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Topic: inductive sets and cardinality
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 16:06):
I have an inductive set that’s roughly built up like this
- It includes all ordinals less than Aleph n
- It includes sums of ordinals in the set
- It includes applications of some ordinal function to values in the set
I want to prove that the minimum excluded value of this set is strictly smaller than Aleph (n + 1). The way I’m thinking to do this is by induction on the “height” of an element of the set; at each step I have Aleph n ordinals, and after countably many steps I will still. I’m pretty much lost on what the best way to do this in Lean is, though.
Reid Barton (Dec 11 2021 at 16:08):
Does "sums" mean binary/finite sums?
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 16:09):
Yep (I used binary sums for simplicity)
Reid Barton (Dec 11 2021 at 16:17):
so something like this?
import set_theory.cardinal_ordinal
universe u
variables (n : ℕ) (f : ordinal.{u} → ordinal.{u})
inductive S : ordinal.{u} → Prop
| low : ∀ o, o < (cardinal.aleph n).ord → S o
| add : ∀ o o', S o → S o' → S (o + o')
| app : ∀ o, S o → S (f o)
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 16:17):
Yeah, that’s pretty much it
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 16:18):
I’m thinking… if I were given some injection from sets of “height” k to Aleph n, I could build an injection from sets of height k + 1 to (Aleph n x Aleph n) + Aleph n, which should then allow me to build an injection from those sets to Aleph n. So overall, I should have an injection from all of these sets to N.card x Aleph n which should then inject into Aleph n as well. Is this the right approach for problems like these?
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 16:19):
Not sure if I should phrase things in terms of injections, or just in terms of cardinalities
Reid Barton (Dec 11 2021 at 16:32):
So the general strategy that I use for this is to introduce an auxiliary inductive type which indexes the possible "shapes" of the terms of S
(which for some reason I call time
) and another inductive type which is parameterized by it:
import set_theory.cardinal_ordinal
universe u
variables (n : ℕ) (f : ordinal.{u} → ordinal.{u})
inductive S : ordinal.{u} → Prop
| low : ∀ o, o < (cardinal.aleph n).ord → S o
| add : ∀ o o', S o → S o' → S (o + o')
| app : ∀ o, S o → S (f o)
inductive time
| t_low : time
| t_add : time → time → time
| t_app : time → time
open time
lemma countable_time : cardinal.mk time = cardinal.omega := sorry
inductive timed_S : ordinal.{u} → time → Type (u+1)
| low : ∀ o, o < (cardinal.aleph n).ord → timed_S o t_low
| add : ∀ o t o' t', timed_S o t → timed_S o' t' → timed_S (o + o') (t_add t t')
| app : ∀ o t, timed_S o t → timed_S (f o) (t_app t)
lemma exists_time (o : ordinal.{u}) (h : S n f o) : ∃ t, nonempty (timed_S n f o t) :=
induction h,
{ refine ⟨t_low, ⟨timed_S.low _ _⟩⟩, assumption },
{ sorry },
{ sorry }
lemma timed_small (t : time) : cardinal.mk (Σ o, timed_S n f o t) < cardinal.aleph (n+1) :=
induction t with t₁ t₂ h₁ h₂ t' h',
{ sorry },
{ let F :
(Σ (o : ordinal), timed_S n f o t₁) × (Σ (o : ordinal), timed_S n f o t₂) →
(Σ (o : ordinal), timed_S n f o (t_add t₁ t₂)) :=
λ ⟨⟨o, s⟩, ⟨o', s'⟩⟩, ⟨o + o', timed_S.add o t₁ o' t₂ s s'⟩,
have : function.surjective F,
{ rintro ⟨_, s⟩,
cases s with _ _ o t₁ o' t₂ s₁ s₂,
exact ⟨(⟨o, s₁⟩, ⟨o', s₂⟩), rfl⟩ },
refine lt_of_le_of_lt (cardinal.mk_le_of_surjective this) _,
sorry },
{ sorry }
Reid Barton (Dec 11 2021 at 16:35):
Then, by combining these lemmas, you get a surjection from something whose cardinality you can bound by aleph (n+1)
to {o | S n f o}
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 16:35):
Wait, small question regarding induction h
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 16:35):
Why doesn't cases h
Reid Barton (Dec 11 2021 at 16:36):
In the other cases, you will need the induction hypothesis to know that you can build the constituent S
s as timed_S
Reid Barton (Dec 11 2021 at 16:37):
It might end up being that proving countable_time
is the most annoying part, in which case I didn't improve much on what you were already suggesting...
Reid Barton (Dec 11 2021 at 16:43):
So I guess a variant that combines both is to replace time
by nat
and timed_S
inductive timed_S' : ordinal.{u} → ℕ → Type (u+1)
| low : ∀ o, o < (cardinal.aleph n).ord → timed_S' o 0
| add : ∀ o t o' t' t'', timed_S' o t → timed_S' o' t' → t < t'' → t' < t'' → timed_S' (o + o') t''
| app : ∀ o t t', timed_S' o t → t < t' → timed_S' (f o) t'
(there's no real need to generate each element exactly once) and use strong induction to prove timed_small
, with more complicated F
& cardinal arithmetic there
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 17:07):
This is a bit off-topic, but are there any statements about additive principal ordinals? I'm stuck proving a statement of the form a < (cardinal.aleph n).ord → b < (cardinal.aleph n).ord → a + b < (cardinal.aleph n).ord
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 17:16):
The lemmas α < omega ^ γ → β < omega ^ γ → α + β < omega ^ γ
and (cardinal.aleph n).ord = omega ^ (cardinal.aleph n).ord
would suffice for this, but I don't think either of them exist...
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 17:20):
The first of these lemmas should be provable by building the Cantor Normal Form of α
and β
. Not sure how I'd tackle the second.
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 17:20):
Ah, found ordinal.add_lt_omega_power
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 17:33):
I have no idea how to prove the second part though :pensive:
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 17:35):
I believe the lemma α < ℵ_n → ω ^ α < ℵ_n
should do it, after that I could just use the definition of ordinal exponentiation
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 17:39):
(in fact, this lemma should generalize to α < ℵ_n → β < ℵ_n → α ^ β < ℵ_n
, which would then allow one to prove α < ℵ_n → α ^ ℵ_n = ℵ_n
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 18:46):
...I have yet another question pertaining to ordinals. Can I prove (cardinal.aleph.{u} n).lift = cardinal.aleph.{u+1} n
for n : ℕ
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 18:47):
(or more generally, cardinal.aleph (α.lift) = (cardinal.aleph α).lift
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 11 2021 at 18:54):
Is it definitely true? I'm serious.
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 11 2021 at 18:55):
I somehow imagine that changing your universe of sets can screw up cardinals. But I might be way off.
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 11 2021 at 18:56):
I'm not even sure if I believe an inequality. But I might just be being paranoid.
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 19:12):
I have no idea, but if it isn't true, there goes the last hour of my life :sob:
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 19:12):
There's a lot of lift lemmas for ordinals, so I'm at least hopeful
Violeta Hernández (Dec 11 2021 at 19:13):
In the best case scenario, this would be true:
theorem cardinal.aleph_lift (α : ordinal.{u}) :
cardinal.aleph (ordinal.lift.{max v u} α) = cardinal.lift.{max v u} (cardinal.aleph.{u} α) :=
Mario Carneiro (Dec 12 2021 at 22:43):
that theorem should be true
Mario Carneiro (Dec 12 2021 at 22:44):
Actually you can generalize it to
theorem cardinal.aleph_lift (α : ordinal.{u}) :
cardinal.aleph (ordinal.lift.{v} α) = cardinal.lift.{v} (cardinal.aleph.{u} α) :=
Mario Carneiro (Dec 12 2021 at 22:46):
The stuff about α < ℵ_n → ω ^ α < ℵ_n
should generalize to a class of ordinals, I think they are called additive indecomposable ordinals
Reid Barton (Dec 13 2021 at 04:04):
Violeta Hernández said:
This is a bit off-topic, but are there any statements about additive principal ordinals? I'm stuck proving a statement of the form
a < (cardinal.aleph n).ord → b < (cardinal.aleph n).ord → a + b < (cardinal.aleph n).ord
Isn't a < x.ord
equivalent to a.card < x
? (Since x.ord
is the smallest ordinal with cardinal x
Then it transposes to a more basic fact about the sum of infinite cardinals right?
Reid Barton (Dec 13 2021 at 04:05):
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 13 2021 at 09:28):
ord and card form a Galois insertion or coinsertion I guess.
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 13 2021 at 12:34):
coincidentally, https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/116290-rss/topic/Recent.20Commits.20to.20mathlib.3Amaster/near/264693273
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC