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Topic: multiplicative group of a field

Meow (Oct 24 2021 at 03:01):

How to define the multiplicative group of a field in Lean 3?

Meow (Oct 24 2021 at 03:02):

import algebra.field
noncomputable theory

variables {K : Type*}[field K]

def mulgroup (h :  (a : K), a  0) : comm_group K :=
  mul := λ x, λ y, x * y,
  inv := λ x, x⁻¹,
  one := 1,
  mul_comm :=

Anupam Nayak (Oct 24 2021 at 03:12):

Maybe this? https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib_docs/algebra/group/units.html#units

Anupam Nayak (Oct 24 2021 at 03:13):

See def units.group

Meow (Oct 24 2021 at 03:13):


Yury G. Kudryashov (Oct 24 2021 at 03:13):

You can define anything (e.g., false) if you assume that all elements of a field are nonzero!

Meow (Oct 24 2021 at 03:29):

Yury G. Kudryashov said:

You can define anything (e.g., false) if you assume that all elements of a field are nonzero!

Yes I made a fool mistake, that's a contradiction.

Adam Topaz (Oct 24 2021 at 03:31):

The field itself will have a docs#group_with_zero instance which I think would be good enough for most things. If you really want, use docs#units which will have a group instance. But you will need to deal with coercions if you want to go back to the field

Meow (Oct 24 2021 at 07:25):

import tactic
import algebra.field
import algebra.ring.basic

noncomputable theory

universe u
structure mulgroup (α : Type u) [field α] (h: (0:α)  (1:α)):=
(val : α)
(neq_zero : val  0)

instance (α : Type u) [field α] (h: (0:α)  (1:α)): group (mulgroup α h) :=
  one := 1, h.symm⟩,
  inv := λ u, u.val⁻¹,
    by {simp [mulgroup.neq_zero u]} ⟩,
  mul := λ u₁ u₂, u₁.val * u₂.val,
    by {simp [mulgroup.neq_zero u₁, mulgroup.neq_zero u₂]}⟩,
  mul_assoc := by finish,
  one_mul := by {simp, sorry},
  mul_one := sorry,
  mul_left_inv := sorry

How to complete the proof at the first sorry?
The goal of one_mul after simp is

α: Type u
_inst_1: field α
h: 0  1
  (a : mulgroup α h), {val := a.val, neq_zero := _} = a

That's trivial, but I don't know how to succeed.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2021 at 08:01):

Try intro a, cases a, refl

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2021 at 08:02):

h is unnecessary by the way, it's an axiom of a field

Meow (Oct 24 2021 at 08:26):


Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2021 at 08:33):

You have made a new structure, mulgroup, rather than using mathlib's units, so to get it to work effectively you will have to make a little interface for it. I would recommend proving an extensionality lemma for it before you start the proof that it's a group, ie prove that two terms of type mulgroup k (don't call it alpha unless you're actually a computer scientist who thinks this is a better name for a field) are equal when their vals are.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2021 at 08:34):

This might be as simple as writing @[ext] before the word structure but I'm not at lean to check. Then you will be able to use the ext tactic instead of cases

Patrick Massot (Oct 24 2021 at 08:34):

I was about to write that. Put @[ext] right above the structure line

Yury G. Kudryashov (Oct 24 2021 at 16:42):

BTW, all fields in mathlib are assumed to be nontrivial.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Oct 24 2021 at 16:43):

So you can get (0 : α) ≠ (1 : α) from docs#zero_ne_one.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC