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Topic: mutual recursive parsers

Kana (Feb 17 2021 at 20:49):

It is rather easy to write recursive parser like this (example from data.buffer.parser)

private def fix_core (f : parser α  parser α) :   parser α
| 0 := failure
| (n + 1) := f (fix_core n)

def fix (f : parser α  parser α) : parser α :=
λ input, fix_core f (input.length + 1) input

But what if I want a lot of mutual recursive parsers?

My current solution is:

  1. hlist
inductive hprod (f : Type  Type) : list Type  Type 1
| nil : hprod []
| cons {α αs} (x : f α) (xs : hprod αs) : hprod (α :: αs)

notation `⟦` l:(foldr `, ` (h t, cons h t) nil `⟧`) := l
  1. fixN by hprod
private def fixN_core {αs} (f : hprod parser αs  hprod parser αs) :   hprod parser αs
| 0 := hprod.pure @parser.failure
| (n + 1) := f (fixN_core n)

def fixN : {αs}, (hprod parser αs  hprod parser αs)  hprod parser αs
| [] f := hprod.nil
| (α::αs) f :=
    (λ input, (fixN_core f (input.length + 1)).head input)
    (fixN (hprod.tail  f  hprod.cons failure))
  1. example
def parsers : hprod parser
    [ value -- element
    , list value -- elements
    , value -- value
    , ...
    ] :=
  fixN $ λp, match p with
  | element, elements, valueP, ...⟧ :=
     -- element
      ws *> valueP <* ws
    , -- elements
      sep_by1 (ch' ',') element
    , --value
      value.object <$> object <|>
    , ...

Is there some better way to do this?

Kana (Feb 17 2021 at 20:56):

I think I should try higher kinded structures like

structure parsers (h : Type -> Type) :=
  (element : h value)
  (elements : h (list value))

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2021 at 20:57):

The usual workaround is to pass later parsers as arguments to earlier parsers

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2021 at 20:58):

I don't think generalizing the monad is necessary here in any case

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2021 at 20:59):

In your case, you can probably get away with just one main parser that you pass to all the others, namely valueP

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2021 at 21:00):

do you have a MWE?

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2021 at 21:07):

here I made one for you

import data.buffer.parser

meta inductive value
| string : string  value
| object : list (string × value)  value
| array : list value  value
| number :   value
| bool : bool  value
| null : value

open parser
def ws : parser unit := sorry
def ch' : char  parser unit := sorry

meta def object : parser (list (string × value)) := sorry
meta def valueP : parser value := value.object <$> object <|> value.array <$> arrayP
meta def element : parser value := ws *> valueP <* ws
meta def elements : parser (list value) := sep_by1 (ch' ',') element
meta def arrayP : parser (list value) := ch' '[' *> elements <* ch' '['

Note that there isn't any order we can write the declarations since they are in a cyclic dependency

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2021 at 21:09):

However they aren't too far from being acyclic; if we break the dependence on valueP then everything becomes acyclic

meta def object (valueP : parser value) : parser (list (string × value)) := sorry
meta def element (valueP : parser value) : parser value := ws *> valueP <* ws
meta def elements (valueP : parser value) : parser (list value) := sep_by1 (ch' ',') (element valueP)
meta def arrayP (valueP : parser value) : parser (list value) := ch' '[' *> (elements valueP) <* ch' '['
meta def valueP : parser value := value.object <$> object valueP <|> value.array <$> arrayP valueP

The trick here is that valueP is allowed to pass itself as an argument to all the other definitions

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2021 at 21:11):

Lean 4 has the notion of a mutual block that makes these kinds of recursions a lot easier. Lean 3 has mutual definitions too but they are not compiled very well

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2021 at 21:14):

Here's what it looks like with a lean 3 mutual def:

meta mutual def object, element, elements, arrayP, valueP
with object : parser (list (string × value)) | x := sorry
with element : parser value | x := (ws *> valueP <* ws) x
with elements : parser (list value) | x := sep_by1 (ch' ',') element x
with arrayP : parser (list value) | x := (ch' '[' *> elements <* ch' '[') x
with valueP : parser value | x := (value.object <$> object <|> value.array <$> arrayP) x

The | x := nuisance parameter is because we can only use this to define values of function type, which parser happens to be

Kana (Feb 17 2021 at 21:16):

My not so minimal WE (in MWE namespace)

Kana (Feb 17 2021 at 21:17):

Thanks again, I am looking at your example

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2021 at 21:19):

Here's a version of your MWE:

namespace MWE
open parser

meta def parser_a (b : parser (list char)) : parser (list char) :=
(::) <$> ch 'a' <*> (b <|> eof $> [])
meta def parser_b : parser (list char) :=
(::) <$> ch 'b' <*> (parser_a parser_b <|> eof $> [])

meta def abab := list.as_string <$> (parser_a parser_b <|> parser_b)

#eval abab.run "abab"

end MWE

Kana (Feb 17 2021 at 21:22):

Oh thanks. So does meta have an effect like "disable totality checker and mark function as possible partial"? It is what I want.

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2021 at 21:26):

And here's your longer example:

  meta def element (valueP : parser value) : parser value :=
  ws *> valueP <* ws

  meta def elements (valueP : parser value) : parser (list value) :=
  sep_by1 (ch' ',') (element valueP)

  meta def member (valueP : parser value) : parser (string × value) :=
  do key  ws *> stringP <* ws,
    ch ':',
    value  element valueP,
    pure key, value

  meta def members (valueP : parser value) : parser (list (string × value)) :=
  sep_by1 (ch' ',') (member valueP)

  meta def object (valueP : parser value) : parser (list (string × value)) :=
  [] <$ (ch '{' *> ws <* ch '}') <|>
  (ch '{' *> members valueP <* ch '}')

  meta def array (valueP : parser value) : parser (list value) :=
  [] <$ (ch '[' *> ws <* ch ']') <|>
  (ch '[' *> elements valueP <* ch ']')

  meta def json_parser : parser value | x :=
  (value.object <$> object json_parser <|>
  value.array <$> array json_parser <|>
  value.string <$> stringP <|>
  value.number <$> nat <|>
  value.bool true <$ str "true" <|>
  value.bool false <$ str "false" <|>
  value.null <$ str "null") x

  #eval json_parser.run "[{\"1\\n\\u0030\": 1}, 2]"

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2021 at 21:28):

It doesn't disable totality checking, i.e. matches still have to be exhaustive, but it does disable termination checking. In fact, in the first version of the code I just posted, I left off the | x := part in json_parser, and doing this will cause the #eval line to stack overflow because it tries to eagerly evaluate all the closures before it even starts giving it the input

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2021 at 21:29):

the | x := says that we should leave json_parser unevaluated (for example when this term appears in the other parsers) until we have an input to give it

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2021 at 21:31):

In lean 4 there is a partial keyword for enabling this particular functionality without also opting in to the unsafe parts of the language

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC