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Topic: linearity of functions

Eric Wieser (May 24 2022 at 10:29):

Can't you prove \lam a f x, L a (f x) is tri-linear by proving it's separately linear in each argument?

  • Linear in a; use apply_linear, L.is_linear
  • Linear in f; use L.is_linear2, apply_linear
  • Linear in x; use L.is_linear2, f.is_linear

Eric Wieser (May 24 2022 at 10:31):

(I moved this to a new thread, feel free to rename it)

Tomas Skrivan (May 24 2022 at 10:47):

I Lean 4 you can abuse type class system to automatically prove linearity/continuity of lambda functions. Here are the core instances that tear each lambda into its atomic function: https://github.com/lecopivo/SciLean/blob/master/SciLean/Core/Mor/IsLin/Core.lean
Those instances vaguely correspond to SKI combinators.

To deal with addition and alike I use the fact that uncurried add is linear:

instance diag_parm.arg_x.isLin (f : Y₁  Y₂  Z) [IsLin (λ yy : Y₁ × Y₂ => f yy.1 yy.2)] (g₁ : X  α  Y₁) [IsLin g₁] (g₂ : X  α  Y₂) [IsLin g₂] : IsLin (λ x a => f (g₁ x a) (g₂ x a)) := sorry

However, there are some issues with higher order unification so you need to add certain class instances manually, when f has additional trailing argument, example:

instance (priority := mid-1) subst.arg_x.parm_a.isSmooth (a : α) (f : X  Y  α  Z) [IsSmooth (λ x y => f x y a)] [ x, IsSmooth (λ y => f x y a)] (g : X  Y) [IsSmooth g] : IsSmooth (λ x => f x (g x) a) := by try infer_instance apply subst.arg_x.isSmooth (λ x y => f x y a) done

It is trivialy solvable by direct application of a previous instance, but Lean is unable to do it automatically. I'm still unsure what is the general pattern of these "additional instances"

Tomas Skrivan (May 24 2022 at 11:00):

A quick test for something like \la p, matrix.trace (f p.1 + g p.2):

example {X Y Z W} [Vec X] [Vec Y] [Vec Z] [Vec W]
  (f : X  Z) [IsLin f]
  (g : Y  Z) [IsLin g]
  (h : Z  W) [IsLin h]
  : IsLin (λ p : (X × Y) => h (f p.1 + g p.2)) := by infer_instance

A part of the trace that shows the sequence of reasoning:

[Meta.synthInstance] main goal IsLin fun p => h (f p.fst + g p.snd)
[Meta.synthInstance.newAnswer] size: 1, IsLin fun yy => yy.fst + yy.snd
[Meta.synthInstance.newAnswer] size: 0, IsLin f
[Meta.synthInstance.newAnswer] size: 2, IsLin fun p => p.fst
[Meta.synthInstance.newAnswer] size: 7, IsLin fun p => f p.fst
[Meta.synthInstance.newAnswer] size: 0, IsLin g
[Meta.synthInstance.newAnswer] size: 2, IsLin fun p => p.snd
[Meta.synthInstance.newAnswer] size: 7, IsLin fun p => g p.snd
[Meta.synthInstance.newAnswer] size: 22, IsLin fun p => f p.fst + g p.snd
[Meta.synthInstance.newAnswer] size: 27, IsLin fun p => h (f p.fst + g p.snd)

Tomas Skrivan (May 24 2022 at 11:04):

The requirement that a variable appears only once is too harsh, for example this is also a linear function:

example {X Y Z} [Vec X] [Vec Y] [Vec Z]
  (f g : X  Y) [IsLin f] [IsLin g]
  (h : Y  Z) [IsLin h]
  : IsLin (λ p : (X × Y) => h (f p.1 + g p.1)) := by infer_instance

Eric Wieser (May 24 2022 at 11:05):

Note that we actually used to have such a typeclass system in lean3 (docs#is_add_monoid_hom etc), but it didn't behave well with the simplifier or composition

Tomas Skrivan (May 24 2022 at 11:12):

Do you have an example of problematic cases? It works quite well for me in Lean 4, and and main use case is exactly to steer simplifier when applying theorems.

Tomas Skrivan (May 24 2022 at 11:15):

I remember reading Use and abuse of instance parameters in the Lean mathematical library which states that the unbundled approach for morphisms was problematic for mathlib3.

Eric Wieser (May 24 2022 at 11:15):

I don't know what the canonical reference is for that problem, it was discovered quite a while ago. It's entirely possible that the problem is not as bad in Lean 4.

Tomas Skrivan (May 24 2022 at 11:16):

I know that my approach is impossible in lean3 as it is heavily relaying on the new type class system's ability handling cycles.

Tomas Skrivan (May 24 2022 at 11:24):

I can also do the tri-linearity of \lam a f x, L a (f x). The only catch if that for linearity in x you need to set f type to bundled linear map, in my notation W ⊸ Y:

  variable {W X Y Z : Type} [Vec W] [Vec X] [Vec Y] [Vec Z]
  variable (L : X  Y  Z) [IsLin L] [ x, IsLin (L x)]

  example : IsLin (λ (x : W) (f : W  Y) (a : X) => L a (f x)) := by infer_instance
  example : IsLin (λ (a : X) (f : W  Y) (x : W) => L a (f x)) := by infer_instance
  example : IsLin (λ (f : W  Y) (a : X) (x : W) => L a (f x)) := by infer_instance

Kevin Buzzard (May 24 2022 at 14:50):

Yes I thought the whole point of hanging on to the deprecated lean 3 version of this was that people were aware that it might come back into play in lean 4

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC