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Stream: general

Topic: newb, "#check 5" 1 minute runtime?

drocta (May 31 2018 at 20:30):

First, sorry if this is not the correct place for me to seek help for this. I haven't used zulip before and couldn't find a page with the rules to follow for this specific chat. (Should I have put this in an existing topic?)
I tried installing Lean 3.4.1 on windows 7, and when I try to run a test2.lean which consists of just "#check 5", it takes a minute and 5 seconds before it gives me the output.

5 : ℕ
<unknown>:1:1: error: unknown declaration 'main'

(when running "lean --run ../../progs/test2.lean" )
Someone else let me know that they tried a similar file

constant m : nat
#check m

which I tried before "#check 5" and also takes a minute for me)
on linux, and for them it ran in under a second.
They didn't have an idea for why it was running slowly except possibly my antivirus, but it still runs just as slow for me when I have that turned off.

I tend to have my computer's memory use fairly high. Would this cause Lean to run this slowly for this test case?

During the minute that it is running, my cpu use goes to around 100% (from around 20%). I tried closing my antivirus software and it didn't seem to improve the running speed.

Could anyone provide me with advice for what to do differently?

Thank you for your consideration

Patrick Massot (May 31 2018 at 20:38):

First, sorry if this is not the correct place for me to seek help for this. I haven't used zulip before and couldn't find a page with the rules to follow for this specific chat. (Should I have put this in an existing topic?)

I don't think we have any specific rule. Mario only pretends to complain when he sees Lolcats or memes. We only try to minimize code when asking for help, and avoid asking Sebastian about Lean 4 progress every day. That being said, I have no Windows computer so I cannot help. I can only tell you this shouldn't happen

drocta (May 31 2018 at 20:40):

Alright, thank you

Reid Barton (May 31 2018 at 20:50):

I don't think you want "--run"

Reid Barton (May 31 2018 at 20:51):

But I don't know whether that will make it not slow.

drocta (May 31 2018 at 20:57):

Ah! Thanks, I tried it without the "--run" , and it no longer complains about lacking main, though it still takes slightly over a minute.

drocta (May 31 2018 at 21:02):

Ah, I just tried running it with --profile , and, in addition to much more text than I expected, it ended with

5 : ℕ
cumulative profiling times:
compilation 6.75s
decl post-processing 2.45s
elaboration 85.4s
elaboration: tactic compilation 11.5s
elaboration: tactic execution 13.2s
parsing 12.9s
type checking 1.44s

Which I suppose says something, thought I'm not quite sure what.

Mario Carneiro (May 31 2018 at 21:10):

Have you compiled the library files? If your core lean contains no .olean files then that could explain the long startup, since lean has to compile everything every time. Try running lean --make first

Mario Carneiro (May 31 2018 at 21:11):

You don't want to use --run unless you are using lean noninteractively

Mario Carneiro (May 31 2018 at 21:11):

it's basically the same as affixing #eval main to the end of the given file

drocta (May 31 2018 at 21:13):

Ah, I had not! I will run that now, Thank you!

drocta (May 31 2018 at 21:15):

Ah, when I ran lean --makeby itself it finished in under a second and didn't say anything, and then I tried lean ../../progs/test2.lean again and it still took a bit. I will time it to see if it is still taking a minute.

drocta (May 31 2018 at 21:17):

Still took a minute and 5 seconds.
I noticed that when I ran lean --path it told me that "leanpkg_path_file" was "/could-not-find-home". Could that be related?

drocta (May 31 2018 at 21:18):

oh, I tried lean --make ..\..\progs\test2.lean and it is saying stuff

drocta (May 31 2018 at 21:20):

Ah! Great! It runs in 7 seconds now. There we go. Thank you!

Reid Barton (May 31 2018 at 22:59):

Interesting. I guess the precompiled binaries don't contain precompiled .olean files? Are they platform-dependent?

Kevin Buzzard (May 31 2018 at 23:07):

I almost always use linux nightlies and they have plenty of .olean files usually

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC