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Topic: let in structure

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 03:47):

structure foo :=
let bar :=  in
(3 : bar)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 03:47):

doesn't work

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 03:47):

moans about the let

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 03:47):

Am I doomed to write power_bounded_elements R throughout this entire definition?

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 03:48):

well, we can make some notation for it, right?

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 03:50):

Isn't double-superscript-circ common for this?

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 03:53):

aah here notation will solve my problem

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 03:53):


Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 03:53):

oh I have to leave the stupid gap

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 03:54):

R R\ {}^\circ

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 03:54):

need the gap because of some fussy tokenizer

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 03:57):

It feels a bit like we are back to the typography of SGA etc, doesn't it?

Andrew Ashworth (Jun 02 2018 at 03:57):

def bar : Type := 

structure foo :=
(x : bar)

I am unsure how to choose between notation and defs when you don't need infix/postfix parsing

Simon Hudon (Jun 02 2018 at 03:58):

I assume you're making it into a postfix operator. Why not make the whole thing (R∘) a notation?

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 03:58):

You mean including the R?

Simon Hudon (Jun 02 2018 at 03:58):


Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 03:58):

But that's variable

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 03:59):

notation : R `ᵒ` := power_bounded_subring R

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 03:59):

How does notation work? I never know. I need some notation notes

Simon Hudon (Jun 02 2018 at 03:59):

If you declare it with variable, and make your notation local, that should be ok

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 03:59):

I know I can search through TPIL

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 03:59):

Yay for Zulip's parsing of "`".

Simon Hudon (Jun 02 2018 at 03:59):

Use more ticks until it works

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 03:59):


Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:00):

I use two outer ticks

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:00):

@Simon Hudon Aah, it's not variable like that. It is really variable in the notation.

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:00):

Like x and y in x + y.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:00):

I can't get the notation to work though

Simon Hudon (Jun 02 2018 at 04:01):

I must have misunderstood. I thought you wanted a local shorthand for the current file.

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:01):

Hmm, but now you didn't leave a gap in the ticks.

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:02):

I think it wants spaces around the \circ

Simon Hudon (Jun 02 2018 at 04:02):

Otherwise, you can use postfix `ᵒ` := power_bounded_subring

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:02):

oh that looks like a nicer way to do it

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:03):

it wants a number

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:03):

postfix `ᵒ` : 37 := power_bounded_subring

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:04):

that should do it

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:04):

I must say, operator precedence is something else I am not sure I have a good feeling about

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:04):

I guess I want this one to be very sticky

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:05):

so should it be like 6 or 999999?

Simon Hudon (Jun 02 2018 at 04:05):

To be fair, I'm not fond of putting precedence on a linear scale. I feel like specifying a partial order would be easier

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:06):

OK how about this:

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:06):

structure perfectoid_ring (R : Type) (p : ) [is_prime p] extends Tate_ring R :=
(is_complete : complete R)
(is_uniform  : uniform R)
(ramified    :  ω : R ,
                 (is_pseudo_uniformizer ω)  (ω ^ p  p))
 (Frob       :  a : R ,
                  b c : R , a = b ^ p + p * c)

Simon Hudon (Jun 02 2018 at 04:06):

Think about the operators that are likely to appear in the same formula (including =) and what should take precedence

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:07):

I want the circ to take precedence in the sense that I want R circ being evaluated ASAP

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:07):

i.e. A x B o is definitely A x (B o)

Simon Hudon (Jun 02 2018 at 04:07):

precedence and evaluation order are not the same

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:07):

@Johan Commelin I reckon that looks fairly readable

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:08):

Simon I don't know anything about this stuff

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:08):

Yes, this looks very good. I hope you can maintain this throughout the top-down approach.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:08):

and I know I can learn it but I'm not that interested in it

Simon Hudon (Jun 02 2018 at 04:08):

I'll leave you guys to it

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:08):

do you have a good suggestion for a number?

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:09):

or else I'll leave it as 37 :-/

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:09):

same as unary minus?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:09):

which is 65

Simon Hudon (Jun 02 2018 at 04:09):

That looks like asking for trouble. Go one over or one below

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:10):

Is there anything below 50 at the moment?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:10):


Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:10):

propositional stuff mostly

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:10):

50 is =, so that's about as low as you get for atomic propositions

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:10):

ha ha (-Ro) -- is that what you're worried about Simon?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:10):

but types go lower than that

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:10):

can that sort of thing be an issue?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:11):

equal isn't really a problem

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:11):

in fact it's important for having things be at the same level, like a + b - c

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:11):

which is left associated regardless of whether + or - comes first

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:13):

@Kevin Buzzard If you want to squeeze out a little bit more readability, then maybe Frob should be phrased as a statement modulo p.

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:13):

there aren't many postfix operators in standard lean; there is ⁻¹ which has a crazy high precedence max+10

Simon Hudon (Jun 02 2018 at 04:14):

@Kevin Buzzard I'm not sure what Lean does in that kind of situation and I can't think of reasons why either of (-R)o or -(Ro) would be always the best default

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:14):

I wasn't sure how to do quotient rings in Lean

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:14):

But I guess, you rather prefer avoiding quotients.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:14):

actually I recently learnt how to use quotient types

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:14):

I was forced to

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:14):

All notations come with a binding power, whichever is higher wins

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:14):

I needed direct limits and Kenny's work is still not in mathlib

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:15):

that includes mixing pre/postfix

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:15):

@Simon Hudon In both cases the unary minus doens't make much sense. (At least not in contemporary maths. Maybe someone wants to overload it, but that thought gives me shudders...)

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:15):

So I guess in practice there won't be a problem.

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:16):

Since R o here is a type it really doesn't matter as long as it's higher than 50 or so

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:17):

@Kevin Buzzard I told you before that 57 is a better default value than 37! Grothendieck was careful when choosing his prime!

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:17):

lol it would be funny if all the notation precedences were primes just because

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:17):

Ooh, now I have a crazy question. What is the type of 65 in the notation for unary minus? Does it even have a type?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:18):

It was once num, which was for a long time the only use of num. Now it's nat

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:18):

instance p : nat

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:18):

Does this lead me into trouble?

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:18):

I am sick of this p

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:19):

I want access to it at all times and yet I never want to carry it around

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:19):

It's a global variable

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:19):

see e.g. std.prec.max

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:19):

In actual notation commands though the number is not an expression of type nat, it's a literal number string

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:20):

although you can use max and other things in that spot too

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:20):


Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:20):

I have to make nat a class

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:20):

oh jeez where's that bit in the manual

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:20):

now I finally want to do it

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:22):

Do you mean like attribute [class] nat?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:24):

don't make nat a class

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:25):

make Prime a class

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:26):

@Kevin Buzzard Can't you have

variables (p : nat) (hp : prime p)
include p hp

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:26):

Does that make p and hp available everywhere you want them?

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:28):

I'm using type class inference to carry around primality of p

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:28):

import data.nat.prime algebra.group_power

class Prime :=
(p : ℕ) (pp : nat.prime p)
open Prime

variable [Prime]

example (R) [ring R] (x : R) : x ^ 2 = x ^ p := sorry


Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:30):

I thought Prime was supposed to be the subtype

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:30):

it is

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:31):

I suppose

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:31):

this way you get to change the name from val to p

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:31):

Actually I said "bundled structure", so this is in some sense more faithful to the convention

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:31):

Is this sort of stuff mathlib-acceptable?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:32):

only if you use it a lot

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:33):

I would prefer that you postprocess all your final theorems or whatever to make the prime explicit, but you can do this within the development if it helps

Andrew Ashworth (Jun 02 2018 at 04:33):

is p actually default nat in that code snippet?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:34):

it's like default nat but not the same value

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:34):

This is one of the important aspects of creating a new class - you get to create your own typeclass graph

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:35):

in this case, since there are no instances of Prime, it will only ever pick up [Prime] in the context

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:36):

maybe fixed_prime is a better name for this typeclass

Andrew Ashworth (Jun 02 2018 at 04:36):

at first glance, this seems kinda hackish to me, but I need to think about it some

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:36):

It very much conveys what's going on

Andrew Ashworth (Jun 02 2018 at 04:37):

the whole variable [Prime] has me for a loop

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:37):

I won't be using it a lot for the definition of perfectoid spaces

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:37):

Same here. I still don't get how Lean figures out what p means in the line
example (R) [ring R] (x : R) : x ^ 2 = x ^ p := sorry

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2018 at 04:37):

it's just you'll use it all the time the moment you start proving theorems about them

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:37):

Since Prime was opened, that's Prime.p

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:38):

Aah, cool!

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:38):

which has an implicit typeclass argument [Prime], which is discovered in the context

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:39):

So then once we start doing etale cohomology we want another class fixed_coprime_prime, and constructor

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:39):

And a proof that it is not p

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:40):

class fixed_prime :=
(p : ℕ)
(pp : nat.prime p)
open fixed_prime

class fixed_coprime [fixed_prime] :=
(q : ℕ)
(co : nat.coprime p q)

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:41):

Mario, I really like this! I hope that it is not to hackish for Lean. This reflects how p is used in a lot of number theory/alg.geom. You just fix p at the beginning of your paper, and it doesn't change for 50 pages.

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:41):

Yes, but the has to be prime as well. As in "ℓ-adic cohomology" etc...

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:41):

I haven't attempted to use this technique before. I'd be interested to see how it goes

Andrew Ashworth (Jun 02 2018 at 04:41):

it feels like an end run around parameter

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:42):

you get the idea

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:42):


Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:42):

I will try to use it in the stuff on p-adic valuations.

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:43):

Note that actually applying this for real primes, like if you want 57-adic cohomology, is a bit of a pain

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:44):

Hmm, I see.

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:44):

well, maybe not so bad, you can use local instances or haveI to introduce a fixed_prime without doing so globally

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:44):

That's a bit of a problem, I guess. For example squares in Q_2 behave different from squares in Q_p for p ≠ 2.

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:46):

I mean, worst case scenario is you have to write @thm whenever you want to apply the theorem in a non p case

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:46):

Yes, I see. That makes sense.

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:46):

also you can prove things with the assumption p = 2

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:46):


Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:47):

Actually the @ notation reflects exactly how most mathematicians feel about working with one concrete prime. (Of course not the symbol "@", but the fact that all of a sudden you want to be specific about p.)

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:48):

You only do this in 1% of the time. And it always feels a bit disorienting.

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:49):

whence the 57 thing

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:49):

I really think that we have theorems about Q_p, Q_ℓ and Q_2, and that is about it (-;

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:50):

one other messy thing is if you want to use l as your p

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:50):

So, have to unpack stuff with @ is expected behaviour.

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:50):

Aah, yes, that might get messy...

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:50):

Also, there is a very delicate theory about what happens when ℓ = p...

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:50):

Headache ensues

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:51):

(Note: this is not relevant for defining perfectoid spaces. But it will definitely pop up later.)

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:52):

Long story short, this technique is useful for fixing a value for a long time, with the downside being it makes unfixing it hard

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:52):

parameters are easier to unfix, but then they stay unfixed

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:54):

Ok, so maybe we should do the same thing as with multiplicative groups and additive groups. And just develop the theory both for p and for ...

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:55):

That's not unreasonable; the theorems are defeq so you just have to state them

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:55):

Hmm, but sometimes you also want to compare what happens at ℓ_1 and ℓ_2... and both are different from p.

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:55):

maybe shouldn't be as fixed as p

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:55):

Or statements like \forall ℓ : (ℓ ≠ p) blabla.

Andrew Ashworth (Jun 02 2018 at 04:56):

an argument for using a parameter might be that when you use haveI and friends, you don't get to benefit from type class caching... although I am unsure how much time Lean spends searching the type class graph - it's not something I have a good feel for

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2018 at 04:57):

in practice I've never seen an appreciable difference from using haveI

Johan Commelin (Jun 02 2018 at 04:57):

Ok, maybe should indeed have less fixiness than p.

Andrew Ashworth (Jun 02 2018 at 05:00):

I think it might be a bigger deal for people working in interactive tactic mode... who have very large proofs / definitions

Andrew Ashworth (Jun 02 2018 at 05:01):

again, it ::sounds:: scary to me, also because I don't mind at all being explicit, but that may be because I don't have enough Lean experience

Andrew Ashworth (Jun 02 2018 at 05:10):

would it affect memoization? suppose you had

def myDef :=
  expensive_tac1,  -- uses typeclass inference somewhere
  expensive_tac2  -- does this mean we can't memoize the results of expensive_tac1 if we disable type class cache?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC