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Stream: general

Topic: lean in beamer

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 15 2020 at 18:47):

Should I be able to get the lstlean.tex stuff working in a frame in beamer? Has anyone managed to do this -- I could just be being incompetent. lstinline works for me but begin/end{lstlisting} do not.

Reid Barton (Oct 15 2020 at 18:50):

just guessing, but are you using [fragile]?

Patrick Massot (Oct 15 2020 at 19:19):

More information on Reid's answer: you need begin{frame}[fragile] at the beginning of each frame containing code.

Patrick Massot (Oct 15 2020 at 19:19):

I can send you a working example if needed.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 15 2020 at 20:37):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC