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Topic: proper subtraction
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 03 2023 at 22:56):
In thinking about experimental extensions to the natural number game, I wondered where I could add "proper subtraction", where you only allow x - y
to typecheck if the system can find a proof that y<=x. What would be some nice Lean 4 ways of doing this? I want to be secretly powered by linarith or something. Oh -- I don't even know if linarith
works in NNG4 for their bespoke nats.
Henrik Böving (Aug 03 2023 at 22:57):
First thing that comes to mind: Some code that takes a proof as an argument where the argument has a default value of := by linarith
because Lean evaluates these default values in the context of the caller so it can use information from the call site to derive the property.
Shreyas Srinivas (Aug 04 2023 at 00:39):
Shreyas Srinivas (Aug 04 2023 at 00:40):
Is there a proper tutorial on how to work with subtypes? Wouldn't/Couldn't proper subtraction be implemented with subtypes?
Siddhartha Gadgil (Aug 04 2023 at 05:29):
A first sketch (essentially from my course):
/-- Subtract `m` and `n` in the presence of a proof that `n ≤ m`. -/
def minus (m n : ℕ)(hyp : n ≤ m) : ℕ :=
match m, n, hyp with
| m, 0, _ => m
| 0, _ +1, pf => nomatch pf
| m + 1, n + 1 , pf =>
minus m n (le_of_succ_le_succ pf)
#eval minus 5 3 (by decide) -- 2
macro n:term "-₀" m:term : term => do
`(minus $n $m (by decide))
#eval 5 -₀ 3 -- 2
Siddhartha Gadgil (Aug 04 2023 at 06:11):
Here is a variant using the -
symbol and falling back to the usual subtraction in cases other than natural numbers. There is an error for natural numbers if the proof fails.
elab(priority:=high) n:term "-" m:term : term =>
Term.withoutErrToSorry do
Term.elabTermEnsuringType (← `(minus $n $m (by decide))) (mkConst ``Nat)
catch _ =>
let n ← Term.elabTerm n none
let m ← Term.elabTerm m none
mkAppM ``HSub.hSub #[n, m]
#eval (5 : ℤ) - (6 : ℤ)
#eval 6 - 5 -- 1
-- #eval 5 - 6 -- error
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC