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Topic: smul not coercing
Ashwin Iyengar (Feb 19 2021 at 12:49):
Sorry for the long code block but lean isn't using the definition ofsmul
on a subtype and I really can't see why (the error happens on the third to last line). If anyone could lend some insight that would be amazing.
import analysis.normed_space.basic
import ring_theory.power_series.basic
open filter
noncomputable theory
open_locale big_operators
variables {σ R : Type*} [normed_ring R]
open mv_power_series
/-- Multivariate restricted power series, where `σ` is the index set of the
variables and `R` is the coefficient ring. This is a formal power series such
that the coefficients tend to 0 with respect to the cofinite filter on `σ → ℕ`. -/
def mv_restricted_power_series (σ R : Type*) [normed_ring R] :=
{f : mv_power_series σ R // tendsto (λ n, coeff R n f) cofinite (nhds 0)}
namespace mv_restricted_power_series
instance : has_coe (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) (mv_power_series σ R) :=
lemma coe_injective :
function.injective (coe : mv_restricted_power_series σ R → mv_power_series σ R) :=
instance : has_zero (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) := ⟨⟨0, tendsto_const_nhds⟩⟩
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_zero :
((0 : mv_restricted_power_series σ R) : mv_power_series σ R) = 0 := rfl
instance : has_add (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :=
⟨λ f g, ⟨f + g, by simpa using tendsto.add f.prop g.prop⟩⟩
instance : has_neg (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :=
⟨λ f, ⟨-f, by simpa using tendsto.neg f.prop⟩⟩
instance : has_scalar R (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :=
{ smul :=
λ r f,
⟨r • f, by simpa using tendsto.comp ((mul_left_continuous r).tendsto 0) f.prop⟩}
instance : add_comm_group (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :=
coe_injective.add_comm_group _ rfl (λ x y, rfl) (λ x, rfl)
def coe_add_monoid_hom : mv_restricted_power_series σ R →+ mv_power_series σ R :=
{ to_fun := coe,
map_zero' := rfl,
map_add' := λ _ _, rfl}
instance : semimodule R (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :=
function.injective.semimodule R coe_add_monoid_hom coe_injective (λ _ _, rfl)
def coe_semimodule_hom : mv_restricted_power_series σ R →ₗ[R] mv_power_series σ R :=
{ to_fun := coe,
map_add' := coe_add_monoid_hom.map_add,
map_smul' := λ _ _, rfl}
variables (R)
/-- The `n`th coefficient of a multivariate formal power series.-/
def coeff (n : σ →₀ ℕ) : (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) →ₗ[R] R :=
(coeff R n).comp coe_semimodule_hom
example (f : mv_power_series σ R) (g : tendsto f cofinite (nhds 0)) (r : R) :
(r • (⟨f, g⟩ : mv_restricted_power_series σ R) : mv_power_series σ R) = r • f := rfl
/-- The `n`th monomial with coefficient `a` as multivariate formal power series.-/
def monomial (n : σ →₀ ℕ) : R →ₗ[R] mv_restricted_power_series σ R :=
{ to_fun := λ r, ⟨mv_power_series.monomial R n r,
refine tendsto.congr' _ (0 : mv_restricted_power_series σ R).prop,
refine eventually_eq_of_mem (set.finite.compl_mem_cofinite (set.finite_singleton n)) _,
intros x hx,
simp [coeff_monomial_ne hx]
map_add' := λ _ _, by simpa only [subtype.ext_iff, subtype.coe_mk, linear_map.map_add],
map_smul' := λ r s, by { simp [subtype.ext_iff], } }
end mv_restricted_power_series
Eric Wieser (Feb 19 2021 at 13:12):
You're missing some simp lemmas to go with your coe_zero
lemma - in particular, you should add lemmas about coe_smul
, coe_add
, coe_sub
, and coe_neg
Eric Wieser (Feb 19 2021 at 13:14):
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_add (a b : mv_restricted_power_series σ R):
(↑(a + b) : mv_power_series σ R) = a + b := rfl
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_sub (a b : mv_restricted_power_series σ R):
(↑(a + b) : mv_power_series σ R) = a + b := rfl
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_neg (a b : mv_restricted_power_series σ R):
(↑(-a) : mv_power_series σ R) = -a := rfl
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_smul (r : R) (a : mv_restricted_power_series σ R):
(↑(r • a) : mv_power_series σ R) = r • a := rfl
Ashwin Iyengar (Feb 19 2021 at 13:14):
Ah wow thanks, I guess I thought that these were somehow implicitly constructed.
Eric Wieser (Feb 19 2021 at 13:15):
Adding ←smul_eq_mul
to your failing simp call then closes the goal
Eric Wieser (Feb 19 2021 at 13:16):
It would be nice if they were, but only attributes (@[...]
) can do that kind of thing, calling functions like function.injective.semimodule
obviously can't have side-effects like that.
Ashwin Iyengar (Feb 19 2021 at 15:00):
Continuing on this thread, I've got a bizarre error that I can't interpret again. When I try to declare a comm_ring (mv_restricted_power_series σ R)
assuming comm_ring R
, it doesn't seem to want to use the fact that there's a comm_ring (mv_power_series σ R)
(which is declared in the power series file) which should let me use mul_comm
import analysis.normed_space.basic
import ring_theory.power_series.basic
open filter
open mv_power_series
noncomputable theory
open_locale big_operators
class nonarchimedean_normed_ring (R : Type*) extends normed_ring R :=
(ultrametric_inequality : ∀ x y : R, ∥x + y∥ ≤ (max ∥x∥ ∥y∥))
variables {σ R : Type*} [nonarchimedean_normed_ring R]
/-- Multivariate restricted power series, where `σ` is the index set of the
variables and `R` is the coefficient ring. This is a formal power series such
that the coefficients tend to 0 with respect to the cofinite filter on `σ → ℕ`. -/
def mv_restricted_power_series (σ R : Type*) [normed_ring R] :=
{f : mv_power_series σ R // tendsto (λ n, coeff R n f) cofinite (nhds 0)}
namespace mv_restricted_power_series
instance : has_coe (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) (mv_power_series σ R) :=
lemma coe_injective :
function.injective (coe : mv_restricted_power_series σ R → mv_power_series σ R) :=
instance : has_zero (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) := ⟨⟨0, tendsto_const_nhds⟩⟩
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_zero :
(↑(0 : mv_restricted_power_series σ R) : mv_power_series σ R) = 0 := rfl
instance : has_add (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :=
⟨λ f g, ⟨f + g, by simpa using tendsto.add f.prop g.prop⟩⟩
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_add (a b : mv_restricted_power_series σ R):
(↑(a + b) : mv_power_series σ R) = a + b := rfl
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_sub (a b : mv_restricted_power_series σ R):
(↑(a + b) : mv_power_series σ R) = a + b := rfl
instance : has_neg (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :=
⟨λ f, ⟨-f, by simpa using tendsto.neg f.prop⟩⟩
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_neg (a : mv_restricted_power_series σ R):
(↑(-a) : mv_power_series σ R) = -a := rfl
instance : has_scalar R (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :=
{ smul :=
λ r f,
⟨r • f, by simpa using tendsto.comp ((mul_left_continuous r).tendsto 0) f.prop⟩}
instance : add_comm_group (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :=
coe_injective.add_comm_group _ rfl coe_add coe_neg
def coe_add_monoid_hom : mv_restricted_power_series σ R →+ mv_power_series σ R :=
{ to_fun := coe,
map_zero' := coe_zero,
map_add' := coe_add}
instance : semimodule R (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :=
function.injective.semimodule R coe_add_monoid_hom coe_injective (λ _ _, rfl)
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_smul (r : R) (a : mv_restricted_power_series σ R):
(↑(r • a) : mv_power_series σ R) = r • a := rfl
def coe_semimodule_hom : mv_restricted_power_series σ R →ₗ[R] mv_power_series σ R :=
{ to_fun := coe,
map_add' := coe_add,
map_smul' := coe_smul}
variables (R)
/-- The `n`th coefficient of a multivariate restricted power series.-/
def coeff (n : σ →₀ ℕ) : (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) →ₗ[R] R :=
(coeff R n).comp coe_semimodule_hom
example (f : mv_power_series σ R) (g : tendsto f cofinite (nhds 0)) (r : R) :
(r • (⟨f, g⟩ : mv_restricted_power_series σ R) : mv_power_series σ R) = r • f := rfl
/-- The `n`th monomial with coefficient `a` as multivariate restricted power series.-/
def monomial (n : σ →₀ ℕ) : R →ₗ[R] mv_restricted_power_series σ R :=
{ to_fun := λ r, ⟨mv_power_series.monomial R n r,
refine tendsto.congr' _ (0 : mv_restricted_power_series σ R).prop,
refine eventually_eq_of_mem (set.finite.compl_mem_cofinite (set.finite_singleton n)) _,
intros x hx,
simp [coeff_monomial_ne hx]
map_add' := λ _ _, by simpa only [subtype.ext_iff, subtype.coe_mk, linear_map.map_add],
map_smul' := λ m r, by simp only [subtype.ext_iff, coe_smul, subtype.coe_mk, linear_map.map_smul], }
variables {R}
instance : has_one (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) := ⟨monomial R 0 1⟩
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_one :
(↑(1 : mv_restricted_power_series σ R) : mv_power_series σ R) = 1 := rfl
@[simp] lemma apply_coeff (n : σ →₀ ℕ) (f : mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :
f.val n = coeff R n f
:= rfl
@[ext] lemma ext (f g : mv_restricted_power_series σ R)
(h : ∀ (n : σ →₀ ℕ), coeff R n f = coeff R n g) : f = g := by {ext, exact h n}
lemma ext_iff (f g : mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :
f = g ↔ ∀ n : σ →₀ ℕ, coeff R n f = coeff R n g :=
⟨λ h _, by {rwa h}, ext f g⟩
lemma nonzero_coeff_of_nonzero (f : mv_restricted_power_series σ R) (h : f ≠ 0) :
∃ n, 0 < ∥coeff R n f∥ :=
rw [ne.def, ext_iff, not_forall] at h,
cases h with n hn,
rw [linear_map.map_zero, push_neg.not_eq, ← norm_pos_iff] at hn,
use n,
instance : has_mul (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :=
⟨λ f g, ⟨f * g, sorry⟩⟩
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_mul (a b : mv_restricted_power_series σ R):
(↑(a * b) : mv_power_series σ R) = a * b := rfl
instance : ring (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :=
function.injective.ring (coe : mv_restricted_power_series σ R → mv_power_series σ R) coe_injective coe_zero coe_one coe_add coe_mul coe_neg
--instance [comm_ring R] : comm_ring (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :=
-- function.injective.comm_ring (coe : mv_restricted_power_series σ R → mv_power_series σ R) coe_injective coe_zero coe_one coe_add coe_mul coe_neg
instance [comm_ring R] : comm_ring (mv_restricted_power_series σ R) :=
{ mul_comm := λ a b, begin simp [subtype.ext_iff, coe_mul], exact mul_comm (a : mv_power_series σ R) (b : mv_power_series σ R) end,
.. mv_restricted_power_series.ring }
end mv_restricted_power_series
Eric Wieser (Feb 19 2021 at 15:06):
You have two ring instances, one via nonarchimedean_normed_ring R
and one from comm_ring R
Eric Wieser (Feb 19 2021 at 15:06):
You need to add a nonarchimedean_normed_comm_ring R
typeclass that extends both nonarchimedean_normed_ring
and normed_comm_ring
Ashwin Iyengar (Feb 19 2021 at 15:07):
Ahh ok I see, that makes sense
Eric Wieser (Feb 19 2021 at 15:07):
Using convert
instead of exact
makes that difference easier to spot
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC