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Topic: member of set used as member of corresponding type
Kris Brown (Jul 31 2020 at 08:59):
I'm a bit unclear about working with sets which are coerced to types. For instance, I have a finset
which can be coerced to a set
which can be coerced to a Type
@[simp] def finset_to_type {α: Type} (b: finset α): Type := (↑ b : set α)
I'm interested in this because I have an inductive type which would ideally look like this :
with Struct: string → Type
| mk (name: string) (fields: finset (string × PrimitiveType)): Struct name
This won't compile, since the PrimitiveType
is being mutually inductively defined and therefore cannot be inside a non-inductive-type like finset
. So instead I could just have some finite type of string keys and a map from those to values.
with Struct: string → Type
| mk (name: string) (fields: finset string)
(vals: (finset_to_type fields) → PrimitiveType): Struct name
In order for me to actually use this, I need a function like the following:
def finset_str_map: Π{s: finset string} {α: Type},
(finset_to_type s → α) → string → option α
| s α f key := if h: key ∈ s
then some (f (by {simp, rw finset.has_lift,
have h': key ∈ ↑s, by {sorry},
-- I don't actually know what to do here
-- rw set.mem_def at h',
--rw set.has_coe_to_sort.coe ↑s at h',
--exact h'
else none
Is there a simple way to express that, if I have an element of a finite set, that I can treat it as a member of the corresponding type?
Kris Brown (Jul 31 2020 at 09:10):
import data.finset.basic
@[simp] def finset_to_type {α: Type} (b: finset α): Type := (↑ b : set α)
mutual inductive PrimType, Struct
with PrimType: Type
| pBool: bool → PrimType
| pInt: ℤ → PrimType
| pStruct {s: string}: Struct s → PrimType
with Struct: string → Type
| mk (name: string) (fields: finset string)
(vals: (finset_to_type fields) → PrimType): Struct name
def finset_str_map: Π{s: finset string} {α: Type},
(finset_to_type s → α) → string → option α
| s α f key := if h: key ∈ s
then some (f (by {sorry}))
else none
Mario Carneiro (Jul 31 2020 at 09:36):
To slightly #xy your problem, I suggest using two foralls instead of a function over the subtype in the mutual inductive. You can do something like this:
mutual inductive PrimType, Struct
with PrimType : Type
| pBool : bool → PrimType
| pInt : ℤ → PrimType
| pStruct {s : string} : Struct s → PrimType
with Struct : string → Type
| mk (name : string) (fields : finset string)
(vals : ∀ s ∈ fields, PrimType) : Struct name
def Struct.fields : ∀ {s}, Struct s → finset string
| _ (Struct.mk _ f _) := f
def Struct.vals : ∀ {s} (c : Struct s) (s ∈ c.fields), PrimType
| _ (Struct.mk _ _ v) := v
def Struct.get {s} (c : Struct s) (key : string) : option PrimType :=
if h : key ∈ c.fields then some (c.vals _ h) else none
Mario Carneiro (Jul 31 2020 at 09:38):
in the original question though you can replace the by {sorry}
with ⟨key, h⟩
Kris Brown (Jul 31 2020 at 10:11):
Kris Brown (Aug 01 2020 at 00:14):
Does this strategy make it impossible to show that two Struct
s are decidably equal? The amount of data in the mapping is finite, but it looks like I have to prove equality for a function ranging over a (seemingly) infinite domain.
mutual def primtype_eq, struct_eq
with primtype_eq: ...
with struct_eq: Π(s: string), decidable_eq (Struct s)
| _ ( Struct.mk a b c) (Struct.mk d e f) := by {
have p: decidable (a=d), by exact string.has_decidable_eq a d,
have q: decidable (b=e), by exact finset.has_decidable_eq b e,
cases p with pf pt,
{simp [pf], exact decidable.false}, -- different names
{rw pt, simp, cases q with qf qt,
{simp [qf], exact decidable.false}, -- different fields
subst qt,
have r: decidable (c=f), by sorry, -- TODO prove maps are equal (will need primtype_eq)
cases r with rf rt,
{simp [rf], exact decidable.false}, -- different values
subst rt, simp, exact decidable.true}} --
Right now the strategy seems like I should prove some lemmas saying that functions from a finite domain into a codomain (w/ decidable equality) have decidable equality, and then convince Lean that (due to the constraint imposed by the argument) that Struct.vals
is effectively a function from a type with a finite domain. I didn't see anything directly related to these two goals in mathlib, but it seems in principle do-able.
Reid Barton (Aug 01 2020 at 00:20):
May I introduce you to classical.prop_decidable
? :upside_down:
Reid Barton (Aug 01 2020 at 00:29):
This definitely should be possible though
Mario Carneiro (Aug 01 2020 at 00:39):
I think I should probably mention my usual advice at this point, which is that if you want to do nontrivial proofs with the type you should avoid mutual inductive
and roll your own
Kris Brown (Aug 01 2020 at 00:53):
I'm interested but don't know what rolling my own would entail. Is there an example of what you mean by this?
Mario Carneiro (Aug 01 2020 at 01:05):
I managed this:
import data.finset.basic
inductive PrimType : Type
| pBool : bool → PrimType
| pInt : ℤ → PrimType
| pStruct' (name : string) (fields : finset string)
(vals : ∀ s ∈ fields, PrimType) : PrimType
instance : decidable_eq PrimType :=
intros a b, induction a generalizing b; cases b;
try {{ apply decidable.is_false, rintro ⟨⟩ }},
{ exact decidable_of_iff (a = b) (by simp) },
{ exact decidable_of_iff (a = b) (by simp) },
{ refine if h : a_name = b_name then _ else decidable.is_false (by simp [h]),
refine if h2 : a_fields = b_fields then _ else decidable.is_false (by simp [h2]),
resetI, refine decidable_of_iff (∀ x hx, a_vals x hx = b_vals x (by rwa ← h2)) _,
subst h, subst h2, simp [function.funext_iff] },
@[derive decidable_eq]
structure Struct (name : string) :=
(fields : finset string) (vals : ∀ s ∈ fields, PrimType)
def PrimType.pStruct : ∀ {s}, Struct s → PrimType
| s ⟨f, v⟩ := PrimType.pStruct' s f v
def Struct.get {s} (c : Struct s) (key : string) : option PrimType :=
if h : key ∈ c.fields then some (c.vals _ h) else none
Mario Carneiro (Aug 01 2020 at 01:06):
In this case it's pretty easy to avoid a mutual inductive because Struct
is just a package around the arguments of pStruct
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC