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Topic: subintervals

Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 08 2020 at 17:40):

In #4913 I introduce a type called set.subinterval defined as

/-- A nonempty closed subinterval of set `α`. -/
@[ext] structure subinterval [preorder α] (s : set α) :=
(left right : α)
(nontrivial : left  right)
(Icc_subset : set.Icc left right  s)

I'm not sure if bundling Icc_subset is a good idea. While it is convenient for the proofs in #4913 (I construct a decreasing sequence of subintervals, and it's convenient to automatically know that s includes all of them), this type is less reusable than, e.g.,

structure binterval (α : Type*) [preorder α] :=
(left right : α)
(nontrivial : left  right)

with binterval.Ixx methods to access the underlying sets. What do you think?

Another option is to completely drop this type and deal with f : α → α → M instead of f : subinterval s → M.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC