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Topic: induction with generalize
Sarah Mameche (Nov 16 2018 at 22:40):
Hi, I want to do induction over the following predicate types
inductive types : Π {m}, (fin m → type) → tm m → type → Prop (...)
The predicate expresses Γ ⊢ x : A
, where the typing context Γ
is a function (fin m→ type)
, and expression x
has type tm m
(but I think the details are not important). My induction is over the empty context:
definition empty_ctx : fin 0 → type := λ (x : Fin 0), match x with end
Here's the lemma:
lemma preservation (A : type) (e₁ : tm 0) : types empty_ctx e₁ A → forall e₂, e₁ › e₂ → types empty_ctx e₂ A := begin intros H₁ e H₂, induction H₁ (...)
This gives the following error:
[check] application type mismatch at types ∅ argument type Fin 0 → type expected type Fin _x → type`induction with generalize
In Coq, the induction works. I assume Lean is more strict about generalizing numbers before doing an induction? I'm not sure about how to generalize in this case, as 0 appears in the type of the empty context. So the standard way of adding an assumption h : X = empty_ctx
and substituting X doesn't work because X again has type fin 0 → type
. Could you give me some details or tell me if I'm on the wrong track?
Kenny Lau (Nov 16 2018 at 22:41):
what is Fin
Kenny Lau (Nov 16 2018 at 22:42):
could you provide an MWE?
Sarah Mameche (Nov 16 2018 at 22:49):
def Fin : nat → Type | 0 := empty | (n+1) := option (Fin n)
inductive tm : nat -> Type | var_tm : Π {ntm : nat}, Fin ntm -> tm ntm | app : Π {ntm : nat}, tm ntm -> tm ntm -> tm ntm | lam : Π {ntm : nat}, tm (nat.succ ntm) -> tm ntm open tm
inductive type : Type | tint : type | tarrow : type → type → type open type
inductive types : Π {m}, (Fin m → type) → tm m → type → Prop | tvar {m} Γ (x : Fin m) : types Γ (var_tm x) (Γ x) | tapp {m} Γ (e₁ : tm m) e₂ (A B) : types Γ e₁ (tarrow A B) → types Γ e₂ A → types Γ (app e₁ e₂) B --| tlam {m} Γ (e : tm (nat.succ m)) (A B) : types (@scons _ m A Γ) e B → types Γ (lam e) (tarrow A B) requires some more definitions
definition empty_ctx : Fin 0 → type := λ (x : Fin 0), match x with end
def step {n} (t t' : tm n) := tt. --(..)
lemma preservation (A : type) (e₁ : tm 0) : types empty_ctx e₁ A → forall e₂, step e₁ e₂ → types empty_ctx e₂ A := begin intros H₁ e H₂, induction H₁
Reid Barton (Nov 16 2018 at 23:03):
I'm not sure how to do it with induction, but I would probably try using the equation compiler
Chris Hughes (Nov 16 2018 at 23:04):
Changing the definition of types
to this works.
inductive types {m : ℕ} : (Fin m → type) → tm m → type → Prop | tvar Γ (x : Fin m) : types Γ (var_tm x) (Γ x) | tapp Γ (e₁ : tm m) e₂ (A B) : types Γ e₁ (A ⤏ B) → types Γ e₂ A → types Γ (app e₁ e₂) B
Reid Barton (Nov 16 2018 at 23:07):
but that won't work for tlam
, which increases the size of the context
Chris Hughes (Nov 16 2018 at 23:07):
I see.
Chris Hughes (Nov 16 2018 at 23:20):
destruct H\1
also works.
Chris Hughes (Nov 16 2018 at 23:22):
Although I don't think that gives the goal you want. It didn't choose a very good motive.
Chris Hughes (Nov 16 2018 at 23:23):
This is a nasty method that hopefully does get the right goal at least
lemma preservation (A : type) {n} (ctx : Fin n → type) (e₁ : tm 0) : types empty_ctx e₁ A → forall e₂, step e₁ e₂ → types empty_ctx e₂ A := λ H₁, @types.rec_on (λ m ctx e₁ t, m = 0 → ctx == empty_ctx → ∀ e₂ : tm m, step e₁ e₂ → types ctx e₂ A) 0 empty_ctx e₁ A H₁ begin intros m Γ _ hm hΓ, subst hm, have := eq_of_heq hΓ, subst this, end sorry rfl (heq.refl _)
Mario Carneiro (Nov 17 2018 at 02:30):
here are a few more options:
lemma preservation (A : type) (e₁ : tm 0) (H₁ : types empty_ctx e₁ A) (e₂) (H₂ : step e₁ e₂) : types empty_ctx e₂ A := begin revert e₁ e₂, generalize : empty_ctx = ctx, revert ctx, generalize h : 0 = n, intros, induction H₁ generalizing h; subst h, { cases H₁_x }, { sorry } end lemma preservation' (A : type) : ∀ (e₁ : tm 0), types empty_ctx e₁ A → ∀ e₂, step e₁ e₂ → types empty_ctx e₂ A := suffices ∀ {n}, n = 0 → ∀ {ctx} (e₁ : tm n), types ctx e₁ A → ∀ e₂, step e₁ e₂ → types ctx e₂ A, from this rfl, begin introv h H₁ H₂, induction H₁ generalizing h; subst h, { cases H₁_x }, { sorry } end
Mario Carneiro (Nov 17 2018 at 02:31):
in this case it doesn't matter that you have empty_ctx
since it's unique anyway
Sarah Mameche (Nov 17 2018 at 07:59):
Great, thanks!
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC