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Topic: simplify field in tactic

Keeley Hoek (Sep 10 2018 at 05:31):

Trivial question: I've got an instance s of some structure which has a nat-valued field f. In tactic mode I have as a hypothesis v : nat := s.f. What can I do to replace v with with its actual nat value? Sorry for the noise

Mario Carneiro (Sep 10 2018 at 05:40):

what do you mean? If you are in tactic mode, you aren't proving anything so it doesn't matter

Mario Carneiro (Sep 10 2018 at 05:40):

or do you mean that v : nat := s.f is in the local context of the proof state?

Mario Carneiro (Sep 10 2018 at 05:41):

You can use dsimp only [v] {zeta := tt} to zeta expand v

Keeley Hoek (Sep 10 2018 at 05:47):

Hi Mario, I think that's what I mean. If I understand you right, are you saying something like this:

structure my_struct :=
(f : ℕ)

example : false := begin
  let s : my_struct := ⟨42⟩,
  let v := s.f,
  dsimp only [v] {zeta := tt},

should work? Weirdly, the dsimp line fails with

dsimplify tactic failed to simplify
s : my_struct := {f := 42},
v : ℕ := s.f
⊢ false


Simon Hudon (Sep 10 2018 at 05:48):

Does v occur in the goal?

Keeley Hoek (Sep 10 2018 at 05:57):

No, well secretly I'm trying to write a function which I can pass an expr and get back a "simplified" expr; in this case hopefully s.f will become 42.

Keeley Hoek (Sep 10 2018 at 05:59):

Is there anything which does something like this? Maybe even just like 1 + 1 -> 2

Kenny Lau (Sep 10 2018 at 06:02):

from my experience, not many tactics know about definitions (i.e. :=)

Kenny Lau (Sep 10 2018 at 06:02):

which is quite annoying

Simon Hudon (Sep 10 2018 at 06:02):

You can have a look at tactic.dsimp_target in init/meta/simp_tactic.lean to do that. But if your variable v does not occur in the expression, it will fail. You may have to enclose it in try

Kenny Lau (Sep 10 2018 at 06:05):

oh and you'll never change the definition of v using any tactic.

Kenny Lau (Sep 10 2018 at 06:05):

just literally no tactic can rewrite definition (things to the right of :=) in hypothesis, in my experience

Kenny Lau (Sep 10 2018 at 06:05):

my workaround:

structure my_struct :=
(f : )

example : false := begin
  let s : my_struct := 42,
  let v := s.f,
  have hv : v = 42 := rfl,

Simon Hudon (Sep 10 2018 at 06:06):

No, you can do some manipulation

Simon Hudon (Sep 10 2018 at 06:07):

in tactic.basic, in mathlib, you can use local_def_value to get the value of a definition. Then you can rewrite that experience, create a new definition and clear the old one

Keeley Hoek (Sep 10 2018 at 06:13):

Thanks, yeah I was poking around in simp_target and simplify before and was wondering why it was failing. I note that

structure my_struct :=
(f : ℕ)

def s : my_struct := ⟨42⟩

#reduce s.f

(obviously) prints 42. Is there any way to capture the result like this? I see that in the kernel reduce calls normalize(...) which returns an expr, is there away to get it to do that and capture the result myself?

Simon Hudon (Sep 10 2018 at 06:17):

Are you trying to evaluate the expression? If it's an arithmetic expression, you can use norm_num. Otherwise, whnf should take you part of the way there

Simon Hudon (Sep 10 2018 at 06:20):

Also, do you mean normalize from ring.lean?

Keeley Hoek (Sep 10 2018 at 06:23):

Thanks I'll dig in and read about whnf for a bit. I don't think so, there's this file src/library/normalize.cpp which normalizes exprs you give it.

Keeley Hoek (Sep 10 2018 at 06:26):

Actually, I think:

meta def dme : tactic unit := do
  let no_dflt := ff,
  let attr_names : list name := [],
  let hs : list simp_arg_type := [],
  (s, to_unfold) ← mk_simp_set no_dflt attr_names hs,
  e ← s.dsimplify to_unfold `({ my_struct . f := 42 }.f),
  trace e

#eval dme

might do what I want!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC