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Topic: set_like idiom

Patrick Massot (Oct 02 2021 at 08:48):

In the following snippet

import group_theory.subgroup.basic

def G : add_subgroup  :=
{ carrier := {n |  k, n = 2*k},
  zero_mem' := sorry,
  add_mem' := sorry,
  neg_mem' := sorry }

def H : add_subgroup  :=
{ carrier := {n |  k, n = 4*k},
  zero_mem' := sorry,
  add_mem' := sorry,
  neg_mem' := sorry }

example : H  G :=
  intros x x_in,
  change  k, x = 4*k at x_in,
  change  k, x = 2*k,

what is the idiomatic way to get to this proof state without manually writing the two change lines? Using dsimp [G, H] at * brings the awful goal

  {carrier := {n :  |  (k : ), n = 2 * k},
   zero_mem' := G._proof_1,
   add_mem' := G._proof_2,
   neg_mem' := G._proof_3}

Johan Commelin (Oct 02 2021 at 08:52):

There is a add_subgroup.mem_mk lemma missing.

Johan Commelin (Oct 02 2021 at 09:05):

@Patrick Massot

import group_theory.subgroup.basic

@[simp] lemma add_subgroup.mem_mk {G : Type*} [add_group G] (s : set G) (h1) (h2) (h3) (g : G) :
  g  add_subgroup.mk s h1 h2 h3  g  s := iff.rfl

def G : add_subgroup  :=
{ carrier := {n |  k, n = 2*k},
  zero_mem' := sorry,
  add_mem' := sorry,
  neg_mem' := sorry }

def H : add_subgroup  :=
{ carrier := {n |  k, n = 4*k},
  zero_mem' := sorry,
  add_mem' := sorry,
  neg_mem' := sorry }

example : H  G :=
  intros x x_in,
  squeeze_simp [H, G] at x_in ,
  -- Try this: simp only [H, G, add_subgroup.mem_mk, set.mem_set_of_eq] at x_in ⊢

Patrick Massot (Oct 02 2021 at 09:05):

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma subgroup.mem_mk {G : Type*} [group G] {s : set G} {x : G}
  (h_one : (1 : G)  s) (h_mul :  x y, x  s  y  s  x*y  s) (h_inv :  x  s, x⁻¹  s) :
x  subgroup.mk s h_one h_mul h_inv   x  s :=

Patrick Massot (Oct 02 2021 at 09:05):

I didn't dare not writing the assumptions :flushed:

Patrick Massot (Oct 02 2021 at 09:06):

Next question is whether this should be a more general lemma involving set_like

Johan Commelin (Oct 02 2021 at 09:06):

Hmm, that would be nice. But I don't know how to do that

Patrick Massot (Oct 02 2021 at 09:09):

@Eric Wieser

Patrick Massot (Oct 02 2021 at 09:13):

Unless Eric has a better idea, I'll soon PR

import group_theory.subgroup.basic

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma subgroup.mem_mk {G : Type*} [group G] {s : set G} {x : G} (h_one) (h_mul) (h_inv) :
  x  subgroup.mk s h_one h_mul h_inv   x  s := iff.rfl

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma subgroup.mk_le_mk {G : Type*} [group G] {s t : set G} (h_one) (h_mul) (h_inv)
  (h_one') (h_mul') (h_inv') :
subgroup.mk s h_one h_mul h_inv  subgroup.mk t h_one' h_mul' h_inv'   s  t :=
by simpa [set_like.le_def]

but I'm not sure I'll have courage to PR all variations for bundled subobjects

Eric Wieser (Oct 02 2021 at 09:31):

There's no way to generalize I can think of

Eric Wieser (Oct 02 2021 at 09:32):

Does iff.rfl prove that second one?

Patrick Massot (Oct 02 2021 at 09:34):

Actually it does. I didn't in the beginning but I think I slightly changed the statement after trying

Eric Wieser (Oct 02 2021 at 09:39):

Another option would be to have separate mk_le and le_mk lemmas, which might close more goals

Eric Wieser (Oct 02 2021 at 09:41):

But they might also make things more awkward for other cases

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC