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Topic: newbie: proof from assumption of inductively defined prop

Kevin Sullivan (Oct 17 2018 at 17:41):

Given a typical definition of an evenness property ...

inductive ev:   Prop
| ev_0 : ev 0
| ev_SS :  n, ev n  ev (n + 2)

Here's a script that proves that 7 isn't even:

example : ¬ ev 7 :=
assume ev7,
cases ev7 with ev5,
cases ev7_a,
cases ev7_a_a,
cases ev7_a_a_a,

To prove that 8 is even, I can use repeat { apply ev_SS }.

What is a stylistically nicer way to prove that 7 isn't even.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 17 2018 at 18:04):

You could move this thread into the new members stream. And if you're posting code you can triple quote it: write ```lean at the beginning and ``` at the end. For your question: you could prove ev n was decidable, and then dec_trivial would decide it.

Andrew Ashworth (Oct 17 2018 at 18:13):

I think this is something that can be improved in Lean 4, when reflection runs a bit faster. https://people.csail.mit.edu/jgross/personal-website/papers/2018-reification-by-parametricity-itp-camera-ready.pdf

Andrew Ashworth (Oct 17 2018 at 18:15):

the paper's first few sections go through several ways of implementing an evenness checker

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 17 2018 at 18:41):

got it:

instance decidable_ev :  n, decidable (ev n)
| 0 := is_true ev_0
| 1 := is_false (λ ev1, by cases ev1)
| (n + 2) := decidable_of_decidable_of_iff (decidable_ev n) $ (ev_SS_iff n).symm

example : ¬ ev 7 := dec_trivial

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 17 2018 at 18:41):

dammit I failed:

inductive ev :   Prop
| ev_0 : ev 0
| ev_SS :  n, ev n  ev (n + 2)

open ev

lemma ev_SS_iff (n : ) : ev (n + 2)  ev n :=
  { -- cases way
    intro evSS,
    cases evSS,
  { -- easy way
    exact ev_SS n

open ev

instance decidable_ev :  n, decidable (ev n)
| 0 := is_true ev_0
| 1 := is_false (λ ev1, by cases ev1)
| (n + 2) := begin rw ev_SS_iff n, exact decidable_ev n end

example : decidable (ev 2) := by apply_instance

example : ev 2 := dec_trivial -- fails
exact tactic failed, type mismatch, given expression has type
but is expected to have type
  as_true (ev 2)
⊢ as_true (ev 2)

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 17 2018 at 18:41):

example : ¬ (ev 7) :=
  repeat {rw ev_SS_iff},
  intro ev1,cases ev1

is an answer (using the lemma I proved in the previous post).

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 17 2018 at 18:43):

Sorry, had dodgy internet and posts have appeared in random order

Chris Hughes (Oct 17 2018 at 18:43):

I'm guessing dec_trivial failed because you didn't make decidable an instance.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 17 2018 at 18:44):

My rw proof doesn't work for some reason

Scott Olson (Oct 17 2018 at 18:45):

I think the problem is rewriting with an iff invokes propext which then cannot reduce?

Scott Olson (Oct 17 2018 at 18:45):

#eval (ev 2 : bool) -- tt
#reduce (ev 2 : bool) -- decidable.rec (λ (h : ev 2 → false), ff) (λ (h : ev 2), tt) (eq.rec (is_true ev_0) _)

Scott Olson (Oct 17 2018 at 18:46):

If you set_option pp.proofs true the innocent little _ there is (propext <large iff structure expression>)

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 17 2018 at 18:47):


Kenny Lau (Oct 17 2018 at 18:50):

inductive ev :   Prop
| ev_0 : ev 0
| ev_SS :  n, ev n  ev (n + 2)

instance : decidable_pred ev
| 0 := is_true ev.ev_0
| 1 := is_false $ λ H, by cases H
| (n+2) := match ev.decidable_pred n with
    | is_true H := is_true (ev.ev_SS n H)
    | is_false H := is_false (λ h, by cases h with h h; exact H h)

Chris Hughes (Oct 17 2018 at 18:53):

@Kenny Lau now that we've established that "computable" functions aren't really computable unless you avoid propext and quot.sound, are you going to start avoiding those axioms as well?

Kenny Lau (Oct 17 2018 at 18:54):

inductive ev :   Prop
| ev_0 : ev 0
| ev_SS :  n, ev n  ev (n + 2)

theorem ev_iff (n : ) : ev n  ev (n + 2) :=
ev.ev_SS n, λ H, by cases H with h h; exact h

instance decidable_ev :  n, decidable (ev n)
| 0 := is_true ev.ev_0
| 1 := is_false (λ ev1, by cases ev1)
| (n + 2) := decidable_of_decidable_of_iff (decidable_ev n) (ev_iff n)

Kenny Lau (Oct 17 2018 at 18:59):

inductive ev :   Prop
| ev_0 : ev 0
| ev_SS :  n, ev n  ev (n + 2)

def ev_b :   bool
| 0 := tt
| 1 := ff
| (n+2) := ev_b n

theorem ev_iff :  n, ev_b n  ev n
| 0 := ⟨λ _, ev.ev_0, λ _, rfl
| 1 := ⟨λ ev1, by cases ev1, λ ev1, by cases ev1
| (n+2) := ⟨λ evss, ev.ev_SS n ((ev_iff n).1 evss),
    λ evss, by cases evss with _ evss; exact (ev_iff n).2 evss

instance : decidable_pred ev :=
λ n, decidable_of_decidable_of_iff infer_instance (ev_iff n)

Mario Carneiro (Oct 17 2018 at 20:20):

You should use bodd instead, it has an efficient implementation in VM and a not stupid implementation in kernel

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC