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Topic: neither computable nor noncomputable

Scott Morrison (Aug 20 2020 at 23:48):

It seems @Fox Thomson may have run into a bug in Lean, which I've posted as https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean/issues/451:

import set_theory.ordinal

inductive G : Type 1
| mk :  α : Type, (α  G)  G

noncomputable def N : ordinal  G
| O₁ :=  O₁.out.α,
  λ O₂, have hwf : (ordinal.typein O₁.out.r O₂) < O₁ := sorry,
    N (ordinal.typein O₁.out.r O₂) 
using_well_founded {dec_tac := tactic.assumption}

gives a warning definition 'N' was incorrectly marked as noncomputable, while

import set_theory.ordinal

inductive G : Type 1
| mk :  α : Type, (α  G)  G

def N : ordinal  G
| O₁ :=  O₁.out.α,
  λ O₂, have hwf : (ordinal.typein O₁.out.r O₂) < O₁ := sorry,
    N (ordinal.typein O₁.out.r O₂) 
using_well_founded {dec_tac := tactic.assumption}

gives an error rec_fn_macro only allowed in meta definitions.

Scott Morrison (Aug 20 2020 at 23:49):

This is minimised from #3855, if it's helpful to see the original context, defining the combinatorial game "nim".

Mario Carneiro (Aug 21 2020 at 00:03):

the error suggests that it wants to be meta, not noncomputable

Mario Carneiro (Aug 21 2020 at 00:18):

Interestingly, you can get it to compile if you use noncomputable theory and also mark the def noncomputable

Mario Carneiro (Aug 21 2020 at 00:23):

None of the auxiliary definitions here should be noncomputable, but there are lots of noncomputable subterms in irrelevant positions, specifically O₁.out

Mario Carneiro (Aug 21 2020 at 00:26):

If you stick this before the definition it works just fine:

import set_theory.ordinal

def ordinal.out (o : ordinal) : Well_order :=
o.out.α, λ x y, o.out.r x y, o.out.wo

inductive G : Type 1
| mk :  α : Type, (α  G)  G

def N : ordinal  G
| O₁ := O₁.out.α,
  λ O₂, have hwf : ordinal.typein O₁.out.r O₂ < O₁ := sorry,
    N (ordinal.typein O₁.out.r O₂)
using_well_founded {dec_tac := tactic.assumption}

ordinal.out "launders" quotient.out through a bunch of irrelevant types to make it computable

Scott Morrison (Aug 21 2020 at 00:27):

@Fox Thomson, do you want to try using Mario's ordinal.out?

Fox Thomson (Aug 21 2020 at 10:08):

@Mario Carneiro I tried adding this to my definition and it works if I 'prove' hwf by sorry but my current proof of hwf uses ordinal.type_out which I think is causing problems, how could I translate this to use your definition of ordinal.out?

def nim : ordinal  pgame
| O₁ :=  O₁.out.α, O₁.out.α,
  λ O₂, have hwf : (ordinal.typein O₁.out.r O₂) < O₁,
    from begin nth_rewrite_rhs 0 ordinal.type_out O₁, exact ordinal.typein_lt_type _ _ end,
    nim (ordinal.typein O₁.out.r O₂),
  λ O₂, have hwf : (ordinal.typein O₁.out.r O₂) < O₁,
    from begin nth_rewrite_rhs 0 ordinal.type_out O₁, exact ordinal.typein_lt_type _ _ end,
    nim (ordinal.typein O₁.out.r O₂)
using_well_founded {dec_tac := tactic.assumption}

Mario Carneiro (Aug 21 2020 at 18:04):

Same trick:

theorem ordinal.type_out' :  (o : ordinal), ordinal.type (ordinal.out o).r = o := ordinal.type_out

use this instead of ordinal.type_out

Mario Carneiro (Aug 21 2020 at 18:05):

@Fox Thomson

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC