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Topic: hcongr_fun

Bhavik Mehta (Jun 19 2020 at 17:04):

Here's my example; I struggled to minimise it but I got a version which only depends on mathlib, so: https://gist.github.com/b-mehta/6853a5d1ec83c33f9b7181532fa445c8. I think I'd like some sort of hcongr_fun, where I have a heq of functions (or really, pi types) and I can apply to one argument. Alternatively I could use heq_iff_eq but by equality of types is in scope and I can't subst it

Bhavik Mehta (Jun 19 2020 at 17:05):

Essentially I'm struggling with using these sigma types and help would be appreciated!

Chris Hughes (Jun 19 2020 at 18:33):

One way to deal with this is to extract your goal into a lemma, but replace some of the complicated types involved with variables. In this case the types are probably Y and (w.a ((w.a a).snd Y.unop f.unop)).fst, which should be replaced with Y and X in some extracted lemma which can then be applied to your goal. The extracted lemma will be easier to prove because subst (h : X = Y) will work. It's probably better to change something earlier in your proof, but I'd need to understand the category theory library to know how.

Bhavik Mehta (Jun 19 2020 at 18:46):

I see what you mean, I'll try

Chris Hughes (Jun 19 2020 at 19:01):

I got pretty close. For some reason I can't use heq_eq_to_hom

lemma blah {α α' : Sort*} {β : α  Sort*} {β' : α'  Sort*} {γ : Sort*}
  {f : Π a, β a  γ} {f' : Π a, β' a  γ} {a : α} {a' : α'} {b : β a} {b' : β' a'}
  (hf : f == f')
  ( : α = α') ( : β == β') (ha : a == a') (hb : b == b') :
  f a b = f' a' b' :=
by { subst α, simp at *, subst β, subst ha, simp at *, subst f, subst b }

lemma heq_eq_to_hom {X Y Z : C} (hYZ : Y = Z) (g : X  Y) : g == g  eq_to_hom hYZ :=
by subst hYZ; simp [eq_to_hom]

def coalgebra_to_presheaf : coalgebra (W C)  Cᵒᵖ  Type u :=
{ obj := λ w,
  { obj := λ X, {i : _ // (w.a i).1 = X},
    map := λ X Y f a,
      refine ⟨_, _⟩,
      apply (w.a a.1).2 _ (f.unop  eq_to_hom sorry),
      have t := congr_fun w.coassoc a.1,
      dsimp [comonad.δ, W] at t,
      injection t with t₁ t₂,
      rw heq_iff_eq at t₂,
      replace t₂ := congr_fun t₂ Y.unop,
      replace t₂ := congr_fun t₂ (f.unop  eq_to_hom sorry),
      replace t₂ := congr_arg sigma.fst t₂,
      apply t₂.symm
    map_id' := λ X,
      ext1 a, ha,
      congr' 1,
      cases ha,
      rw id_comp,
      exact congr_fun w.counit a,
    map_comp' := λ X Y Z f g,
      ext1 a, ha,
      subst ha,
      rw comp_id,
      rw comp_id,
      congr' 1,
      have t := congr_fun w.coassoc a,
      dsimp [comonad.δ, W] at t,
      injection t with t₁ t₂,
      rw heq_iff_eq at t₂,
      replace t₂ := congr_fun t₂ Y.unop,
      replace t₂ := congr_fun t₂ f.unop,
      dsimp at t₂,
      rw  sigma.eta (w.a ((w.a a).snd Y.unop f.unop)) at t₂,

      have := sigma.mk.inj t₂,
      rcases this with t₃, t₄,
      refine blah t₄ rfl (heq_of_eq (by conv_lhs { rw t₃ })) (heq.refl _) _,

      -- by using t₄, we get the result pretty easily



Chris Hughes (Jun 19 2020 at 19:04):

If I make it a lemma then I can apply heq_eq_to_hom

Bhavik Mehta (Jun 19 2020 at 19:14):

Your blah looks like the sort of hcongr_pi I thought should already exist

Chris Hughes (Jun 19 2020 at 19:16):

I think it's probably worth having these lemmas. But it's also probably a sign of a bad interface that they're needed, and I imagine the best way of doing it would be to extract some category theory lemmas that don't mention heq anywhere.

Bhavik Mehta (Jun 19 2020 at 19:29):

I think the use of heq here isn't due to category theory at all though - it's due to the sigma type in W

Chris Hughes (Jun 19 2020 at 19:44):

Is W something to do with W types?

Bhavik Mehta (Jun 19 2020 at 19:45):

Not particularly, it's unimaginatively called that because people sometimes use W for comonads :P

Bhavik Mehta (Jun 19 2020 at 19:47):

Or at least - I don't know of any connection between that W and W types

Bhavik Mehta (Jun 19 2020 at 19:51):

Actually I think it might be possible to get to a similar point with the heq without any category theory whatsoever

Chris Hughes (Jun 19 2020 at 19:51):

There might be some lemmas about W you could extract, I'm not really sure.

Bhavik Mehta (Jun 19 2020 at 19:58):

Chris Hughes said:

If I make it a lemma then I can apply heq_eq_to_hom

I'm not entirely sure what you meant here - your proof works for me!

Bhavik Mehta (Jun 19 2020 at 19:59):

I just had to pull the obj field out - which I'd done in the meantime anyway - and it works perfectly, thanks :)

Mario Carneiro (Jun 19 2020 at 21:07):

Bhavik Mehta said:

Not particularly, it's unimaginatively called that because people sometimes use W for comonads :P

Amusingly, the coinductive version of W types are called M types. Great minds think alike :upside_down:

Mario Carneiro (Jun 19 2020 at 21:07):

I believe the W in W-type stands for well-founded tree

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 19 2020 at 21:42):

I thought it was going to be Mario and Wario

Bhavik Mehta (Jun 20 2020 at 19:03):

Next time I need a variable name for a monad or comonad I'm definitely using mario or wario

Jannis Limperg (Jun 21 2020 at 22:11):

blah is essentially a characterisation of equality of sigmas:

universes u v

lemma eq_sigma {α : Sort u} {β : α  Sort v} (a a' : α) (b : β a) (b' : β a')
  : (psigma.mk a b = psigma.mk a' b')  (a = a'  b == b') :=
    split; intro h; cases h; cc

If you find yourself equating dependent structures more often, I would prove the equivalent of this lemma for each structure (should be automatable in theory) and use that.

We can also play this game without heterogeneous equality, but this doesn't really improve anything (in Lean). It does bring out a nice symmetry: equality of sigmas is a sigma of equalities.

structure relevant_iff (α : Sort u) (β : Sort v) : Sort* :=
(forward : α  β)
(backward : β  α)

inductive relevant_eq {α : Sort u} (a : α) : α  Sort u
| refl [] : relevant_eq a

lemma eq_sigma' {α : Sort u} {β : α  Sort v} (a a' : α) (b : β a) (b' : β a')
  : relevant_iff
      (psigma.mk a b = psigma.mk a' b')
      (Σ' (eqa : relevant_eq a a'), @relevant_eq.rec _ _ (λ a _, β a) b _ eqa = b') :=
    split; intro h; cases h,
    { exact psigma.mk (@relevant_eq.refl α a) rfl },
    { cases h_fst, cases h_snd, refl }

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC