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Stream: general

Topic: pi_instance woes

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:47):

A product of topological groups is a topological group.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:47):

That doesn't sound too hard!

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:48):

Attempt 1:

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:48):

import analysis.topology.topological_structures

example (γ : Type) (F : γ  Type)
[ i : γ, topological_group (F i)] : ...

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:49):

unknown identifier: topological_group!

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:49):

We have topological monoids, topological rings...

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:49):

but no topological groups :-)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:49):

After some digging, I find that we have topological_add_group

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:49):

and given that we also have the insane convention that addition isn't commutative

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:49):

this will do

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:49):

Attempt 2:

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:50):

import analysis.topology.topological_structures

example (γ : Type) (F : γ  Type)
[ i : γ, topological_add_group (F i)] : ...

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:50):

failed to synthesize type class instance for
γ : Type,
F : γ → Type,
i : γ
⊢ add_group (F i)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:50):

(and topological_space too)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:50):


Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:51):

Attempt 3:

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:51):

import analysis.topology.topological_structures

example (γ : Type) (F : γ  Type)
[ i : γ, topological_space (F i)]
[ i : γ, add_group (F i)]
[ i : γ, topological_add_group (F i)] :
topological_add_group (Π i, F i) := sorry

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:51):

failed to synthesize type class instance for
γ : Type,
F : γ → Type,
_inst_1 : Π (i : γ), topological_space (F i),
_inst_2 : Π (i : γ), add_group (F i),
_inst_3 : ∀ (i : γ), topological_add_group (F i)
⊢ add_group (Π (i : γ), F i)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:51):


Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:51):

Oh but this is done in pi_instances, right?

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:51):

Attempt 4

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:52):

import analysis.topology.topological_structures algebra.pi_instances

example (γ : Type) (F : γ  Type)
[ i : γ, topological_space (F i)]
[ i : γ, add_group (F i)]
[ i : γ, topological_add_group (F i)] :
topological_add_group (Π i, F i) := {}

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:52):

maximum class-instance resolution depth has been reached (the limit can be increased by setting option 'class.instance_max_depth') (the class-instance resolution trace can be visualized by setting option 'trace.class_instances')

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:52):

bangs head on table

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:55):

Here's how far I have got:

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:55):

import analysis.topology.topological_structures algebra.pi_instances

set_option trace.class_instances true
example (γ : Type) (F : γ  Type)
[ i : γ, topological_space (F i)]
[ i : γ, add_group (F i)]
[ i : γ, topological_add_group (F i)] :
topological_add_group (Π i, F i) := {
continuous_neg := sorry

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:55):

and the trace looks like this:

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 17:57):


Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:08):


Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:09):

That trace is just tracing along not looking like anything too serious is happening in terms of loops

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:09):

and then right at the end it randomly explodes

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:09):

[class_instances] (4) ?x_28 : ring ?x_27 := @pi.ring ?x_30 ?x_31 ?x_32
[class_instances] (5) ?x_32 i : ring (?x_31 i) := @pi.ring (?x_33 i) (?x_34 i) (?x_35 i)
[class_instances] (6) ?x_35 i i_1 : ring (?x_34 i i_1) := @pi.ring (?x_36 i i_1) (?x_37 i i_1) (?x_38 i i_1)
[class_instances] (7) ?x_38 i i_1 i_2 : ring (?x_37 i i_1 i_2) := @pi.ring (?x_39 i i_1 i_2) (?x_40 i i_1 i_2) (?x_41 i i_1 i_2)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:10):

and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger

Simon Hudon (Jun 14 2018 at 18:11):

What instance are you expecting will resolve this?

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:12):

you are that instance

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:12):

my question certainly seems to have nothing to do with rings

Simon Hudon (Jun 14 2018 at 18:13):

apply_instance doesn't have my phone number ;-)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:13):

I want to prove that the product of top groups is a top group

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:13):

The instance isn't there yet

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:14):

but I haven't even got to defining the instance

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:14):

because of some random type class explosion

Simon Hudon (Jun 14 2018 at 18:14):

You can try by pi_instance

Simon Hudon (Jun 14 2018 at 18:15):

You will need more arguments, we'll see what errors we get

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:16):

I'm on it

Simon Hudon (Jun 14 2018 at 18:17):

If you use my refine_struct branch, that should be all you need.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:17):


Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:18):

so you mean don't use algebra.pi_instances?

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:18):

Apparently I should prove pi.topological_add_monoid first

Simon Hudon (Jun 14 2018 at 18:18):

No I mean you write by pi_instance and it figures it all out on its own without you having to give more information

Simon Hudon (Jun 14 2018 at 18:19):

(if you use refine_struct)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:23):

so can you give me more clues about exactly what to type, so I can "use refine_struct"?

Simon Hudon (Jun 14 2018 at 18:24):


Simon Hudon (Jun 14 2018 at 18:26):

1. delete your _target directory
2. go in your leanpkg.toml file
3. replace the mathlib entry with
mathlib = {git = "https://github.com/cipher1024/mathlib", rev = "e1c15f02a62a0343e5497ae380355e966be9b3e4"}
4. in a terminal, call leanpkg build on your project

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:27):

You know what

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:27):

I think the problem might be

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:27):

that pi_instances doesn't do any topology

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:28):

and I rather think that putting a topological space structure on a product of types

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:28):

is actually something which requires an idea

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:28):

at least if you want to put the correct top space structure on it

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:28):

Aah sorry

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:28):

By "don't use algebra.pi_instances"

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:29):

I mean "don't use official mathlib's algebra.pi_instances"?

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:29):

OK I will switch.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:29):

It will be interesting to see what happens!

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:32):


Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:33):

But I don't think your pi_instances tactic is going to put a topological space structure on a product of topological spaces

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:33):

This isn't formal, like a ring structure on a product of rings

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:33):

I think this needs to be written by hand.

Simon Hudon (Jun 14 2018 at 18:38):

Yes, that's right. If the instance relies on any kind of insight that is not already present in the more basic instance, my tactic won't do.

Simon Hudon (Jun 14 2018 at 18:41):

refine_struct might still be helpful, especially if many of the proofs are of the same shape

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:52):

instance topological_space [ i, topological_space $ f i] : topological_space (Π i : I, f i) :=
topological_space.generate_from { U : set (Π i : I, f i) |  u : Π i : I, set (f i),
set.finite {i : I | u i  set.univ}   g : Π i, f i, U g =  i, g i  u i}

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:53):

But now I have this -- assuming I got it right (and I am not entirely sure that introducing both U and u was necessary) -- I wonder if I can persuade pi_instances to go further.

Simon Hudon (Jun 14 2018 at 18:54):

Now I think there's a chance

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:54):

Actually this might just be hard. Now I can prove that a product of topological groups is a topological space and a group

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:54):

but a topological group is more than this

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:55):

you want the group structure maps like product and inverse to be continuous

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:55):

and these might be lemmas rather than stuff which is formally true

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 18:55):

That Pi type topological space instance is already in topological_space.lean isn't it?

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 18:56):

instance Pi.topological_space {β : α  Type v} [t₂ : Πa, topological_space (β a)] : topological_space (Πa, β a) :=
a, induced (λf, f a) (t₂ a)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:56):

Oh did I miss it?

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:57):

Oh it's not in pi_instances!

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 18:57):

But it's in the same module that defines topological_space

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 18:58):

Oh okay, it looks like Lean never actually claimed it was missing?

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:58):

No it just gave me terrifying errors

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:59):

instance pi_topological_monoid (γ : Type) (F : γ  Type)
[ i : γ, topological_space (F i)]
[ i : γ, add_monoid (F i)]
[ i : γ, topological_add_monoid (F i)] :
topological_add_monoid (Π i, F i) := sorry

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 18:59):

I get these maximum class-instance resolution depth has been reached errors

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:00):

I see

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:09):

instance pi_topological_add_monoid (γ : Type) (F : γ  Type)
[ i : γ, topological_space (F i)]
[ i : γ, add_monoid (F i)]
[ i : γ, topological_add_monoid (F i)] :
topological_add_monoid (Π i, F i) := by pi_instance [pi.add_monoid,Pi.topological_space]

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:10):

I don't know what is to be done about that instance resolution loop (I'm pretty sure it has been discussed here before), but as a workaround you can specify the instance you want:

instance pi_topological_monoid (γ : Type) (F : γ  Type)
[ i : γ, topological_space (F i)]
[ i : γ, add_group (F i)]
[ i : γ, topological_add_group (F i)] :
@topological_add_group (Π i, F i) _ (pi.add_group) := sorry

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:10):

my suggestion doesn't work

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:10):

pi.add_monoid doesn't actually exist, that's why I switched back to add_group

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:10):

Of course, you could probably add it

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:12):

If you replace your sorry with {} do you get the runaway typeclass?

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:12):


Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:13):

I guess that's because it tried to look up a topological_add_monoid "parent" instance to extend, and then that fell into the same loop

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:14):

If I specify both continuous_add and continuous_neg (as sorry) then I don't get a loop.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:18):

you're right :-)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:18):

I love living life on the edge

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:18):

one false move

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:18):

runaway typeclass

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:19):

actually, that was apparently the original issue, too.

instance pi_topological_monoid (γ : Type) (F : γ  Type)
[ i : γ, topological_space (F i)]
[ i : γ, add_group (F i)]
[ i : γ, topological_add_group (F i)] :
topological_add_group (Π i, F i) := {
  continuous_add := sorry,
  continuous_neg := sorry,

also works

Kenny Lau (Jun 14 2018 at 19:23):

lemma continuous_pi [topological_space α] [i, topological_space (π i)] {f : α  Πi:ι, π i}
  (h : i, continuous (λa, f a i)) : continuous f :=
continuous_supr_rng $ assume i, continuous_induced_rng $ h i

Kenny Lau (Jun 14 2018 at 19:23):

might be useful

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:28):

I tried writing the actual instance but the loop came back :(

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:30):

It should just be continuous_add := continuous_pi $ λ i, continuous.comp continuous_add' (continuous_apply i)

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:30):

Er wait, no

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:31):

that's totally wrong

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:36):


Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:37):

continuous_apply has a totally extraneous argument α which makes it unusable. It should be

section pi
variables {ι : Type*} {π : ι  Type*}
lemma continuous_apply' [i, topological_space (π i)] (i : ι) :
  continuous (λp:Πi, π i, p i) :=
continuous_supr_dom continuous_induced_dom
end pi

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:37):

  continuous_add := continuous_pi $ λ i,
      (continuous.comp continuous_fst (continuous_apply' i))
      (continuous.comp continuous_snd (continuous_apply' i))

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:42):


  continuous_add := continuous_pi $ λ i,
        (continuous.comp continuous_fst (continuous_apply' i))
        (continuous.comp continuous_snd (continuous_apply' i)))

shows the formal structure a little better, because continuous_add' is the actual class method topological_add_monoid.continuous_add

Reid Barton (Jun 14 2018 at 19:44):

continuous.comp reads from left to right. First you build a pair by (first taking the first component, and then the ith component of that; first taking the second component, and then the ith component of that), and then you add them.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:48):

continuous_neg := continuous_pi (λ i, continuous.comp _ (continuous_neg continuous_id)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:49):

but I need to fill in the _

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:49):

continuous (λ (x : Π (i : γ), F i), x i)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:49):

Projection is continuous

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:49):

is what I need

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:53):

and then we're either done

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:53):

or we have a runaway instance

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:54):

The topological structure on the product is defined as the coarsest topology which makes all the projection maps continuous

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:59):

aah I see this is exactly this apply'

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 19:59):

what is going on with apply? :-)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 20:00):

instance pi_topological_group (γ : Type) (F : γ  Type)
[ i : γ, topological_space (F i)]
[ i : γ, add_group (F i)]
[ i : γ, topological_add_group (F i)] :
@topological_add_group (Π i, F i) (Pi.topological_space) (pi.add_group) := {
continuous_add := continuous_pi $ λ i,
      (continuous.comp continuous_fst (continuous_apply' i))
      (continuous.comp continuous_snd (continuous_apply' i)),
continuous_neg := continuous_pi (λ i, continuous.comp (continuous_apply' i) (continuous_neg continuous_id)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 20:01):


Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 20:02):

continuous_apply :
  ∀ {α : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} {π : ι → Type u_3} [_inst_1 : topological_space α]
  [_inst_2 : Π (i : ι), topological_space (π i)] (i : ι), continuous (λ (p : Π (i : ι), π i), p i)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 20:02):

I see what Reid means

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 14 2018 at 20:02):

It's going to be pretty tough inferring what alpha is given that it's never mentioned :-)

Johan Commelin (Jun 15 2018 at 06:52):

It's going to be pretty tough inferring what alpha is given that it's never mentioned :-)

I fixed this in my simplicial branch. But it hasn't made it into mathlib yet.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC