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Topic: interface for dite

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 08:31):

noncomputable def succ (C : set (set α)) : set (set α) :=
if H :  A, A  (hat S C) \ C then insert (classical.some H) C else C

@[elab_as_eliminator] noncomputable def succ.rec {C : set (set α)  set (set α)  Sort*}
  (H1 :  t,  A  (hat S t) \ t, C t (insert (classical.some (A, H :  A, A  (hat S t) \ t)) t))
  (H2 :  t, ( A  (hat S t) \ t, false)  C t t)
  (t : set (set α)) : C t (succ S t) :=
if H :  A, A  (hat S t) \ t then
  have succ S t = insert (classical.some H) t, from dif_pos H,
  eq.drec_on this.symm $ H1 _ (classical.some H) (classical.some_spec H)
  have succ S t = t, from dif_neg H,
  eq.drec_on this.symm $ H2 t $ λ A h, H A, h

@[elab_as_eliminator] noncomputable def succ.rec_on {C : set (set α)  set (set α)  Sort*}
  (t : set (set α))
  (H1 :  t,  A  (hat S t) \ t, C t (insert (classical.some (A, H :  A, A  (hat S t) \ t)) t))
  (H2 :  t, ( A  (hat S t) \ t, false)  C t t) :
  C t (succ S t) :=
succ.rec S H1 H2 t

theorem succ.subset (C : set (set α)) : C  succ S C :=
succ.rec_on S C
  (λ t A H, show t  insert (classical.some _) t, from λ z, or.inr)
  (λ t H z, id)

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 08:33):

noncomputable def succ (C : set (set α)) : set (set α) :=
if H :  A, A  (hat S C) \ C then insert (classical.some H) C else C

@[elab_as_eliminator] noncomputable def succ.rec {C : set (set α)  set (set α)  Sort*}
  (H1 :  t,  A  (hat S t) \ t, C t (insert A t))
  (H2 :  t, ( A  (hat S t) \ t, false)  C t t)
  (t : set (set α)) : C t (succ S t) :=
if H :  A, A  (hat S t) \ t then
  have succ S t = insert (classical.some H) t, from dif_pos H,
  eq.drec_on this.symm $ H1 _ (classical.some H) (classical.some_spec H)
  have succ S t = t, from dif_neg H,
  eq.drec_on this.symm $ H2 t $ λ A h, H A, h

@[elab_as_eliminator] noncomputable def succ.rec_on {C : set (set α)  set (set α)  Sort*}
  (t : set (set α))
  (H1 :  t,  A  (hat S t) \ t, C t (insert A t))
  (H2 :  t, ( A  (hat S t) \ t, false)  C t t) :
  C t (succ S t) :=
succ.rec S H1 H2 t

theorem succ.subset (C : set (set α)) : C  succ S C :=
succ.rec_on S C
  (λ t A H, show t  insert A t, from λ z, or.inr)
  (λ t H z, id)

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 08:33):

which one is better?

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 08:40):

why does elaborator fail for this one?

type mismatch, term
  succ.rec_on S C ?m_2 ?m_3
has type
  ?m_1 C (succ S C) : Sort ?
but is expected to have type
  is_chain C  is_chain (succ S C) : Prop

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 14:07):

dite stinks and I would strongly encourage you to work on this until it stinks less.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 14:08):

dite is such a normal thing coming from procedural languages

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 14:08):

and it's so hard to eliminate

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 14:08):

I did write an interface

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 14:08):

I know

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 14:08):

but the elaborator fails lol

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC