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Topic: modp setoid
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 00:58):
Can something like this be made to work?
namespace modp variables (α : Type*) [comm_ring α] (p : ℕ) (hp : nat.prime p) def rel : setoid α := submodule.quotient_rel (ideal.span ({p} : set α)) local attribute [instance] rel variables {α p} lemma pow_add (a b : α) : (a + b)^p ≈ a^p + b^p := _ end modp
Chris Hughes (Jun 06 2019 at 01:04):
Look at add_pow_char
in algebra.char_p
Chris Hughes (Jun 06 2019 at 01:05):
and use quotient_ring.quotient
instead of submodule.quotient
Chris Hughes (Jun 06 2019 at 01:06):
Or ideal.quotient
. I forget the name.
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 01:06):
I guess I should clarify (-;
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 01:06):
I want to use the relation.
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 01:06):
Point is that I want to do some computations with mv_polynomial
s over the integers, modulo p
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 01:06):
And using this relation would make for readable calc
Reid Barton (Jun 06 2019 at 01:07):
Can you use mv_polynomial
s over the integers modulo p
Chris Hughes (Jun 06 2019 at 01:07):
But isn't it easier to map everything into the quotient and use equality
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 01:07):
Otherwise you'll have ideal.quotient.mk (ideal.span ({p} : set (mv_polynomial int _))
all over the place...
Chris Hughes (Jun 06 2019 at 01:07):
use notation
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 01:08):
I guess I could define a local notation for that... but then the proof state is still ugly
Chris Hughes (Jun 06 2019 at 01:08):
I don't like the fact that we can't quotient mod p without things being ugly.
Reid Barton (Jun 06 2019 at 01:12):
I was hoping you could use parameter
but it doesn't seem to help
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 01:12):
I would like to write
calc [mod p] foo = bar : blah ... = xyzzy : etc
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 01:12):
And then coercions should take care of the rest
Reid Barton (Jun 06 2019 at 01:13):
You should at least be able to write calc foo =[p]= bar : blah ... = xyzzy : etc
using notation
Reid Barton (Jun 06 2019 at 01:14):
though at that point I guess you should just define notation which depends on p
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 01:16):
Isn't that what you are doing in your example?
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 06:33):
Is interactive calc
in core or in mathlib? I couldn't find it easily
Kevin Buzzard (Jun 06 2019 at 06:35):
Must be in core because it's in TPIL
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 06:40):
Is that interactive calc
or term-mode calc
Reid Barton (Jun 06 2019 at 07:29):
I mean in a section you can define local notation which depends on a variable
, so you don't need to write this funny =[p]=
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 07:33):
I am currently experimenting with
notation x ` modᵢ ` I := ideal.quotient.mk I x notation x ` modₛ ` s := ideal.quotient.mk (ideal.span s) x notation x ` modₑ ` a := ideal.quotient.mk (ideal.span ({a})) x
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 07:34):
This can probably be improved quite a bit, using priorities etc... but I've no idea what would be sensible.
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 07:40):
namespace modp variables {α : Type*} [comm_ring α] {p : ℕ} (hp : nat.prime p) notation x ` modᵢ ` I := ideal.quotient.mk I x notation x ` modₛ ` s := ideal.quotient.mk (ideal.span s) x notation x ` modₑ ` a := ideal.quotient.mk (ideal.span ({a})) x include hp instance (h : ¬ is_unit (p : α)) : char_p (ideal.span ({p} : set α)).quotient p := ⟨begin intro n, have helper : ∀ m : ℕ, (m : (ideal.span ({p} : set α)).quotient) = ideal.quotient.mk (ideal.span ({p} : set α)) (m : α), { intro m, induction m with m ih, {refl}, simp [ih] }, split, { intro H, rw [helper, ideal.quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem, ideal.mem_span_singleton] at H, rcases H with ⟨c, hc⟩, cases nat.coprime_or_dvd_of_prime hp n with hn hn, swap, {exact hn}, have key := nat.gcd_eq_gcd_ab p n, delta nat.coprime at hn, rw hn at key, replace key := congr_arg (λ k : ℤ, (k : α)) key, simp only [int.cast_coe_nat, int.cast_add, int.coe_nat_zero, int.cast_mul, int.cast_one, int.coe_nat_succ, zero_add, hc] at key, rw [mul_assoc, ← mul_add] at key, exfalso, apply h, rw is_unit_iff_exists_inv, exact ⟨_, key.symm⟩ }, { rintro ⟨c, rfl⟩, apply eq_zero_of_zero_dvd, use p, rw [zero_mul, helper (p*c), ideal.quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem, nat.cast_mul], exact ideal.mul_mem_right _ (ideal.subset_span $ set.mem_singleton p) } end⟩ . example (a b : α) : ((a + b)^p modₑ (p : α)) = (a^p modₑ (p : α)) + (b^p modₑ (p : α)) := begin sorry end end modp
Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2019 at 07:42):
Does simp
see through notation?
Reid Barton (Jun 06 2019 at 07:47):
Everything sees through notation
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC