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Topic: norm_cast almost working
Patrick Massot (Jun 01 2019 at 11:07):
@Paul-Nicolas Madelaine @Rob Lewis I'm having great success with norm_cast
but there is one thing I can't get to work. Here is a somewhat minimal example showing what works and what doesn't work:
import tactic.norm_cast def with_zero (α) := option α variables {α : Type*} instance : has_coe_t α (with_zero α) := ⟨some⟩ instance : has_zero (with_zero α) := ⟨none⟩ instance [has_one α]: has_one (with_zero α) := ⟨some 1⟩ instance [has_mul α] : mul_zero_class (with_zero α) := { mul := λ o₁ o₂, o₁.bind (λ a, o₂.map (λ b, a * b)), zero_mul := λ a, rfl, mul_zero := λ a, by cases a; refl, ..with_zero.has_zero } @[elim_cast] lemma coe_one [has_one α] : ((1 : α) : with_zero α) = 1 := rfl @[elim_cast] lemma coe_inj {a b : α} : (a : with_zero α) = b ↔ a = b := option.some_inj @[move_cast] lemma mul_coe {α : Type*} [has_mul α] (a b : α) : ((a * b : α) : with_zero α) = (a : with_zero α) * b := rfl example [has_mul α] [has_one α] (x y : α) (h : (x : with_zero α) * y = 1) : x*y = 1 := begin norm_cast at h, rw ← coe_one at h, -- I want `norm_cast` to do that for me -- norm_cast at h, -- this is actually fighting against me rwa coe_inj at h, end
I hope the last proof can be turned into excat_mod_cat h
. I guess I misunderstood how the cast attributes should be set.
Patrick Massot (Jun 01 2019 at 11:26):
Ok, writing this minimized version has been enough to enable me to play with random permutations and get it right. I need to state coe_one
the other way around.
Patrick Massot (Jun 01 2019 at 11:28):
But I completely fail to see how this matches the documentation of the elim_cast
attribute. So I'm still interested in reading comments by Paul-Nicolas or Rob.
Patrick Massot (Jun 01 2019 at 11:34):
Paul-Nicolas Madelaine (Jun 01 2019 at 14:18):
this is actually a problem I encountered this week, the "correct" way to write the lemma would be the way you wrote it in the example.
the problem here is about how norm_cast handles numerals, it is not general enough and only works when the type also has add.
I will try to fix this, but right now the best solution imo is to keep the rw line before norm_cast
Patrick Massot (Jun 01 2019 at 14:20):
Thanks. It seems my weird workaround is working pretty well, so I'll wait for the official fix without the rw
Paul-Nicolas Madelaine (Jun 01 2019 at 14:22):
sorry about this, I knew the solution for numerals was a bit hacky, but I was kind of waiting to find a real example where it failed to think of another way
Patrick Massot (Jun 01 2019 at 14:33):
No problem. It's already great
Johan Commelin (Jun 03 2019 at 11:53):
@Paul-Nicolas Madelaine Here is a feature request for exact_mod_cast
. It would be cool if it could apply casts/coercions to the goal/expression before exact
ing or apply
ing. Example: I have h : a = 0
, where a : enat
and the goal is a.get _ = 0
I can imagine that this would be a lot of work though... if that is the case, just ignore the feature request.
Mario Carneiro (Jun 03 2019 at 12:19):
does subst, refl work?
Johan Commelin (Jun 04 2019 at 11:01):
I'll try when I'm back at my desktop
Actually, in that case I would have to generalize
first. Because I don't really have an a : enat
but some crazy expression. That would maybe work, but is still inconvenient.
Johan Commelin (Jun 04 2019 at 11:03):
Here is another question. If rw some_lemma
succeeds, should rw_mod_cast some_lemma
also succeed, or is it allowed to fail? Same question for apply
and exact
Johan Commelin (Jun 04 2019 at 11:03):
I'm asking about expected behaviour... I have examples where rw
works, but rw_mod_cast
Paul-Nicolas Madelaine (Jun 05 2019 at 13:55):
@Johan Commelin I'm not sure I understand what you mean by apply casts to the goal, could you give me more details about how you would like the tactic to work on your example?
Paul-Nicolas Madelaine (Jun 05 2019 at 13:56):
apply and rw mod_cast are expected to fail on examples where rw and apply would success,
for instance if you try to use a rw rule that is already a norm_cast lemma
Paul-Nicolas Madelaine (Jun 05 2019 at 13:57):
but if you have examples where they fail unexpectedly, I'd like to see them of course
Johan Commelin (Jun 05 2019 at 14:12):
The downside is that you can not really combine rw
and rw_mod_cast
into a long list of rewrites...
Johan Commelin (Jun 05 2019 at 14:13):
I'll come back to the other example later... need to run now.
Johan Commelin (Jun 05 2019 at 19:04):
@Paul-Nicolas Madelaine After thinking about the example again, I think it falls outside the scope of norm_cast
. I should just apply enat.coe_injective
and then exact_mod_cast h
Patrick Massot (Jun 05 2019 at 19:17):
sounds like it should be in scope for norm_cast
Johan Commelin (Jun 05 2019 at 19:48):
But it is the wrong way round... I think.
Johan Commelin (Jun 05 2019 at 19:49):
Instead of removing coe's you need to introduce them.
Patrick Massot (Jun 05 2019 at 19:51):
I don't know enough context, but the first message in this thread contains a coe_inj
which is successfully used by norm_cast
Paul-Nicolas Madelaine (Jun 18 2019 at 17:22):
I fixed the handling of numerals, but there is something else going on in your example:
'coe_one' shouldn't be an elim_cast lemma
Paul-Nicolas Madelaine (Jun 18 2019 at 17:22):
it looks to be of the shape 'coe x' = 'x',
but it's actually of the shape 'coe (@has_one.one alpha) = @has_one.one (with_zero alpha)'
Paul-Nicolas Madelaine (Jun 18 2019 at 17:24):
it should actually be a 'squash_cast' lema, but that's not clear either. I will try to clarify this in the documentation.
Paul-Nicolas Madelaine (Jun 18 2019 at 17:55):
I'm realizing that the labels are actually not as well defined as I hoped
Paul-Nicolas Madelaine (Jun 18 2019 at 17:57):
mainly the squash_cast label is an issue
Paul-Nicolas Madelaine (Jun 18 2019 at 17:58):
it's actually meant for every lemma that will "push the casts down" in some sense
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC