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Topic: missing ext lemmas?
Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 08:22):
How many of the following should be marked with @[extensionality]
data/buffer/basic.lean:lemma ext : ∀ {b₁ b₂ : buffer α}, to_list b₁ = to_list b₂ → b₁ = b₂ data/equiv/basic.lean:lemma ext (f g : equiv α β) (H : ∀ x, f x = g x) : f = g := data/finsupp.lean:lemma ext : ∀{f g : α →₀ β}, (∀a, f a = g a) → f = g data/list/basic.lean:lemma foldl_ext (f g : α → β → α) (a : α) data/list/basic.lean:lemma foldr_ext (f g : α → β → β) (b : β) data/prod.lean:lemma ext {α β} {p q : α × β} : p.1 = q.1 → p.2 = q.2 → p = q := data/subtype.lean:lemma subtype.ext {a1 a2 : {x // β x}} : a1 = a2 ↔ a1.val = a2.val := data/subtype.lean:lemma subtype.coe_ext {a1 a2 : {x // β x}} : a1 = a2 ↔ (a1 : α) = a2 := logic/function.lean:lemma hfunext {α α': Sort u} {β : α → Sort v} {β' : α' → Sort v} {f : Πa, β a} {f' : Πa, β' a} order/filter.lean:protected lemma ext : (∀ s, s ∈ f.sets ↔ s ∈ g.sets) → f = g := category/applicative.lean:theorem applicative.ext {F} : ∀ {A1 : applicative F} {A2 : applicative F} category/functor.lean:theorem functor.ext {F} : ∀ {F1 : functor F} {F2 : functor F} data/analysis/topology.lean:theorem ext [T : topological_space α] {σ : Type*} {F : ctop α σ} data/complex/basic.lean:theorem ext : ∀ {z w : ℂ}, z.re = w.re → z.im = w.im → z = w data/finset.lean:theorem ext {s₁ s₂ : finset α} : s₁ = s₂ ↔ ∀ a, a ∈ s₁ ↔ a ∈ s₂ := data/list/basic.lean:theorem ext : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α}, (∀n, nth l₁ n = nth l₂ n) → l₁ = l₂ data/list/perm.lean:theorem perm_ext {l₁ l₂ : list α} (d₁ : nodup l₁) (d₂ : nodup l₂) : l₁ ~ l₂ ↔ ∀a, a ∈ l₁ ↔ a ∈ l₂ := data/multiset.lean:theorem ext {s t : multiset α} : s = t ↔ ∀ a, count a s = count a t := data/multiset.lean:theorem nodup_ext {s t : multiset α} : nodup s → nodup t → (s = t ↔ ∀ a, a ∈ s ↔ a ∈ t) := data/multiset.lean:theorem erase_dup_ext {s t : multiset α} : erase_dup s = erase_dup t ↔ ∀ a, a ∈ s ↔ a ∈ t := data/option.lean:theorem ext : ∀ {o₁ o₂ : option α}, (∀ a, a ∈ o₁ ↔ a ∈ o₂) → o₁ = o₂ data/real/cau_seq.lean:theorem ext {f g : cau_seq β abv} (h : ∀ i, f i = g i) : f = g := data/semiquot.lean:theorem ext {q₁ q₂ : semiquot α} : q₁ = q₂ ↔ ∀ a, a ∈ q₁ ↔ a ∈ q₂ := data/seq/wseq.lean:theorem equiv.ext {s t : wseq α} (h : ∀ n, nth s n ~ nth t n) : s ~ t := data/set/basic.lean:theorem set_coe.ext {s : set α} {a b : s} : (↑a : α) = ↑b → a = b := data/set/basic.lean:theorem ext {a b : set α} (h : ∀ x, x ∈ a ↔ x ∈ b) : a = b := group_theory/free_abelian_group.lean:protected theorem ext (g h : free_abelian_group α → β) linear_algebra/linear_map_module.lean:theorem ext (h : ∀ x, A x = B x) : A = B := subtype.eq $ funext h linear_algebra/tensor_product.lean:theorem to_module.ext {g h : M ⊗ N → P} number_theory/dioph.lean: theorem ext {S S' : set (α → ℕ)} (d : dioph S) (H : ∀v, S v ↔ S' v) : dioph S' := number_theory/pell.lean: theorem ext : ∀ {z w : ℤ√d}, z = w ↔ z.re = w.re ∧ z.im = w.im order/basic.lean:theorem preorder.ext {α} {A B : preorder α} order/basic.lean:theorem partial_order.ext {α} {A B : partial_order α} order/basic.lean:theorem linear_order.ext {α} {A B : linear_order α} order/bounded_lattice.lean:theorem order_top.ext {α} {A B : order_top α} order/bounded_lattice.lean:theorem order_bot.ext {α} {A B : order_bot α} order/bounded_lattice.lean:theorem bounded_lattice.ext {α} {A B : bounded_lattice α} order/lattice.lean:theorem semilattice_sup.ext {α} {A B : semilattice_sup α} order/lattice.lean:theorem semilattice_inf.ext {α} {A B : semilattice_inf α} order/lattice.lean:theorem lattice.ext {α} {A B : lattice α} set_theory/zfc.lean:theorem equiv.ext : Π (x y : pSet), equiv x y ↔ (x ⊆ y ∧ y ⊆ x) set_theory/zfc.lean:theorem mem.ext : Π {x y : pSet.{u}}, (∀w:pSet.{u}, w ∈ x ↔ w ∈ y) → equiv x y set_theory/zfc.lean:theorem ext {x y : Set.{u}} : (∀z:Set.{u}, z ∈ x ↔ z ∈ y) → x = y :=
Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 08:22):
Is it worth going through this list. Or have people done that before, and decided that this should not get the extensionality
Kenny Lau (Oct 03 2018 at 08:37):
thanks for bringing this up
Patrick Massot (Oct 03 2018 at 08:38):
I think it's worth going through the list
Simon Hudon (Oct 03 2018 at 08:39):
I, for one, have not done it and I was working on the basis of "let's add them when we need them" after I added the most obvious ones.
Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 08:46):
Can someone give an entry on the list that should not be tagged with the extensionality
attribute? If I understand the reason, then I might be able to go through the list myself.
Simon Hudon (Oct 03 2018 at 08:50):
set_theory/zfc.lean:theorem equiv.ext
Scott Morrison (Oct 03 2018 at 08:58):
You missed yoneda.ext
:-). (Perhaps because it's a def
?) Anyway, it probably shouldn't have @[extensionality]
Simon Hudon (Oct 03 2018 at 08:59):
Also, I wouldn't tag semilattice_sup.ext_sup
Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 09:00):
Can you explain why?
Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 09:00):
@Scott Morrison Indeed, I only looked for lemmas and theorems
Simon Hudon (Oct 03 2018 at 09:11):
It's a comparison of class instances rather than the objects themselves. It seems like it could produce surprising results
Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 09:15):
Ok, I see. @Johannes Hölzl Does it make sense to create an extensionality
PR that adds about 40 extensionality
Johannes Hölzl (Oct 03 2018 at 09:16):
Do we have 40 types? Are sensible? Also be careful that they don't overlap.
Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 09:17):
See the list I posted above.
Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 09:17):
Simon mentioned a couple that shouldn't be tagged, but I think a lot of them could reasonably be tagged.
Simon Hudon (Oct 03 2018 at 09:21):
Some of them are equivalences while ext
uses implications. When I encounter such lemma, I rename them ext_iff
so that I can add a ext
lemma as an implication
Johannes Hölzl (Oct 03 2018 at 11:51):
also before you add the extensionality lemmas we should change the semantics of ext
. Instead of applying all possible extensionality lemmas it should only work along the names given by the user, or accept *
to apply all.
Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 11:53):
Hmm, ok. Do you mean you want people to write ext set
or ext subtype
Simon Hudon (Oct 03 2018 at 11:54):
Right now, ext
detects the type of the arguments (e.g. set) and only tries relevant extensionality lemmas
Simon Hudon (Oct 03 2018 at 11:54):
It used to be that functional extensionality might be selected for the equality of two sets. It's no longer the case.
Patrick Massot (Oct 03 2018 at 11:54):
Johannes, that would be very sad
Patrick Massot (Oct 03 2018 at 11:54):
I like to type ext
and Lean figures out what I mean
Johannes Hölzl (Oct 03 2018 at 11:55):
and I hate it to add an attribute and half of mathlib breaks
Mario Carneiro (Oct 03 2018 at 11:55):
Johannes this was implemented recently, like simon says
Johannes Hölzl (Oct 03 2018 at 11:55):
okay, thats good!
Mario Carneiro (Oct 03 2018 at 11:55):
You don't need to say ext set
, it looks at the type of the objects in the equality in the goal
Simon Hudon (Oct 03 2018 at 11:56):
It's also tolerant on the kind of relation you can prove but I think sticking close to =
is a good idea.
Mario Carneiro (Oct 03 2018 at 11:57):
But this also means that you essentially want one extensionality lemma for each type, so no multiples, and no equalities over generic types
Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 11:57):
Right, but functor.ext
seems like a good exception
Mario Carneiro (Oct 03 2018 at 11:58):
If there are multiple candidates for extensionality, e.g. roption.ext
vs roption.ext'
then you have to think about which one is better general-purpose and pick one
Simon Hudon (Oct 03 2018 at 11:59):
@Johan Commelin I'm tempted to agree with you but technically, there's no reason why functor.ext
wouldn't work as an extensionality lemma
Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 11:59):
@Simon Hudon I meant that it is an exception to sticking to =
Mario Carneiro (Oct 03 2018 at 11:59):
Also keep in mind that ext
will apply all extensionality lemmas it can all the way down so you don't want loopable hypotheses
Simon Hudon (Oct 03 2018 at 12:00):
@Mario Carneiro You can also give the most general one a lower priority
Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 12:00):
Or we want ext
to take an optional small_nat
argument like congr
Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 12:00):
Or congr'
, whatever
Simon Hudon (Oct 03 2018 at 12:00):
It already does: ext : 3
Mario Carneiro (Oct 03 2018 at 12:01):
AFAIK competing extensionality lemmas always apply in the same generality, they just have different hypotheses, so giving priority wouldn't help
Simon Hudon (Oct 03 2018 at 12:01):
But I think Mario is right. There has to be a sense that something decreases as we keep applying ext
, for instance the complexity of the objects being compared
Simon Hudon (Oct 03 2018 at 12:02):
@Mario Carneiro I don't understand what you mean by "in the same generality"
Mario Carneiro (Oct 03 2018 at 12:04):
Most theorems that could qualify as @[extensionality]
have a conclusion (a : T) = b
, so if this is the goal then all extensionalities for T will apply
Mario Carneiro (Oct 03 2018 at 12:05):
With other kinds of theorems there might be a difference in generality like if one theorem only has say F a = G b
in the conclusion, but with extensionality lemmas it's always a = b
where a
and b
match anything in the type
Simon Hudon (Oct 03 2018 at 12:05):
You could see one lemma being (a : set α) = b
and another be (a : set (list α)) = b
. The first one is the most general one although both would be attempted
Mario Carneiro (Oct 03 2018 at 12:06):
I suppose that is a possibility, but so far I don't think we have any such "composite extensionality lemmas"
Mario Carneiro (Oct 03 2018 at 12:06):
it's always a constant or type constructor applied to variables
Mario Carneiro (Oct 03 2018 at 12:08):
Looking at the list, I see free_abelian_group.ext
and to_module.ext
have composite types, and dioph
has something that isn't an extensionality at all
Mario Carneiro (Oct 03 2018 at 12:09):
I don't think free_abelian_group.ext
qualifies as an extensionality, this is some kind of yoneda thing
Patrick Massot (Oct 03 2018 at 20:53):
what about topological_space_eq
Patrick Massot (Oct 03 2018 at 20:54):
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC