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Topic: option.map_comp

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 23 2019 at 20:45):

What is option.map_comp called? I can't find it :-/ Oh! Is it something to do with monads?

Sebastian Ullrich (Mar 23 2019 at 20:59):

Yes, it's comp_map (of class is_lawful_functor)

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 23 2019 at 22:51):

Can I get this cheaply?

def with_zero (α) := option α

instance : monad with_zero := option.monad

namespace with_zero

def map {α β : Type*} (f : α  β) : with_zero α  with_zero β := option.map f

lemma map_id {α : Type*} : map (id : α  α) = id := option.map_id

lemma map_comp {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} (f : α  β) (g : β  γ) (r : with_zero α) :
  with_zero.map (g  f) r = (with_zero.map g) ((with_zero.map f) r) :=
is_lawful_functor.comp_map f g r -- error involving <$>
  type mismatch, term
    comp_map ?m_7 ?m_8 ?m_9
  has type
    (?m_6 ∘ ?m_7) <$> ?m_8 = ?m_6 <$> ?m_7 <$> ?m_8
  but is expected to have type
    map (g ∘ f) r = map g (map f r)

end with_zero

I have never had to deal with <$> before.

Chris Hughes (Mar 23 2019 at 22:57):

Have you proved it's a lawful monad?

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 23 2019 at 22:57):

def map {α β : Type*} (f : α  β) : with_zero α  with_zero β := functor.map f

This fixes it.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 23 2019 at 22:58):

I've proved it's a functor:

example : functor with_zero := by apply_instance

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 23 2019 at 22:58):

Or at least, someone did...

Chris Hughes (Mar 23 2019 at 22:59):

Don't you need to prove it's a lawful functor?

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 23 2019 at 23:01):

def with_zero (α) := option α

instance : monad with_zero := option.monad

namespace with_zero

def map {α β : Type*} (f : α  β) : with_zero α  with_zero β := functor.map f

lemma map_id {α : Type*} : map (id : α  α) = id := option.map_id

lemma map_comp {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} (f : α  β) (g : β  γ) (r : with_zero α) :
  with_zero.map (g  f) r = (with_zero.map g) ((with_zero.map f) r) :=
is_lawful_functor.comp_map f g r -- compiles fine

example : is_lawful_functor with_zero := by apply_instance -- fails!

end with_zero

Apparently not :P

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 23 2019 at 23:02):

I've never played with this stuff before.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 23 2019 at 23:10):

example : is_lawful_functor option := by apply_instance -- works!

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 23 2019 at 23:11):

I am surprised things work out like this. Type class inference found an instance for is_lawful_functor with_zero when using is_lawful_functor.comp_map but not when I asked it explicitly.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 23 2019 at 23:17):

Am I supposed to be writing code like this in a library:

def with_zero (α) := option α

instance : monad with_zero := option.monad

example : is_lawful_functor with_zero := show is_lawful_functor option, by apply_instance

example : is_lawful_monad with_zero := show is_lawful_monad option, by apply_instance

namespace with_zero

def map {α β : Type*} (f : α  β) : with_zero α  with_zero β := functor.map f

lemma map_id {α : Type*} : map (id : α  α) = id := option.map_id

lemma map_comp {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} (f : α  β) (g : β  γ) (r : with_zero α) :
  with_zero.map (g  f) r = (with_zero.map g) ((with_zero.map f) r) :=
is_lawful_functor.comp_map f g r

end with_zero

Or am I just supposed to use is_lawful_functor.comp_map whenever I want with_zero.comp_map?

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 23 2019 at 23:18):

It's the same question Johan asked earlier with vector_subspace.zero_mem just equalling submodule.zero_mem.

Patrick Massot (Mar 24 2019 at 08:13):

What about using open is_lawful_functor and stop worrying?

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 08:43):

Is that what I'm supposed to do?

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 09:05):

aargh functor is rubbish

class functor (f : Type u  Type v) : Type (max (u+1) v) :=
(map : Π {α β : Type u}, (α  β)  f α  f β)
(map_const : Π {α β : Type u}, α  f β  f α := λ α β, map  const β)

functor.map will only eat f : alpha -> beta if alpha and beta live in the same universe :-(

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 09:05):

I don't think this is general enough for me after all

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 09:13):

So I'm back to the start.

universes u₁ u₂ u₃

def option.map_comp {α : Type u₁} {β : Type u₂} {γ : Type u₃}
  (f : α  β) (g : β  γ) (r : option α) :
option.map (g  f) r = option.map g (option.map f r) := sorry

Is this in Lean or mathlib somewhere?

Mario Carneiro (Mar 24 2019 at 09:24):

I don't think it is, it should be in data.option.basic

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 09:25):

You can't prove it using lawful functors, or at least I can't, because then the universes have to be the same.

Mario Carneiro (Mar 24 2019 at 09:25):

This is a known limitation of functor

Mario Carneiro (Mar 24 2019 at 09:26):

this is why many monads have map functions separate from the notation

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 09:26):

You want this sort of thing to construct an equiv of monoids (with_zero G) from an equiv of groups (G)

Mario Carneiro (Mar 24 2019 at 09:26):

I guess it's just a semigroup equiv?

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 09:27):

A semigroup equiv of monoids is a monoid equiv, if I've understood this statement correctly

Mario Carneiro (Mar 24 2019 at 09:27):

with_zero makes a semigroup into a monoid

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 09:28):

Aah I see. Yes.

Mario Carneiro (Mar 24 2019 at 09:28):

so the congr theorem should turn semigroup equivs into monoid equivs

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 09:28):


Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 09:28):

Oh this is more congr?

Mario Carneiro (Mar 24 2019 at 09:28):

yeah, if you squint

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 09:28):

I'm learning to squint at congr.

Mario Carneiro (Mar 24 2019 at 09:29):

G ~= H -> with_zero G ~= with_zero H

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 09:29):

yes, that's a congr alright.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 09:29):

So what's the function called?

Mario Carneiro (Mar 24 2019 at 09:29):


Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 09:29):

I don't think I'll tell you what I was going to call it.

Mario Carneiro (Mar 24 2019 at 09:29):

or maybe something with projection notation

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 09:30):


Mario Carneiro (Mar 24 2019 at 09:30):

semigroup_equiv.with_zero_congr doesn't buy much

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 15:29):

Ohohoh I just sat down to code this and noticed that it is from groups to monoids -- the group law is *, so this extra zero isn't the monoid identity. Maybe it's from monoids to monoids.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2019 at 15:36):

def to_with_zero_monoid_equiv (h : monoid_equiv α β) : monoid_equiv (with_zero α) (with_zero β) :=
{ to_fun := with_zero.map (h.to_equiv),
  inv_fun := with_zero.map (h.to_equiv.symm),
  left_inv := λ x, begin cases x, refl, show some _ = some _, congr, exact h.left_inv x end,
  right_inv := λ x, begin cases x, refl, show some _ = some _, congr, exact h.right_inv x end,
  mul_hom := λ x y, begin cases x; cases y,
  { refl},
  { refl},
  { refl},
  { show some _ = some _, congr, exact h.mul_hom x y}

My plan for the proof of left_inv was to use with_zero.map_comp and with_zero.map_id but there's barely any point.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC