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Topic: simp canonize

Simon Hudon (Jan 22 2019 at 17:28):

I'm trying to get rid of some simp loops and I just realized that there is a part of it I don't understand and it seems to be getting into a loop. Here is the trace that Lean prints for it:


How do I prevent it from looping? I tried simp [-category_theory.types] and it doesn't work.

Johan Commelin (Jan 22 2019 at 17:36):

But category_theory.types isn't even marked as [simp]. How come the simplifier is using it?

Simon Hudon (Jan 22 2019 at 18:36):

I am puzzled too. My tentative answer is that it comes from the canonize phase of simp which I did not know of. It seems like a phase where class instances are reduced but I can't say more. @Sebastian Ullrich, would you care to enlighten us?

Simon Hudon (Jan 22 2019 at 20:49):

Update: using set_option trace.debug.dsimplify true and using dsimp instead of simp, I managed to find the offender which was unrelated to canonize

Mario Carneiro (Jan 22 2019 at 22:01):


Simon Hudon (Jan 22 2019 at 23:21):

import category_theory.category
import category_theory.types

universes u

class comonad (w : Type u  Type u)
extends functor w :=
(extract : Π {α}, w α  α)
(extend : Π {α β}, (w α  β)  w α  w β)

def Cokleisli (m) [comonad.{u} m] := Type u

open category_theory comonad
instance {m} [comonad.{u} m] : category.{u} (Cokleisli m) := sorry

def copipe {w α β γ} [comonad w] (f : w α  β) (g : w β  γ) : (w α  γ) :=
g  extend f

infix ` =>= `:55 := copipe

instance Cokleisli.category {m} [comonad m] : category (Cokleisli.{u} m) :=
{ hom := λ α β, m α  β,
  id := λ α, extract,
  comp := λ X Y Z f g, f =>= g,
  id_comp' := sorry,
  comp_id' := sorry,
  assoc' := sorry }

@[simp] lemma Cokleisli.comp_def {m : Type*  Type*} [comonad m] (α β γ : Cokleisli m)
  (xs : α  β) (ys : β  γ) :
  xs  ys = xs =>= ys := sorry

variables {α β : Type u}

example {m} [comonad m] (f : α  m α) (g : m α  α) : f  g = 𝟙 _ :=
by { simp, }
-- deep recursion was detected at 'expression replacer' (potential
-- solution: increase stack space in your system)

Simon Hudon (Jan 22 2019 at 23:22):

If you comment out Cokleisli.comp_def, the error disappears

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC