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Topic: sneakiness with `auto_param`

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 11:20):

I would like to be able to change the tactic specified via auto_param to fill in a structure field automatically.

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 11:20):

I know I can't actually do it, so I would like a nice workaround.

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 11:21):

Somehow I want to write

structure F :=
(t : Type . sneaky)

and then for a while during the development have sneaky do one thing, and then be able to utter a secret incantation, after which sneaky does something else.

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 11:22):

For example, the sneaky tactic could in some way inspect the environment, and delegate its actual work to a different tactic based on what it sees.

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 11:22):

Does anyone know what I'm looking for?

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 11:23):

I already do a little bit of this: my tidy tactic looks for definitions tagged with the @[tidy] attribute, and if they are of type tactic unit it also invokes them during it's attempt to solve a goal.

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 11:24):

But now I want something slight different: e.g. have sneaky call the last-to-be-defined tactic tagged with @[sneaky_implementation], or something like that.

Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2018 at 12:04):

Here's a way to do it if you want to have only one implementation at a given time:

meta def sneaky_attr : user_attribute :=
{ name := `sneaky_impl,
  descr := "implementation for sneaky",
  before_unset := some $ λ _ _, skip,
  after_set := some $ λ n _ _, do
    env  get_env,
    ns  attribute.get_instances sneaky_attr.name,
    ns.mmap (λ n', when (n  n') $ unset_attribute sneaky_attr.name n'),
    attribute.get_instances sneaky_attr.name >>= trace }

meta def sneaky : tactic unit :=
do [n]  attribute.get_instances sneaky_attr.name,
  monad.join (mk_const n >>= eval_expr (tactic unit))

structure F :=
(t : Type . sneaky)

@[sneaky_impl] meta def mk_nat : tactic unit :=
trace "running mk_nat" >> `[exact nat]

example : F := {} -- running mk_nat

@[sneaky_impl] meta def mk_sorry : tactic unit :=
trace "running mk_sorry" >> `[sorry]

example : F := {} -- running mk_sorry

Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2018 at 12:05):

Each time you define a tactic with @[sneaky_impl], the last one to have it has it unset, and sneaky calls which ever definition has the attribute right now

Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2018 at 12:06):

Alternatively, you could have the attributes remain permanently, but you just check which was the last to be written

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:07):

awesome! I didn't know about those hooks on attributes.

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:12):

okay, so next I want approval to use this in mathlib. :-) Later in my category theory work, I really rely on most of the functoriality (oops, map_comp :slight_smile:) and naturality fields being filled in automatically by tidy or obviously. Of course, it's going to be a little while before tidy is mathlib ready, and maybe much longer before obviously is. I'd really like to be able to keep using them in my work, however... (in particular, I'm going to need to leave in "in action" everywhere in my later category theory stuff while I try and get them ready mathlib ready).

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:12):

So... the hope is that I can have the id_comp, comp_id, assoc, map_id, map_comp and naturality fields all invoke a tactic defined like sneaky above.

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:13):

In mathlib for now they will do nothing. In my development they will hook into whatever I want them to. Eventually, hopefully, they will start doing something in mathlib too.

Johan Commelin (Aug 08 2018 at 12:14):

But what would the first mathlib version of sneaky do?

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:14):


Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:14):

So if you don't provide the field explicitly, you just get the usual error message about an unsolved goal.

Johan Commelin (Aug 08 2018 at 12:15):

Hmmm. Sorry, I don't get what your strategy is.

Johan Commelin (Aug 08 2018 at 12:15):

Does that mean that you still have to prove this stuff by hand in mathlib?

Johan Commelin (Aug 08 2018 at 12:16):

If so, why would you want a sneaky?

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:16):

If you look at https://github.com/leanprover/mathlib/blob/master/category_theory/category.lean#L43

Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2018 at 12:16):

because he wants the auto param for a structure defined in mathlib to call his tactic

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:16):

you'll see that category.assoc is already marked with the auto_param obviously.

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:16):

it's just that obviously in mathlib is just defined to be skip. ( a few lines above!)

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:17):

I want to leave it like that in mathlib (for now), but still be able to use it outside while I'm getting it ready.

Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2018 at 12:17):

I'm okay with this in principle. I always thought that the static nature of auto params made them a bit limited, but this is a nice way to forward reference

Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2018 at 12:17):

I just need to figure out how to structure it nicely

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:17):

obviously it would make sense to write something slightly more general than sneaky above :-)

Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2018 at 12:18):

One thing which bothers me about this proposal is that you probably want to have just one sneaky which then goes everywhere

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:18):

I'm not sure what you mean?

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:19):

I'm imagining we could set up an attribute that you use like @[replace tidy] meta def foo : tactic unit := ...

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:19):

and then as an auto_param you put in (field : Type . invoke_tidy)

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:20):

and invoke_tidy goes and finds the latest declaration tagged with @[replace tidy].

Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2018 at 12:20):

is tidy parametric here? what else can you replace

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:23):

well, I was imagining that other people might want to replace other things

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:23):

but maybe that's not helpful...

Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2018 at 12:23):

I agree. But how would that work?

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:24):

I don't really know about parameters to attributes, so I was just dreaming there.

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:25):

I was imagining that you'd only define an attribute once, just like sneaky but taking a parameter.

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:25):

For each value of that parameter you'd have to make a definition of an invoke_XXX tactic

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:26):

that would then invoke the last thing tagged with @[replace XXX]

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:27):

For me, I'm happy to have a single tactic for all of those fields (and many others later)

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:27):

as long as I can still hook into it post mathlib

Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2018 at 12:27):

Oh wow, I tried using sneaky_impl with local attributes and it actually went back to the old definition after the section closed

Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2018 at 12:28):

@[sneaky_impl] meta def mk_nat : tactic unit :=
trace "running mk_nat" >> `[exact nat]

example : F := {} -- running mk_nat

meta def mk_sorry : tactic unit :=
trace "running mk_sorry" >> `[sorry]
local attribute [sneaky_impl] mk_sorry

example : F := {} -- running mk_sorry

example : F := {} -- running mk_nat

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:29):

Nice! (I think?)

Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2018 at 12:29):

I guess that's the power of functional data structures, you get "time travel" for free

Johan Commelin (Aug 08 2018 at 12:30):

That means that you could add particular superpowers, but not others, to tidy, depending on the file you are working in?

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:31):


Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:32):

I already do this all the time, actually, just at a whole file level.

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:32):

For me so far the definition of tidy has been invariant, except that it looks up everything marked with @[tidy] and tries those tactics too.

Scott Morrison (Aug 08 2018 at 12:33):

Mario's observation means you can do it at section level too, which I hadn't really appreciated.

Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2018 at 14:54):

Check out https://github.com/leanprover/mathlib/blob/master/tactic/replacer.lean for my attempt at a general framework

Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2018 at 14:57):

def_replacer tidy
structure T := (t : Type . tidy)

@[tidy] meta def tac1 := tactic.trace "tac1"
example : T := {} -- tac1

@[tidy] meta def tac2 (prev : tactic unit) := prev >> tactic.trace "tac2"
example : T := {} -- tac1 tac2

@[tidy] meta def tac3 := tactic.trace "tac3"
example : T := {} -- tac3

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC