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Topic: library_search failures

Marc Masdeu (Sep 21 2021 at 08:19):

I'd like to know why library_search fails in the example below:

import data.real.ereal
import order.complete_lattice
open set

noncomputable theory

example {α : set ereal} {x : } (h : (x : ereal)  α) :
  (x : ereal)  Sup α :=
  --library_search, -- fails
  exact le_Sup h, -- works like a charm

This is related to a small PR that @Eric Wieser is reviewing about adding a bit of api to ereal's. (#9313)

Eric Wieser (Sep 21 2021 at 08:47):

Yeah, this surprises me too. It fails even without the coercions:

example {s : set ereal} {x : ereal} (h : x  s) : x  Sup s :=
by library_search

yet this works

example {α : Type*} [complete_linear_order α] {s : set α} {x : α} (h : x  s) : x  Sup s :=
by library_search

Marc Masdeu (Sep 21 2021 at 09:09):

haveI : complete_linear_order ereal := ereal.complete_linear_order,
doesn't help either. How would one debug this?

Scott Morrison (Sep 21 2021 at 10:13):

First, check library_seach!. (No luck.)

Scott Morrison (Sep 21 2021 at 10:14):

Second, try set_option trace.suggest true to see which lemmas it is trying.

Scott Morrison (Sep 21 2021 at 10:14):

Sure enough, le_Sup is on the list, but it is not successfully using it.

Scott Morrison (Sep 21 2021 at 10:21):

Look further down the huge trace output, to see what it says when it tries le_Sup, only to be disappointed that it just says:
Trying to apply lemma: le_Sup.{?_mlocal._fresh.23.109287}.

Scott Morrison (Sep 21 2021 at 10:23):

Simulate by hand the step that library_search should hopefully be trying with this lemma:

(do e  tactic.to_expr ``(le_Sup), tactic.suggest.apply_and_solve tt {} e),

getting the error message:

invalid apply tactic, failed to unify
  x  Sup α
  ?m_2  ?m_3  ?m_2  Sup ?m_3

Scott Morrison (Sep 21 2021 at 10:24):

(Wonder if a closer approximation to library_searchs inner workings is:
(do e ← tactic.to_expr ``(@le_Sup), tactic.suggest.apply_and_solve tt {} e),...)

Scott Morrison (Sep 21 2021 at 10:26):

Wonder why that doesn't unify, so turn on set_option pp.all true, and get the more detailed:

invalid apply tactic, failed to unify
  @has_le.le.{0} ereal
    (@preorder.to_has_le.{0} ereal
       (@directed_order.to_preorder.{0} ereal
          (@linear_order.to_directed_order.{0} ereal
             (@conditionally_complete_linear_order.to_linear_order.{0} ereal
                (@conditionally_complete_linear_order_of_complete_linear_order.{0} ereal
    (@coe.{1 1} real ereal (@coe_to_lift.{1 1} real ereal (@coe_base.{1 1} real ereal ereal.has_coe)) x)
    (@has_Sup.Sup.{0} ereal ereal.has_Sup α)
   {a : ?m_1},
    @has_mem.mem.{?l_2 ?l_2} ?m_1 (set.{?l_2} ?m_1) (@set.has_mem.{?l_2} ?m_1) a ?m_3 
    @has_le.le.{?l_2} ?m_1
      (@preorder.to_has_le.{?l_2} ?m_1
         (@partial_order.to_preorder.{?l_2} ?m_1 (@complete_semilattice_Sup.to_partial_order.{?l_2} ?m_1 ?m_4)))
      (@has_Sup.Sup.{?l_2} ?m_1 (@complete_semilattice_Sup.to_has_Sup.{?l_2} ?m_1 ?m_4) ?m_3)

Scott Morrison (Sep 21 2021 at 10:27):

Not be immediately sure whether to expect that unification to work or not, but realise that first of all we should check what
apply le_Sup does in this problem.

Scott Morrison (Sep 21 2021 at 10:28):

Discover that this fails! (Even though exact le_Sup h succeeds.)

Scott Morrison (Sep 21 2021 at 10:28):

At this point we've learnt that this has nothing to do with library_search itself.

Scott Morrison (Sep 21 2021 at 10:28):

(Or rather, we're asking too much of it if we expect it to work when apply fails.)

Scott Morrison (Sep 21 2021 at 10:30):

But I'm not immediately sure of the diagnosis from this point. To summarise, the real mystery is:

import data.real.ereal
import order.complete_lattice
open set

noncomputable theory

example {α : set ereal} {x : } (h : (x : ereal)  α) :
  (x : ereal)  Sup α :=
  apply le_Sup,   -- fails
  exact le_Sup h, -- works like a charm

Eric Rodriguez (Sep 21 2021 at 10:31):

I remember someone had this on the discord with one of the extended number lines (I think it was nnreal and le_Refl. Something is definitely off about this all

Yaël Dillies (Sep 21 2021 at 10:38):

I personally had lots of pain with docs#bsupr_le and docs#le_binfi. You will be desolated to know they don't behave the same, because unification doesn't start with the same arguments (it goes from left to right and the supr is to the left of while infi is to its right).

Yaël Dillies (Sep 21 2021 at 10:38):

The problem is that Lean has a very hard time knowing which function should f i hi match.

Marc Masdeu (Sep 21 2021 at 10:59):

Wow @Scott Morrison , this is a great analysis (even if unsuccessful so far...). I'm more used to seeing apply work when exact doesn't, this is really weird. (But note that apply le_Sup h does indeed work!)

Reid Barton (Sep 21 2021 at 11:04):

This is the classic "apply bug". It occurs because a ≤ b is a Pi-type for ereal (src#with_top.preorder) but not in general, and then apply gets confused about how many _s to insert.

Sebastien Gouezel (Sep 21 2021 at 11:21):

Would it be reasonable to mark the order as irreducible on with_top?

Eric Wieser (Sep 21 2021 at 11:24):

I would guess that you don't want to mark the instance itself irreducible, and instead want

protected def with_top.le (o₁ o₂ : with_top α) : Prop :=  a  o₂,  b  o₁, b  a

and then use with_top.le to define the order instance.

Eric Wieser (Sep 21 2021 at 11:24):

By that argument presumably we need to do the same thing to docs#pi.preorder?

Eric Wieser (Sep 21 2021 at 11:25):

And docs#set.preorder, docs#finset.preorder, ...

Eric Wieser (Sep 21 2021 at 11:25):

Suggesting that maybe it's better to just stop apply getting confused in the first place

Sebastien Gouezel (Sep 21 2021 at 11:27):

It's not just apply: I really think that marking more things as irreducible can only help Lean, and that we should probably be doing this much more often. And yes, I meant doing it like you say, with an irreducible definition for with_top.le.

Reid Barton (Sep 21 2021 at 11:40):

It can also be turned into a structure as with docs#continuous (as @Sebastien Gouezel will no doubt recall...)

Reid Barton (Sep 21 2021 at 11:42):

Maybe it would be good to have a generic "identity" structure for Props for cases where the overhead of making a new one seems excessive

Eric Wieser (Sep 21 2021 at 11:56):

Reid Barton said:

Maybe it would be good to have a generic "identity" structure for Props for cases where the overhead of making a new one seems excessive

I suspect we'll want to tailor the name of the projection in each case; set.le will probably want the field to be called of_mem, pi.le perhaps wants .eval or similar, ...

Reid Barton (Sep 21 2021 at 12:05):

I guess I'm thinking more about examples like with_top.preorder where the specific definition is irrelevant (once you set up the basic lemmas), so it doesn't really matter if it is just called .out or whatever

Reid Barton (Sep 21 2021 at 12:07):

I mean, the ordering on with_top could just as well have been defined by cases. There's no reason that anyone would guess that it is a Pi type.

Reid Barton (Sep 21 2021 at 12:07):

set.le and pi.le should probably remain semireducible. At least for set.le, this is used all over the place.

Reid Barton (Sep 21 2021 at 12:10):

well I guess set.subset is the one whose definition is used all over the place, set.le isn't so common

Eric Wieser (Sep 21 2021 at 12:11):

If we don't change the reducibility of pi.le then we presumably still have the library_search failure on pi types

Marc Masdeu (Sep 22 2021 at 10:40):

I don't think I understand what the discussion was about at the end, but is anyone working on this? What kind of work would it entail? Could I contribute?

Bolton Bailey (Nov 30 2021 at 22:38):

Reusing this thread to complain about my own problem with library_search, mwe below. The thing causing library_search to fail here is apparently the fact that a higher-level file is being imported. It's not clear to me why library_search should time out anyway, since it's only used while coding, and shouldn't be pushed. It seems to me that this kind of problem will only get worse as more is added to mathlib, making timeouts more common and library_search harder to use.

import data.nat.totient -- library_search succeeds without this import
-- import data.finset.locally_finite -- the file with the lemma

open finset

lemma split_Ico {S : Type} [linear_order S] [locally_finite_order S] {a b c : S}
  (a_le_b : a  b) (b_le_c : b  c) :
  Ico a c = Ico a b  Ico b c :=
  library_search, -- (deterministic) timeout
  -- rw finset.Ico_union_Ico_eq_Ico a_le_b b_le_c,

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 30 2021 at 22:41):

This doesn't time out for me -- I might have some timeout figure set higher than you?

Bolton Bailey (Nov 30 2021 at 22:42):

I haven't done anything in particular to customize my timeout parameters.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 30 2021 at 22:42):

yeah but I might have...

Bolton Bailey (Nov 30 2021 at 22:44):

I would propose the solution of simply finding whatever parameter is causing the timeout here and raising it, but I suspect it would raise the timeout parameter for all of mathlib, which I wouldn't want.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 30 2021 at 22:44):

It's just some VS Code setting.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 30 2021 at 22:45):

I ran the script to make all.lean and then if I import that, I get the excessive memory consumption error.

Bolton Bailey (Nov 30 2021 at 22:46):

Still, I don't want to change my VSCode settings, since then I might push some code and be surprised when CI tells me there's a timeout error.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 30 2021 at 22:47):

In VS Code settings I have Lean: Time Limit set to 300000 on this machine

Bolton Bailey (Nov 30 2021 at 22:47):

Let me try that

Bolton Bailey (Nov 30 2021 at 22:54):

Yes, it works for me with the limit set to 300000. I guess I would suggest based on my experience that the default be changed, I think this is the second time where a higher timeout limit would have been helpful.

Bolton Bailey (Nov 30 2021 at 22:55):

Perhaps it wouldn't be too big of an issue to let CI operate have one value and the default VSCode parameter have another.

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Nov 30 2021 at 22:58):

In fact, we changed the CI to match VSCode so that people wouldn't get confused as to why their code was failing in CI and not in VS Code (or vice versa).

Bolton Bailey (Nov 30 2021 at 23:02):

Ah, well, maybe it's not currently worth the hassle.

Bolton Bailey (Nov 30 2021 at 23:04):

Could not the mathlib repository itself override that setting though?

Bolton Bailey (Nov 30 2021 at 23:18):

What was the limit on the CI before it was changed?

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Nov 30 2021 at 23:26):

I can't remember anymore, but it looks like we didn't have a limit at all: #2276

Scott Morrison (Dec 01 2021 at 06:48):

library_search is much faster in Lean 4, so I don't think this is worth worrying about.

Gabriel Ebner (Dec 01 2021 at 15:21):

library_search is much faster in Lean 4, so I don't think this is worth worrying about.

I think it should definitely possible to make it much faster than in Lean 3 (we have term indices and caches that persist between tactic invocations), but there's still some performance issues to iron out. Last time I tried it on the synported mathlib, it even timed out when indexing the lemmas. :-/

Bolton Bailey (Mar 11 2022 at 23:09):

Why is library_search failing here?

import data.rat.basic

example (q : ) (hq : q  0) : q.num  0 := by library_search -- fails

example (q : ) (hq : q  0) : q.num  0 :=
  exact rat.num_ne_zero_of_ne_zero hq, -- goals accomplished

Kyle Miller (Mar 11 2022 at 23:14):

I don't know, but somehow this works:

example (q : ) (hq : q  0) : ¬ q.num = 0 := by library_search -- succeeds

Arthur Paulino (Mar 11 2022 at 23:16):

I think I know how to solve this. @Bolton Bailey do you have other similar cases of failure? I can take a look when I get home.

Bolton Bailey (Mar 11 2022 at 23:17):

I literally just found it, did a double take, and posted it

Arthur Paulino (Mar 12 2022 at 02:11):

Done: #12616
This PR only changes two lines of code in the src/tactic/suggest.lean file. Other 7 lines are for tests.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC