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Topic: multifix bracket notation

Johan Commelin (Jun 11 2018 at 08:32):

Is this bound to become a massive headache, if possible at all?

universe u
class has_bracket (α : Type u) := (bracket : α  α  α)
local notation `[` a `,` b `]` := has_bracket.bracket

The notation [x,y][x,y] is very common (I would say, mandatory) in the theory of Lie algebras.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 11 2018 at 08:40):

it breaks list notation, so one question is: are you likely to be using list notation? Let's face it, list notation isn't that common in mathematics. Will you use it behind the scenes though? I am not sure I used a single list when doing schemes.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 11 2018 at 08:40):

(at least, not explicitly)

Johan Commelin (Jun 11 2018 at 13:21):

import algebra.module

universes u v

class has_bracket (α : Type u) := (bracket : α  α  α)

local notation `[` a `,` b `]` := has_bracket.bracket a b

class lie_algebra (R : out_param $ Type u) (𝔤 : Type v) [out_param $ comm_ring R]
extends module R 𝔤, has_bracket 𝔤 :=
(left_linear  :=  y : 𝔤, is_linear_map (λ x : 𝔤, [x,y]))
(right_linear :=  x : 𝔤, is_linear_map (λ y : 𝔤, [x,y]))
(alternating  :=  x : 𝔤, [x,x] = 0)
(Jacobi_identity :=  x y z : 𝔤, [x,[y,z]] + [z,[x,y]] + [y,[z,x]] = 0)
(anti_comm    :=  x y : 𝔤, [x,y] = -([y,x]))

variables {R : Type*} [comm_ring R]
variables {𝔤 : Type*} [lie_algebra R 𝔤]

/-- `𝔥` is a Lie subalgebra: a set closed under the Lie bracket. -/
class is_lie_subalgebra (𝔥 : set 𝔤) := (closed {x y} : x  𝔥  y  𝔥  [x,y]  𝔥)

I am bitten again by type class inference. Once again Lean can't infer the class of has_bracket 𝔤 in the last line, even though it knows that 𝔤 is a Lie algebra.
If I compare this with

class is_add_subgroup [add_group α] (s : set α) extends is_add_submonoid s : Prop :=
(neg_mem {a} : a  s  -a  s)

How does Lean figure out has_mem α to make sense of the -a? The cargo-cult programmer in me is stumped.

Reid Barton (Jun 11 2018 at 13:32):

I don't know why, but changing the last line to

variables {𝔤 : Type*} [la : lie_algebra R 𝔤]
include la

made it work for me.

Reid Barton (Jun 11 2018 at 13:32):

If I had to guess, it has something to do with the additional parameter R

Johan Commelin (Jun 11 2018 at 13:33):

Thanks... that'll do for now :wink:

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 11 2018 at 13:39):

Yes, section variables used as out_params are a bit broken. Lean will auto-include section class variables only when all its parameters are (auto-)included, but it should ignore out_params during that.

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 11 2018 at 13:39):

So include R should work too

Johan Commelin (Jun 11 2018 at 13:41):

It doesn't...

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 11 2018 at 13:42):


Reid Barton (Jun 11 2018 at 13:45):

Maybe need to include the [comm_ring R] variable also then

Johan Commelin (Jun 11 2018 at 13:45):

Then yours becomes more efficient (-;

Johan Commelin (Jun 11 2018 at 13:48):

After Reid's (hacky) fix, the next line gives problems. I would like to solve it myself, but I don't know why Lean is unhappy. Here is the line:

instance subset.lie_algebra {𝔥 : set 𝔤} [is_lie_subalgebra 𝔥] : lie_algebra R 𝔥 := sorry

I get red squiggles before the is_lie_subalgebra instance. Lean thinks it needs to infer an extra Type. I have tried some set_options to get more info, but I couldn't figure it out (e.g. trace.class_instances and pp.all). How should I attack this error?

Johan Commelin (Jun 11 2018 at 19:02):

Is there documentation for out_param? What is it's purpose? I think I heard somewhere that there have been long discussions about it. Has that been condensed into some docs? It feels to me like out_param is making it harder to work with modules, rather than easier.

Patrick Massot (Jun 11 2018 at 19:03):

I think all documentation is here on Zulip (or gitter) and source code

Johan Commelin (Jun 11 2018 at 19:04):

I tried implicitly turning an R-algebra into an R-module, by chaining together ring.to_module and restriction of scalars... guess what happened

Johan Commelin (Jun 11 2018 at 19:06):

(I wanted to put the commutator bracket on the algebra [to make the link with this thread])

Johan Commelin (Jun 11 2018 at 19:06):

Anyway, I ran head first into the type class loop again.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 11 2018 at 23:09):

Mario explaining out_param to me on gitter:

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 11 2018 at 23:09):

elaborator deals with opt_param, type class deals with out_param

Normally a typeclass won't trigger until all its parameters are fixed

So for example [has_mem A B] won't be solved until A and B are known

i.e. if I have x \in y and the types of x y are unknown, it will fail

However, has_mem works a bit differently than this because A is marked as an out_param

structure has_mem : out_param (Type u) → Type v → Type (max u v)
has_mem.mem : Π {α : out_param (Type u)} {γ : Type v} [c : has_mem α γ], α → γ → Prop

In fact, if you have x \in y and y : B, even if the type of x is unknown it will try to solve the typeclass problem has_mem ?M B

This is important because it often comes up in notations like \forall x \in y, ... where y : set A and x is unknown type, we want lean to figure out that x : A

This doesn't affect the meta theory in any way, of course, once the full term is given the elaborator and typeclass inference is done and it's basic DTT. In that situation it really is just an identity function

And opt_param?
Mario Carneiro
That's just the way (x : A := y) is translated, to x : opt_param A y
it holds the optional value so it can be inferred by the usual rules for optional arguments

It is occasionally useful when you want to have an optional argument right of the colon (the := syntax only works on the parameters)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 11 2018 at 23:12):

Mario and Sebastian talking about module and params:

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 11 2018 at 23:12):

To review, the problem is that the definition:

class module (α : out_param $ Type u) (β : Type v) [out_param $ ring α]
  extends has_scalar α β, add_comm_group β :=

leads to a search problem in which ring ?M1 is solved before module ?M1 β, which leads to a loop when there is an instance like [ring A] [ring B] : ring (A x B)
I would like to make lean search for module ?M1 β only, obtaining α and the ring instance by unification
Johannes suggested using {out_param $ ring α} instead of [out_param $ ring α], but then it doesn't work as a typeclass, and all the multiplications etc in the theorem statements break
A possible solution is to skip out_param typeclass search problems until after all the others are solved


So the real issue is: You want the elaborator to handle applying a function {A B} [ring A] [module A B] (x : B) : ..., yes...?
Mario Carneiro
Jan 19 10:10
Sebastian Ullrich
Jan 19 10:10
Where you want it to solve the second instance first, which fixes A and the first instance

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 11 2018 at 23:16):


Kevin Buzzard (Jun 11 2018 at 23:16):

Johannes too

Johan Commelin (Jun 12 2018 at 07:08):

Ok, I think I half understand the issues involved. Does this mean that

namespace restriction_of_scalars

variables {R : Type u} [ring R]
variables {S : Type v} [ring S]
variables {f : R  S}  [is_ring_hom f]
variables {M : Type w} [module S M]

instance : module R M :=
{ smul     := λ r m, f(r)  m,
  smul_add := λ _ _ _, smul_add,
  add_smul := λ r s m, begin
    show f (r + s)  m = f(r)  m + f(s)  m,
    rw is_ring_hom.map_add f,
    apply add_smul,
  mul_smul := λ r s m, begin
    show f (r * s)  m = f(r)  f(s)  m,
    rw is_ring_hom.map_mul f,
    apply mul_smul
  one_smul := λ m, begin
    show f (1)  m = m,
    rw is_ring_hom.map_one f,
    apply one_smul,

end restriction_of_scalars

implies self-destruction :boom: ?

Johan Commelin (Jun 12 2018 at 07:32):

Ok, maybe this is asking to much. But would it be ok if we restrict to the case where R is a subring, and f = subtype.val?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC