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Topic: proof help

Scott Morrison (Oct 03 2018 at 06:40):

How does one prove 1 = n + 1 - n, without getting your hands dirty? Do we have anything that can help with nat.sub?

Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 06:44):

Can't linarith do these by now?

Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 06:47):

git grep ". + . - ."
algebra/group.lean:  lemma add_sub_cancel' (a b : α) : a + b - a = b :=
algebra/ring.lean:      ... ↔ a * e + c - b * e = d : iff.intro (λ h, begin simp [h] end) (λ h,
data/list/basic.lean:  reverse (range' s n) = map (λ i, s + n - 1 - i) (range n)
data/multiset.lean:theorem add_sub_cancel_left (s : multiset α) : ∀ t, s + t - s = t :=
data/multiset.lean:theorem add_sub_cancel (s t : multiset α) : s + t - t = s :=
data/multiset.lean:by simpa [(∪), union, eq_comm] using show s + u - (t + u) = s - t,
data/nat/basic.lean:          ...     ≤ n + m - n      : nat.sub_le_sub_right this n
data/nat/prime.lean:    sqrt n - k < sqrt n + 2 - k :=
data/nat/prime.lean:    λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, measure_wf (λ k, sqrt n + 2 - k)⟩]}
data/nat/prime.lean:    λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, measure_wf (λ k, sqrt n + 2 - k)⟩]}
data/padics/padic_norm.lean:   padic_norm hp q = padic_norm hp (q + r - r) : by congr; ring
data/padics/padic_rationals.lean:    show lim_zero (f + g - g), by simpa using hf },
data/padics/padic_rationals.lean:    show lim_zero (f + g - f), by  simpa [add_sub_cancel'] using hg },
docs/naming.md:pattern. For that, we make do as best we can. For example, `a + b - b = a`
group_theory/subgroup.lean:(normal : ∀ n ∈ s, ∀ g : α, g + n - g ∈ s)
set_theory/ordinal.lean:theorem add_sub_cancel (a b : ordinal) : a + b - a = b :=
set_theory/ordinal.lean:theorem add_sub_add_cancel (a b c : ordinal) : a + b - (a + c) = b - c :=
tests/linarith.lean:        (h4 : a + b - c < 3)  : false :=
tests/linarith.lean:example (a b c : ℚ) (h2 : (2 : ℚ) > 3)  : a + b - c ≥ 3 :=
tests/ring.lean:example {α} [comm_ring α] (x y : α) : x + y + y - x = 2 * y := by ring

Scott Morrison (Oct 03 2018 at 06:48):

No, linarith doesn't help.

Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 06:48):

Or even better:

git grep ". + . - ." | grep nat
data/nat/basic.lean:          ...     ≤ n + m - n      : nat.sub_le_sub_right this n
data/nat/prime.lean:    sqrt n - k < sqrt n + 2 - k :=
data/nat/prime.lean:    λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, measure_wf (λ k, sqrt n + 2 - k)⟩]}
data/nat/prime.lean:    λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, measure_wf (λ k, sqrt n + 2 - k)⟩]}

Scott Morrison (Oct 03 2018 at 06:48):

For it to deal with subtraction on natural numbers it would have to break into cases.

Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 06:48):

That first result looks promising

Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 06:49):


Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 06:49):

@Scott Morrison Is :up: what you need?

Scott Morrison (Oct 03 2018 at 06:50):

Yeah, but even that requires using commutativity of addition first.

Scott Morrison (Oct 03 2018 at 06:50):

Too gross for me. :-)

Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 06:52):

They don't need that over here:

git grep -A1 ". + . - ." | grep -A1 nat | head -2
data/nat/basic.lean:          ...     ≤ n + m - n      : nat.sub_le_sub_right this n
data/nat/basic.lean-          ...     = m              : by rw nat.add_sub_cancel_left,

Johan Commelin (Oct 03 2018 at 06:52):

Seems like rw will do the job.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 03 2018 at 07:12):

All of these lemmas are in Lean or mathlib I think. I've extensively used subtraction on nats and am not aware of any holes.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC