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Topic: rewrite LHS is a mvar

Mario Carneiro (Mar 13 2018 at 12:57):

example (h : ∀ a : nat, a = 0) : 0 = 2 := by rw h
-- rewrite tactic failed, lemma lhs is a metavariable
example (h : ∀ a : nat, a = 0) : 0 = 2 := by rw ← h
-- rewrite tactic failed, lemma lhs is a metavariable
example (h : ∀ a : nat, 0 = a) : 0 = 2 := by rw h --ok
example (h : ∀ a : nat, 0 = a) : 0 = 2 := by rw ← h
-- rewrite tactic failed, did not find instance of the pattern in the target expression
--   ?m_1

rewrite talks about LHS but apparently it doesn't take into account symmetry

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:03):

example (h : ∀ a : nat, a = 0) : 0 = 2 := by rw h 2 -- succeeds!

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:05):

oh this is more complicated than I thought. Of course that succeeds.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:07):

That first example is really hard. I can see why it fails. How should it have a clue what to set a?

Mario Carneiro (Mar 13 2018 at 13:08):

Actually, in my view none of them should fail. rw actually should not have any issues with the LHS being an arbitrary variable; it will just trigger very easily.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:08):

How is rw supposed to do the first one?

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:09):

It has a tool for showing an arbitrary thing is 0, but it has to match 0 = 2

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:09):

I think if I were rw I would let a be the first nat I found in the goal

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:09):

which is 0

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:09):

and then rewrite and get 0=2 and then decide I failed

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:10):

Isn't that how it works? I just spent some time trying to figure this out.

Mario Carneiro (Mar 13 2018 at 13:10):

compare to when I wrap everything in id:

example (h : ∀ a : nat, id a = id 0) : id 0 = id 2 := by rw h -- ⊢ id 0 = id 2
example (h : ∀ a : nat, id a = id 0) : id 0 = id 2 := by rw ← h -- done
example (h : ∀ a : nat, id 0 = id a) : id 0 = id 2 := by rw h -- done
example (h : ∀ a : nat, id 0 = id a) : id 0 = id 2 := by rw ← h -- ⊢ id 0 = id 2

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:10):

As I just said, I am unsurprised by the first one.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:10):

Why do you think it should work?

Mario Carneiro (Mar 13 2018 at 13:11):

rw should trigger on the first matching occurrence of the pattern. If the LHS is a metavar, that's just the first type correct subterm

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:11):

and indeed this is a=0 for the first one

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:12):

it matches id 0 so sets a=0

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:12):

and now you're doomed

Mario Carneiro (Mar 13 2018 at 13:12):

No, that's intended behavior

Mario Carneiro (Mar 13 2018 at 13:12):

I'm not expecting it to solve the goal, but it shouldn't fail

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:12):

Aah I see.

Mario Carneiro (Mar 13 2018 at 13:13):

the question is why I get a bunch of weird and inconsistent failures when I remove the id

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:13):

example (h : ∀ a : nat, a = 0) : 0 = 2 := by rw ← h
-- rewrite tactic failed, lemma lhs is a metavariable
example (h' : ∀ a : nat, 0 = a) : 0 = 2 := by rw h'
-- succeeds

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:13):

I had imagined these were synonymous

Mario Carneiro (Mar 13 2018 at 13:14):

exactly my point

Mario Carneiro (Mar 13 2018 at 13:14):

there's a funny lhs metavar check that literally checks the left side even if that's the destination, not the source

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:15):

I see. The issue is not that they fail, it's how they fail. I understand your point now.

Mario Carneiro (Mar 13 2018 at 13:17):

and the final example is even stranger - example (h : ∀ a : nat, 0 = a) : 0 = 2 := by rw ← h is using backwards rewrite to circumvent the buggy lhs metavar check, and instead hits a search bug, probably what the lhs metavar check was trying to avoid

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:17):

example (h : ∀ a : nat, id 0 = id a) : id 0 = id 2 := by rw ← h -- ⊢ id 0 = id 2

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:17):

I have no idea what to do with this one. It seems there are two reasonable ways to behave?

Mario Carneiro (Mar 13 2018 at 13:18):

I would argue that all the id examples are consistent

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:18):

First I could spot the id 0 on the LHS and just replace it with id a

Mario Carneiro (Mar 13 2018 at 13:18):

Here, just like the forward rewrite version, it is rewriting id ?m -> id 0 and spots the first matching pattern id 0, so ?m := 0

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:19):

oh ha ha I missed the \l

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:19):

It's this one that confuses me:

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:19):

example (h : ∀ a : nat, id 0 = id a) : id 0 = id 2 := by rw h -- done

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:20):

Presumably it doesn't spot the id 0 in the goal and then announce that it's going to replace it with id ?m

Sebastian Ullrich (Mar 13 2018 at 13:20):

kabstract with a metavar will only match other metavars, it's probably trying to avoid that

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:20):

instead it has to decide what to do with the a first

Mario Carneiro (Mar 13 2018 at 13:21):

why is that? As I said it seems inconsistent with the id ?m behavior. Is it being special cased? I feel like you would have to work hard to make that happen

Mario Carneiro (Mar 13 2018 at 13:23):

@Kevin Buzzard actually that's exactly what it does. It is rewriting id 0 -> id ?m, and spots the first matching pattern id 0, but ?m is unconstrained by this and the result is id ?m = id 2. The proof is finished with the automatic refl after rw

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:24):

ha ha

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:24):

yes I just noticed that this works too:

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:24):

example (h : ∀ a : nat, 0 = a) : 2 = 0 := by rw h -- done

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2018 at 13:24):

and here we really seem to have no option other than to leave the metavariable alone and make the match

Sebastian Ullrich (Mar 13 2018 at 13:26):

@Mario Carneiro It's using keyed matching, which uses structural equality for the head

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC