Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: general

Topic: leanpkg upgrade

Patrick Massot (Sep 13 2018 at 19:04):

It seems leanpkg upgrade doesn't want to upgrade mathlib past 120635628368ec261e031cefc6d30e0304088b03 Is someone else seeing this?

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 13 2018 at 19:04):

Is your Lean 3.4.1?

Patrick Massot (Sep 13 2018 at 19:04):


Kevin Buzzard (Sep 13 2018 at 19:04):

then I think it upgrades to mathlib branch 3.4.1

Patrick Massot (Sep 13 2018 at 19:05):


Patrick Massot (Sep 13 2018 at 19:05):

things would be much worse then

Reid Barton (Sep 13 2018 at 19:05):

maybe your upstream is leanprover-community, that one is still at the commit you mention

Patrick Massot (Sep 13 2018 at 19:06):


Patrick Massot (Sep 13 2018 at 19:06):

That's silly

Patrick Massot (Sep 13 2018 at 19:06):

Someone messed up

Patrick Massot (Sep 13 2018 at 19:07):

I took the opportunity to update community mathlib

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC