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Topic: notation that does nothing
Johan Commelin (Nov 21 2018 at 12:42):
I want something like this:
local notation ` [`n`] ` := (((id : ℕ → simplex_category) (n)) : simplex_category) instance : has_coe_to_sort simplex_category := { S := Type, coe := λ n, fin $ n+1 }
In other words, it should take whatever is between [
and ]
, interpret that as a ℕ
, but interpret [_]
as an element of simplex_category
In this way, I can talk about [n+1]
without defining addition or one for simplex_category
. In this way I can also coerce [n]
to fin (n+1)
without defining that coercion for all naturals.
In other words, I would like to make sure that i : [n+1]
Simon Hudon (Nov 21 2018 at 20:21):
Your snippet doesn't work?
Chris Hughes (Nov 21 2018 at 20:23):
Isn't this overloaded from list
Chris Hughes (Nov 21 2018 at 20:23):
Use a different type of brackets?
Simon Hudon (Nov 21 2018 at 20:23):
Instead of using id
, try using:
def my_brackets (n : nat) : simplex_category := n local notation ` [`n`] ` := my_brackets n
Simon Hudon (Nov 21 2018 at 20:24):
Yes, that's also true
Simon Hudon (Nov 21 2018 at 20:24):
A lot of brackets are already taken
Johan Commelin (Nov 21 2018 at 20:37):
I now have
inductive simplex_category | from_nat : ℕ → simplex_category namespace simplex_category local notation ` [`n`] ` := from_nat n instance : has_coe_to_sort simplex_category := { S := Type, coe := λ n, simplex_category.cases_on n (λ n, fin $ n+1) } instance {Δ : simplex_category} : linear_order Δ := by cases Δ; unfold_coes; apply_instance instance : category_theory.category simplex_category := { hom := λ Δ Δ', {f : Δ → Δ' // monotone f}, id := λ _, ⟨_, monotone_id⟩, comp := λ _ _ _ f g, ⟨_, monotone_comp f.2 g.2⟩ }
It seems to work as intended. It seems like a bit of a trick to define and inductive type that is equivalent to nat
, but whatever.
Johan Commelin (Nov 21 2018 at 20:38):
And I definitely want [n]
notation. It's just silly that the notation for lists isn't local.
Kevin Buzzard (Nov 21 2018 at 20:50):
Making copies of inductive types is not uncommon. If you want to do congruence mod n on the integers, you run into problems because equivalence relations are a class but you want more than one equivalence relation on the integers. You can fix it by making these fake copies.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC