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Topic: reflexive-transitive closure and recursion
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 12 2018 at 15:47):
Lean has a transitive closure but I want a reflexive-transitive one. So I wrote the following definition:
variable {D : Type} variable R : D -> D -> Prop inductive rtc : D -> D -> Prop | refl : ∀ s, rtc s s | step : ∀ (s u t), R s u → rtc u t → rtc s t
I was happy that without knowing much Lean upfront, I was able to prove a simple theorem.
theorem rtc_trans : forall (s u t : D), rtc R s u -> rtc R u t -> rtc R s t := begin intros s u t H1 H2, induction H1, { exact H2 }, { apply rtc.step, apply H1_a, apply H1_ih, apply H2 } end
The proof utilizes rtc.drec
. Which is fine. But it would be very illustrative to carry out the same proof via a recursive definition. This, however, requires a match
, and I was not able to destructure rtc R s t
in any way:
def hmm (s t : D) (H : rtc R s t) : true := match H with | rtc.refl _ _ := true.intro | rtc.step R u _ su ut := λ h, true.intro
This fails to typecheck because rtc.refl _ _
gets the type rtc R _x _x
, which does not unify with rtc R s t
. While the error message sounds reasonable, it sounds weird that there is an inductive type that cannot be match
ed on. Is there any way around that?
Kenny Lau (Jun 12 2018 at 15:52):
put the hypothesis after the colon and use the equation compiler instead of match
Kenny Lau (Jun 12 2018 at 15:52):
put everything after the colon
Johannes Hölzl (Jun 12 2018 at 15:53):
In mahlib we have the reflexive transitive closure: https://github.com/leanprover/mathlib/blob/master/logic/relation.lean#L61
Johannes Hölzl (Jun 12 2018 at 15:55):
can do cases on rtc
but you need to give it the allowance, e.g. one of s
and t
in rtc s t
should be a variable, and you need to pass this variable into match
so that it can change it, a.l.a match s, h : rtc s t where _, rtc.refl _ := ... end
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 12 2018 at 22:23):
Thanks... I know nothing about the equation compiler and I am still struggling with dependent match but at least fixing one side of the rtc to a variable makes sense to me. I am trying to encode a system that has both unfolding rules --- one that unfolds the first step of the path, and one that unfolds the last step. I will probably define those as two inductive Props and prove their equivalence.
What is the meaning of the refl
constructor having an empty implicit parameter list {}
Andrew Ashworth (Jun 12 2018 at 22:27):
it is an instruction to lean to infer the implicit argument from the return type
Andrew Ashworth (Jun 12 2018 at 22:27):
inductive sum (α : Type u) (β : Type v) | inl {} : α → sum | inr {} : β → sum
Andrew Ashworth (Jun 12 2018 at 22:27):
here the empty implicit parameter list is an annotation to infer the type alpha in inl
and beta in inr
Andrew Ashworth (Jun 12 2018 at 22:31):
hrm, maybe not the greatest example since the definition goes through without the brackets anyway...
Andrew Ashworth (Jun 12 2018 at 22:35):
ok, if you paste this
inductive sum' (α β : Type) | inl : α → sum' | inr {} : β → sum' #print sum'
Andrew Ashworth (Jun 12 2018 at 22:35):
then you'll see a difference in how lean evaluates the expression
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 12 2018 at 22:36):
Ok, so in fact the {}
is for beta in inl
(since alpha is already there).
Andrew Ashworth (Jun 12 2018 at 22:37):
oops, haha
Andrew Ashworth (Jun 12 2018 at 22:37):
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 12 2018 at 22:37):
How does Lean know that alpha has to be implicit, in inl without the {}
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 12 2018 at 22:38):
Oh silly me, of course the first parameter is of type alpha.
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 12 2018 at 22:43):
Ok, this was immaterial to the discussion of matches, back to struggling with match s, h : rtc R s t
then. Can anyone explain that cryptic line above?
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 12 2018 at 22:53):
I didn't manage to put the type annotation H : rtc R s t
but the match seemed to work even without it, by virtue of having s
available to the equation compiler perhaps?
def hmm (s t : D) (H : rtc R s t) : true := match s, H with | _, rtc.refl := fun h, trivial | _, rtc.step _ _ _ := fun h, trivial
I am a bit perplexed still by the fact that the match branches have type ?? -> true
rather than just true
Andrew Ashworth (Jun 12 2018 at 22:59):
if you had to write out the definition by hand using rtc.drec_on
or rtc.rec_on
, how would you avoid the first argument? (match uses those under the hood iirc, but somebody correct me if I'm mistaken)
Andrew Ashworth (Jun 12 2018 at 23:00):
def hmm' (s t : D) (H : rtc R s t) : true := rtc.rec_on H (λ _, true.intro) (by intros; exact true.intro)
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 12 2018 at 23:05):
Yes, it looks like it does — it just clashes somehow with my understanding of Type Theory and CIC (where there is a fix
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 12 2018 at 23:09):
BTW the compiler seems to make quite a monster out of my small match:
def ReflexiveTransitiveClosure.hmm._match_1 : ∀ {D : Type} (R : D → D → Prop) (t _a : D), rtc R _a t → true := λ {D : Type} (R : D → D → Prop) (t _a : D) (_a_1 : rtc R _a t), rtc.dcases_on _a_1 (λ (H_1 : t = _a), eq.rec (λ (_a : rtc R t t) (H_2 : _a == rtc.refl), id_rhs true trivial) H_1 _a_1) (λ (u : D) {t_2 : D} (a : rtc R _a u) (a_1 : R u t_2) (H_1 : t = t_2), eq.rec (λ (a_1 : R u t) (H_2 : _a_1 == rtc.step u a a_1), id_rhs true trivial) H_1 a_1) (eq.refl t) (heq.refl _a_1)
Andrew Ashworth (Jun 12 2018 at 23:13):
i don't know if this is any prettier to you
def hmm' : ∀ (s t : D) (H : rtc R s t), true | _ _ (rtc.refl _ _ ) := true.intro | _ _ (rtc.step _ _ _ _ _) := true.intro #print hmm'._main
Andrew Ashworth (Jun 12 2018 at 23:16):
when I want a definition that unfolds nicely I tend to write it out by hand using the appropriate recursion lemma. If you use the equation compiler as I did above, the main def is somewhat ugly but it generates quite nice ._eqn1, ._eqn2 branches
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 13 2018 at 08:04):
Yes, I ended up doing that myself, eventually. I found hmm'._main
but what are ._eqn1
, ._eqn2
At any rate, the purpose of this mental exercise was to demonstrate that explicit induction and "normal" recursion coincide, so of course I could write it with rec_on
but that would miss the point...
Kevin Buzzard (Jun 13 2018 at 08:20):
You can try #print prefix hmm'
to see everything starting hmm'.
Kevin Buzzard (Jun 13 2018 at 08:20):
although in the back of my mind I think there might be an easier way of just seeing the equation lemmas...
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 13 2018 at 10:52):
I somehow get no declaration starting with prefix 'hmm''
Mario Carneiro (Jun 13 2018 at 10:56):
In lean, type ascriptions have required parentheses, it should be (H : rtc R s t)
not H : rtc R s t
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 13 2018 at 10:58):
I was convinced I tried that when the original suggestion didn't work... but yeah, parenthesis do the trick! Although, as I said, the definition goes through without the ascription as well.
Mario Carneiro (Jun 13 2018 at 10:58):
Lean is a bit limited in its ability to do induction on inductive predicates using the equation compiler. I recommend using the induction
tactic instead if you have any problems with writing it the way Andrew suggested
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 13 2018 at 10:59):
Yes, I will reiterate: using tactic mode as well as rec_on
were pretty smooth. The reason I am in this discussion is that I wanted to demonstrate to my students how induction is just a form of recursion that they know from programming.
Mario Carneiro (Jun 13 2018 at 11:00):
I usually point at the type of rec_on, remark that it looks a lot like induction, and then use it to define a recursive function and also prove some property about it
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 13 2018 at 11:01):
:thumbs_up: I assume this is "the Lean way" then.
Mario Carneiro (Jun 13 2018 at 11:03):
In the case of an inductive predicate like rtc
, it actually can't be used for recursion, since it has small elimination
Mario Carneiro (Jun 13 2018 at 11:03):
it can only be used to prove props
Mario Carneiro (Jun 13 2018 at 11:04):
If you put the inductive type in Type
though it could
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 13 2018 at 11:05):
Of course. The analogue that I can refer to is that in Coq I wrote the same proof, once with induction
, and once with Fixpoint
-- of course, since you destructure the Prop
inside the def, the function must return a Prop
Shachar Itzhaky (Jun 13 2018 at 11:05):
I still see that as a form of recursion though, since it's expressed via Fixpoint
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC