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Topic: no lean messages output in hacked mode

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 16:51):

@Rob Lewis made me a new "mode", it looks a bit like this:

-- lots of stuff omitted
meta def kevin.interactive.induction :
  interactive.parse interactive.cases_arg_p 
  interactive.parse interactive.types.using_ident 
  interactive.parse interactive.types.with_ident_list 
  interactive.parse (optional (lean.parser.tk "generalizing" *> lean.parser.many lean.parser.ident))  tactic unit
:= tactic.interactive.induction

run_cmd copy_decls

example (n : ) : true :=
begin [kevin]
  induction n,
    sorry, sorry

so I can have my hacked version of induction just by writing induction, as long as the user writes begin [kevin]. But there is no output on the Lean Messages screen in VS Code! I think this is because Rob didn't know how to turn this on. @Sebastian Ullrich do you know how to turn this on?

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 16:52):


Simon Hudon (Jul 26 2019 at 16:56):

You can look at https://github.com/unitb/temporal-logic/blob/master/src/temporal_logic/tactic.lean to see how to make that work. I copied a comment by Leo in the file

Simon Hudon (Jul 26 2019 at 16:57):

Actually, here is the comment:

   The auto quotation currently supports two classes of tactics: tactic and smt_tactic.
   To add a new class Tac, we have to
   1) Make sure it is a monad. That is, we have an instance for (monad Tac)
   2) There is a namespace Tac.interactive
   3) There is a definition: Tac.step {α : Type} (t : Tac α) : Tac unit
   4) (Optional) Tac.istep {α : Type} (line0 col0 : nat) (line col : nat) (tac : Tac α) : Tac unit
      Similar to step but it should scope trace messages at the given line/col,
      and ensure that the exception position is after (line0, col0)
   6) There is a definition Tac.save_info (line col : nat) : Tac unit
   7) There is a definition Tac.execute (tac : Tac unit) : tactic unit
   8) There is a definition Tac.execute_with (cfg : config) (tac : Tac unit) : tactic unit
      where config is an arbitrary type.
   TODO(Leo): improve the "recipe" above. It is too ad hoc.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 17:02):

I want to rewrite the defintions of tactics which are already there

Rob Lewis (Jul 26 2019 at 17:02):

Oh, I thought I fixed this while you were here. Change the definition of save_info: meta def save_info := tactic.save_info

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 17:03):

Doesn't work for me

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 17:04):

open tactic

meta def copy_decl (d : declaration) : tactic unit :=
add_decl $ d.update_name $ d.to_name.update_prefix `kevin.interactive

@[reducible] meta def filter (d : declaration) : bool :=
d.to_name  [`tactic.interactive.induction]

meta def copy_decls : tactic unit :=
do env  get_env,
  let ls := env.fold [] list.cons,
  ls.mmap' $ λ dec, when (dec.to_name.get_prefix = `tactic.interactive  filter dec) (copy_decl dec)

@[reducible] meta def kevin := tactic

namespace kevin

--meta instance : monad kevin := by delta kevin; apply_instance

--meta instance : alternative kevin := by delta kevin; apply_instance

meta def step {α} (c : kevin α) : kevin unit :=
c >> return ()

meta def save_info := tactic.save_info

meta def execute (c : kevin unit) : kevin unit :=

--meta def trace_state {α : Type}

end kevin

--#check tactic.interactive.induction

meta def kevin.interactive.induction :
  interactive.parse interactive.cases_arg_p 
  interactive.parse interactive.types.using_ident 
  interactive.parse interactive.types.with_ident_list 
  interactive.parse (optional (lean.parser.tk "generalizing" *> lean.parser.many lean.parser.ident))  tactic unit
:= tactic.interactive.induction

run_cmd copy_decls

example (n : ) : n = n :=
begin [kevin]
  induction n,
  -- no output in Lean window
    sorry, sorry

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 17:05):

trace_state indicates that the goals are fine, I just can't see them.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 17:06):

 4) (Optional) Tac.istep {α : Type} (line0 col0 : nat) (line col : nat) (tac : Tac α) : Tac unit
      Similar to step but it should scope trace messages at the given line/col,

That's what Sebastian is referring to perhaps.

Rob Lewis (Jul 26 2019 at 17:07):

Oh, that's weird, changing save_info fixes it in the "display goal" view but not in "display messages."

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 17:08):

meta def istep : Π {α : Type*},         tactic α  tactic unit := tactic.istep

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 17:08):

This does it.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 17:09):


Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 17:09):

aargh no it doesn't; my trace_state was still left in

Simon Hudon (Jul 26 2019 at 17:11):

If the only benefit is having induction behave in a specific way, this solution is overkill. You're going to need to explicitly bring every tactic that you want available in your proof language. You're much better off calling your tactic my_induction or induction' or kevin_induction and staying in tactic.interactive

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 17:12):

I've finally got it working :-) Thanks.

Rob Lewis (Jul 26 2019 at 17:12):

Wait, there are sorrys there, there shouldn't be anything displaying in "display messages." It works perfectly fine for me with save_info changed.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 17:13):

I was in the other mode :-/ I wish they won't both called "Lean messages" in VS Code.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 17:14):

In CoCalc it's "all messages" and "info at cursor"

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 17:14):

This is brilliant, thanks Rob and Sebastian.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 17:15):

@Sebastian Ullrich this is for some standalone project where the user won't see the [kevin] nonsense but will want to be using familiar Lean tactics.

Koundinya Vajjha (Jul 26 2019 at 17:17):

When a tactic class like this is defined, are all the interactive tactics available by default or should they be manually lifted to the [kevin] tactic class?

Koundinya Vajjha (Jul 26 2019 at 17:17):

Oh sorry Simon already answered this

Rob Lewis (Jul 26 2019 at 17:18):

In Kevin's file, there's a command that copies everything in tactic.interactive to kevin.interactive.

Sebastian Ullrich (Jul 26 2019 at 17:28):

This is brilliant, thanks Rob and Sebastian.

Uh, you're welcome...?

Simon Hudon (Jul 26 2019 at 20:24):

@Sebastian Ullrich I'm starting to think @Kevin Buzzard does not know that you and I are two separate people

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 20:31):

I am very vague at the best of times

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 20:33):

I see my mistake now. Thanks @Simon Hudon . My silly mode is now fully compliant with the comment and I've had a much more pleasant experience with it since. Thanks!

Marc Huisinga (Jul 26 2019 at 21:54):

this "canonically isomorphic"-business is going too far, now he's applying it to people!!

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2019 at 22:27):

all computer scientists are equivalent

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 27 2019 at 07:23):

gaargh sorry doesn't work in my monad (now called less_leaky)

invalid tactic class 'less_leaky', 'less_leaky.solve1' has not been defined

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 27 2019 at 07:23):

I'll get back to Simon's list

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 27 2019 at 07:28):

Oh I've fixed it myself.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 27 2019 at 07:28):

Whatever I don't have, I just take from the tactic namespace. Duh.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 27 2019 at 07:29):

@Simon Hudon it seems to me that tactic does not follow rule 8?

   8) There is a definition Tac.execute_with (cfg : config) (tac : Tac unit) : tactic unit
      where config is an arbitrary type.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 27 2019 at 11:36):


Keeley Hoek (Jul 27 2019 at 13:47):

Sure, it's hardcoded not to look for such when you're in tactic

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 27 2019 at 13:51):

That doesn't tell me how to write my own one then :-)

Simon Hudon (Jul 27 2019 at 16:15):

You can look at the smt example or my own temporal example

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 27 2019 at 16:39):

I just stole the smt one

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC