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Topic: is this in mathlib?
Scott Morrison (Mar 06 2020 at 04:40):
@[simp] lemma set.Union_range {α : Sort*} {β : Sort*} {γ : Sort*} (f : α → β) (g : β → set γ) : (⋃(b : β)(H : b ∈ range f), g b) = (⋃(a : α), g (f a)) := ...
exist in mathlib?
Scott Morrison (Mar 06 2020 at 04:42):
Relatedly, I want to add the following to measurable_space.lean
@[simp] theorem is_measurable_sup {m₁ m₂ : measurable_space α} {s : set α} : @is_measurable _ (m₁ ⊔ m₂) s ↔ generate_measurable (m₁.is_measurable ∪ m₂.is_measurable) s := ... @[simp] theorem is_measurable_Sup {ms : set (measurable_space α)} {s : set α} : @is_measurable _ (Sup ms) s ↔ generate_measurable (⋃₀ (measurable_space.is_measurable '' ms)) s := ... @[simp] theorem is_measurable_supr {ι} {m : ι → measurable_space α} {s : set α} : @is_measurable _ (supr m) s ↔ generate_measurable (⋃i, (m i).is_measurable) s := ...
Do they seem reasonable? Or are lemmas that expose generate_measurable
morally wrong for some reason?
Yury G. Kudryashov (Mar 06 2020 at 04:43):
Please enable syntax highlighting. Look at set.bUnion_range
Yury G. Kudryashov (Mar 06 2020 at 04:43):
in data/set/lattice
Scott Morrison (Mar 06 2020 at 04:46):
Thanks. I will experiment to see if it can be given @[simp]
Scott Morrison (Mar 06 2020 at 04:47):
(I should remember to try library_search
. :-)
Yury G. Kudryashov (Mar 06 2020 at 04:53):
Probably mem_range
will come earlier.
Scott Morrison (Mar 06 2020 at 04:53):
What do you mean "come earlier"?
Yury G. Kudryashov (Mar 06 2020 at 04:54):
works inside out, so it will first try to rewrite b ∈ range f
Yury G. Kudryashov (Mar 06 2020 at 04:55):
Though I'm not sure if simp
can simplify inside binders.
Scott Morrison (Mar 06 2020 at 04:58):
Seems not. (Also: the linter that complains about LHS of simp lemmas not in simp-normal form doesn't complain.)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC