for all m?

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:33):

Yaël Dillies said:

They should almost never. But I think you're hitting the "almost" with your instances on your structures.

So you're saying that the confusion Lean has regarding continuous α has to do with the fact that I defined convergence_space as a structure with a class attribute afterwards?

Yaël Dillies (Dec 22 2021 at 00:33):

Probably, we can restrict to X := option α or with_zero α for now.

Yaël Dillies (Dec 22 2021 at 00:33):

No, I meant that you're doing the rare bit of the API where you need to dig the structures ugly.

Eric Wieser (Dec 22 2021 at 00:34):

So a typeclass with only docs#smul_zero / docs#smul_zero'?

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:35):


Eric Wieser (Dec 22 2021 at 00:35):

The fact that I have two links for the same statement there indicates we do not have that generalization

Eric Wieser (Dec 22 2021 at 00:35):

Either you also need to assume docs#zero_smul or docs#smul_add alongside smul_zero

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:36):

Ah, so you could take a docs#smul_with_zero of with_zero M on X

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:36):

Consider this code:

import tactic
import order.filter.partial
import algebra.support

noncomputable theory
open set filter classical
open_locale classical filter

variables {X Y : Type*}

class partial_group_action (G X : Type*) [group G] :=
(α : G × option X -> option X)

open partial_group_action

def foo {G X : Type*} [group G] [partial_group_action G X] (g : G) (x : X) : X :=
α (g, x)

I'm not doing anything fancy here, yet it still complains.

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:37):

Oops. Nevermind.

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:37):

Forgot the option part. But that works without a problem regarding α.

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:38):

import tactic
import order.filter.partial
import algebra.support

noncomputable theory
open set filter classical
open_locale classical filter

variables {X Y : Type*}

class partial_group_action (G X : Type*) [group G] :=
(α : G × option X -> option X)

open partial_group_action

def foo {G X : Type*} [group G] [partial_group_action G X] (g : G) (x : X) : option X :=
α (g, some x)

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:38):

Yep. And I didn't have to qualify where alpha came from in this example.

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:38):


Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:39):

That's because you gave it an input of (g, some x), so lean then knows that it's supposed to look for an α\alpha which takes an input of type G \x option X, and it is then able to find the typclass instance.

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:41):

So you're saying if I just use a naked alpha (i.e. with no arguments), it can't figure out which instance to use?

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:41):

Yeah, exactly.

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:42):

Because there could a priori be partial_group_actions for many different types.

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:42):

I see. I guess I was hoping it would use the "obvious to me" one.

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:42):

It's like writing (*). This is the function has_mul.mul, but lean has no way of knowing what type this multiplciation is defined on withyout further hints.

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:43):

That settles that matter. Thanks a bunch.

Adam Topaz (Dec 22 2021 at 00:43):

No worries. Typeclasses take some time to get used to.

Bernd Losert (Dec 22 2021 at 00:44):

I'm used to type classes in Haskell and Agda. Lean seems to have more gotchas than I expected.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC