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Topic: subset of quotient

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 08:12):

For the perfectoid project we often need to work with subsets of quotient types. A mathematician would write

def foobar := {x : QuotType | formula x}

and afterwards bother with the proof obligation of showing that it is well-defined. Can we mimic this in Lean?
I imagine that this subset notation would call the appropriate lift lemma, and generate a proof obligation that we can prove after the subset notation. Something like

def foobar := {x : QuotType | formula x} (by proof_of_soundness)

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 08:14):

Maybe we could have { .. | .. } is_well_defined .. be some fancy notation for this type of things?

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 08:18):

Do you mean {[[x]] : QuotType | formula x}?

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 08:18):

Does that work?

Chris Hughes (Oct 01 2018 at 08:18):

Looks like the image of quotient.mk of some set.

Chris Hughes (Oct 01 2018 at 08:18):

quotient.mk '' {x | formula x}

Kenny Lau (Oct 01 2018 at 08:19):

there are two ways of forming subquotient

Kenny Lau (Oct 01 2018 at 08:19):

and a theorem that they are the same

Kenny Lau (Oct 01 2018 at 08:19):

(in maths, not in Lean)

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 08:19):

Right, I see where this is going...

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 08:19):

In particular, they aren't defeq

Kenny Lau (Oct 01 2018 at 08:22):

few things are

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 08:24):

So Chris gives a workaround, but proving that his thing is the same as what I want is non-trivial.

Chris Hughes (Oct 01 2018 at 08:36):

But it's non trivial because there's mathematical content right?

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 08:36):

Right, you have to prove that formula is constant on equivalence classes

Chris Hughes (Oct 01 2018 at 08:40):

The harder lift definition is probably the best one to use.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 08:40):

Yes, so I don't mind proving something hard, but I would like to keep a readable definition. Hence this question.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 08:56):

To keep the definition readable, make the well definedness part a lemma that you prove immediately before

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:16):

@Mario Carneiro That is certainly an option, but
(1) the definition still won't be able to use subset notation;
(2) it is not what mathematicians are used to. We always define something, and afterwards fill in the proof obligation of showing that the definition is well-defined.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:17):

I think that it matches mathematical practice in that you aren't licensed to use the definition until you have proven the well definedness condition

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:17):

in lean if you can say it you can use it, so you have to be intercepted right at the definition

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:18):

I'm a little confused about what exactly you want to write though

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:19):

I completely agree.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:20):

So my suggestion was to syntactically prove the well-definedness after the definition. But in fact it is just part of the definition.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:20):

Most importantly, I would like the definition to be very readable.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:20):

Isn't that what quot.lift already does?

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:20):

Yes. But then my subset notation goes out of the window.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:21):

Can you be more specific?

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:22):

Any mathematician who first looks at Lean, and wants to look up the definition of Spv in the perfectoid project will not understand anything if he/she sees a quot.lift.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:22):

That is completely foreign.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:22):

And the stuff that follows it is barely recognisable.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:23):

On the other hand

def foobar := {x : QuotType | formula x} is_well_defined (by proof_of_soundness)

is very readable.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:23):

But my Lean-fu is not sufficient to turn that into valid Lean.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:23):

Currently in the perfectoid project we are stacking 5 subquotients on top of each other.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:24):

And it becomes really horrible.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:24):

(Well, currently there is no quot, but that isn't tenable either. So we need the quot, and we'dd like it to be readable.)

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:27):

I am confused about why your def is not valid lean

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:28):

I wrote what I thought you were trying to say but you have not adopted my change

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:28):

Sorry, which change are you talking about?

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:28):

I mean, I wrote what I thought was invalid lean

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:28):

I put the equiv class notation in

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:29):

Right. So now I tried using Chris's suggestion.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:29):

But then you can define Spa, and you get stuck when you want to define the opens.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:30):

To paraphrase Mario:

But I do not want to be thinking about quot.lift and subtype.val when I am writing a proof
the mindset is completely different, it is a distraction

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:31):

Is your foobar stuff about Spa? If so can you show what it looks like in situ

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:31):

All I am saying is that you keep saying that something is invalid lean and it looks fine to me

Chris Hughes (Oct 01 2018 at 09:31):

But the definitional equality of quotient.lift is really handy. Just give a docstring. Aiming to make your code usable by someone who doesn't know what quotient.lift is is probably impossible.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:31):

And I wrote something which was invalid lean and asked if it was what you meant and all you did was asked me if my invalid lean was valid

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:32):

So we're clearly at cross purposes. My question is what is invalid about your lean

Patrick Massot (Oct 01 2018 at 09:33):

Are we talking about def foobar := {x : QuotType | formula x} is_well_defined (by proof_of_soundness)?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:33):

In the case of Spa, I don't think you should try to get defeq just right, because Spa itself is not quite a quotient in the way we want it to be anyway

Patrick Massot (Oct 01 2018 at 09:33):

It seems pretty invalid to me

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:33):

I don't have access to lean right now so I'll just shut up and stop adding to the noise

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:34):

@Kevin Buzzard Sorry, I finally understand. I think {[[x]] : QuotType | formula x} doesn't leave any room for the proof obligation that formula x only depends on [[x]]. That proof has to go somewhere. Mathematicians also do that.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:34):

That's a perfectly valid definition, which means the image of such and such

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:35):

why not {q : QuotType | formula q}

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:35):

and define formula q using a lift

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:35):

definition Spa (A : Huber_pair) := quotient.mk '' {v : Valuation A | v.is_continuous   r, r  A  v r  1}

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:36):

This is what I have now.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:36):

is is_continuous constant on equivalence classes?

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:36):


variables (R : Type u₁) [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq R]

structure Valuation (R : Type u₁) [comm_ring R] :=
(Γ   : Type u₁)
(grp : linear_ordered_comm_group Γ)
(val : @valuation R _ Γ grp)

namespace Valuation

instance : has_coe_to_fun (Valuation R) :=
{ F := λ v, R  with_zero v.Γ, coe := λ v, v.val.val }

instance linear_ordered_value_group {v : Valuation R} : linear_ordered_comm_group v.Γ := v.grp

end Valuation

instance Spv.setoid : setoid (Valuation R) :=
{ r := λ v₁ v₂,  r s, v₁ r  v₁ s  v₂ r  v₂ s,
  iseqv := begin
    { intros v r s, refl },
    { intros v₁ v₂ h r s, symmetry, exact h r s },
    { intros v₁ v₂ v₃ h₁ h₂ r s,
      exact iff.trans (h₁ r s) (h₂ r s) }
  end }

definition Spv := quotient (Spv.setoid R)

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:36):

@Mario Carneiro Yes it is, but the proof is sorried.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:36):

is is_continuous constant on equivalence classes?

yes, although I was waiting for module refactoring to prove it.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:37):

Yep, that will need quite some module-juggling.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:37):

And a bit of tfae-icing :lol:

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:38):

It is mostly rings but I was using module refactoring as an excuse to put it off

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:38):

what happened to the relations?

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:38):

Which relations?

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:38):

Aah, lol, they are gone

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:38):

They are in the setoid

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:38):

So there are no longer relations on R.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:39):

The reason for that definition was because the quotient doesn't work

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:39):

So how can you define lift and friends using the relations?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:39):

it's not universe polymorphic enough, and your definition lives in a higher universe

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:40):

That's what the whole thing about generating valuations is for

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:40):

To me quot is a bunch of C++ magic that somehow works. But I don't know how to provide my own lift without at some point resorting to quot.lift.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:40):

You do it the old fashioned way

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:40):

with sets

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:41):

Sorry, I don't follow.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:41):

Given a relation on R. How do you get a valuation?

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:41):

For the perfectoid project we often need to work with subsets of quotient types. A mathematician would write

def foobar := {x : QuotType | formula x}

and afterwards bother with the proof obligation of showing that it is well-defined. Can we mimic this in Lean?

variables (QuotType : Type) (formula : QuotType  Prop)
definition X := {x : QuotType | formula x}

Mimicked. That was what I was trying to say.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:41):

The relation is assumed to be the image of some valuation

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:42):

Could you write down the definition of lift (with a sorry)?

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:42):

I couldn't write down anything of which I was even sure that a proof existed.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:42):

Wasn't this already done in an earlier version?

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:44):

No, only the claim that it should be done.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:44):

mk was done. That's not so hard.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:44):

But lift wasn't.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:44):

mk took me forever

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:45):

Wasn't this the one where I had to invoke the first isomorphism theorem between objects in different universes?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:45):


Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:45):

I thought I did most of the hard work for this

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:45):

and that everything else was just noise modulo continuous being constant on equiv classes

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:46):

Hmm, sorry. That wasn't nice to say. You indeed need all the minimal_valuation stuff.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:46):

But once that is there mk is not very hard.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:46):

I'm not offended, I am just aware that there are issues here I don't understand so am a bit scared of messing with stuff

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:46):

definition Spv :=
-- quotient (Spv.setoid R)
{ineq : R  R  Prop //  {Γ : Type u₁} [linear_ordered_comm_group Γ],
  by exactI  (v : valuation R Γ),  r s : R, v r  v s  ineq r s}

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:46):

Voila, the old definition.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:47):

I agree that the universe issue wasn't solved by what I did. (I'm really silly when it comes to universes.)

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:48):

@Mario Carneiro Do you think this would work?

definition lift {β : Type u₃} (f : Valuation R  β)
(H :  v₁ v₂ : Valuation R, v₁  v₂  f v₁ = f v₂) : Spv R  β := sorry

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:49):

can you post enough to make Spv compile? Stub out the definition of valuation and such

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:53):

mathlib doesn't have linear_ordered_comm_group

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:53):

import valuations
import analysis.topology.topological_space
import data.finsupp
import group_theory.quotient_group

universes u₁ u₂ u₃

namespace valuation

class is_valuation {R : Type u₁} [comm_ring R] {Γ : Type u₂} [linear_ordered_comm_group Γ]
  (v : R  with_zero Γ) : Prop :=
(map_zero : v 0 = 0)
(map_one  : v 1 = 1)
(map_mul  :  x y, v (x * y) = v x * v y)
(map_add  :  x y, v (x + y)  v x  v (x + y)  v y)

end valuation

def valuation (R : Type u₁) [comm_ring R] (Γ : Type u₂) [linear_ordered_comm_group Γ] :=
{ v : R  with_zero Γ // valuation.is_valuation v }
variables (R : Type u₁) [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq R]

open valuation

structure Valuation (R : Type u₁) [comm_ring R] :=
(Γ   : Type u₁)
(grp : linear_ordered_comm_group Γ)
(val : @valuation R _ Γ grp)

namespace Valuation

instance : has_coe_to_fun (Valuation R) :=
{ F := λ v, R  with_zero v.Γ, coe := λ v, v.val.val }

instance linear_ordered_value_group {v : Valuation R} : linear_ordered_comm_group v.Γ := v.grp

end Valuation

instance Spv.setoid : setoid (Valuation R) :=
{ r := λ v₁ v₂,  r s, v₁ r  v₁ s  v₂ r  v₂ s,
  iseqv := begin
    { intros v r s, refl },
    { intros v₁ v₂ h r s, symmetry, exact h r s },
    { intros v₁ v₂ v₃ h₁ h₂ r s,
      exact iff.trans (h₁ r s) (h₂ r s) }
  end }

definition Spv :=
{ineq : R  R  Prop //  {Γ : Type u₁} [linear_ordered_comm_group Γ],
  by exactI  (v : valuation R Γ),  r s : R, v r  v s  ineq r s}

namespace Spv

variables {R} {Γ : Type u₂} [linear_ordered_comm_group Γ]

definition mk (v : valuation R Γ) : Spv R :=
⟨λ r s, v r  v s,
  (minimal_value_group v).Γ,
    minimal_value_group.linear_ordered_comm_group v,
      v.minimal_valuation, v.minimal_valuation_equiv⟩⟩⟩⟩

definition lift {β : Type u₃} (f : Valuation R  β) (H :  v₁ v₂ : Valuation R, v₁  v₂  f v₁ = f v₂) :
Spv R  β := quotient.lift f H

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:53):

Aah, too bad mathlib doesn't have that.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:54):

mathlib has the decidable version

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:54):

(rather core has it)

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 09:55):

is there a reason that doesn't work here?

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2018 at 09:57):

I agree that the universe issue wasn't solved by what I did. (I'm really silly when it comes to universes.)

I don't know if there is a universe issue with your version. I find subtypes easier to use than quotient types but this might just be lack of practice. I am happy if you think a change will make it more readable but I don't want to run into universe issues. My understanding of the universe issues is that I should not let a valuation be an "equivalence class" of v : R -> with_zero Gamma where Gamma is allowed to vary over any type in any universe. I instead restricted to Gamma varying over things in the same universe as R and then I had to work to show that if I had a Gamma in another universe it was equivalent to Gamma in R's universe. I think that these issues (which I don't understand fully) are not the same as the one Johan is talking about, which is defining Spv not to be the ordering on R but to be the equiv class of valuations which give the ordering, so my guess is that these changes should be fine as long as the equiv reln is defined on valuations taking values in things in R's universe. I am not 100% sure that this is the point but that's my current understanding; I'm currently about to start travelling for 2 hours by the way.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 09:57):

@Mario Carneiro Mathlibcore has the additive version...

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 10:00):

Unfortunately, you can't even take an equivalence class over all valuations with type in the same universe as R, because this is already too big

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 10:00):

I have

hv :
   {Γ : Type u₁} [_inst_3 : linear_ordered_comm_group Γ] (v_1 : valuation R Γ),
     (r s : R), v_1 r  v_1 s  v r s

in my local context. Somehow cases hv complains that it can only eliminate into Prop. :cry:

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 10:00):

The best you can do is take an equivalence class over all valuations in some "small" collection of representatives

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 10:00):

Use classical.cases_on

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 10:00):

Unfortunately, you can't even take an equivalence class over all valuations with type in the same universe as R, because this is already too big

Like I just experienced (-;

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 10:01):

I'm still struggling to get your file to compile, but that's what I was going to do

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 10:01):

just use classical.cases_on three times and apply the function

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 10:02):

You won't even need the well definedness assumption, it's just for show

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 10:02):

Let me try

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 10:03):

How do I "use" classical.cases_on with hv?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 10:04):

refine classical.cases_on hv (\lam Gamma h', _)

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 10:04):

I see

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 10:04):

Good old refine

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 10:04):

You might be able to use a custom recursor with induction but I find refine the most straightforward

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 10:05):

type mismatch at application
  classical.cases_on hv
has type
  ∃ {Γ : Type u₁} [_inst_3 : linear_ordered_comm_group Γ] (v_1 : valuation R Γ),
    ∀ (r s : R), ⇑v_1 r ≤ ⇑v_1 s ↔ v r s : Prop
but is expected to have type
  Prop : Type

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 10:05):

Also... lunch time

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 10:05):

See you later

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 10:05):


Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 10:06):

sorry, I think it's called classical.rec_on

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 10:06):

it's a bad name

Mario Carneiro (Oct 01 2018 at 10:06):

it should be more like exists.rec_on_classical

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 11:00):

noncomputable definition lift {β : Type u₃} (f : Valuation R  β) (H :  v₁ v₂ : Valuation R, v₁  v₂  f v₁ = f v₂) :
Spv R  β :=
intro v,
cases v with v hv,
refine classical.rec_on hv (λ Γ hv', _),
refine classical.rec_on hv' (λ inst hv'', _),
refine classical.rec_on hv'' (λ v h, _),
exact f {Γ := Γ, grp := inst, val := v}

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 11:01):

That kind of worked. But I didn't use H

Patrick Massot (Oct 01 2018 at 11:18):

Mario announced that you wouldn't need H

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 11:21):

So, is this some sort of "cheating" definition?

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 11:21):

I guess we should leave H in place, because otherwise lift can be abused.

Reid Barton (Oct 01 2018 at 11:24):

You will need H to prove that lift f H (mk v) = f v

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 11:26):

Good point. Let me prove such things now.

Patrick Massot (Oct 01 2018 at 11:27):

It seems this is a very convenient way to setup things: define stuff without precondition, and prove they have the expected properties under the appropriate conditions. An extreme example is https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/blob/b3b50ce67c8b73442372c5141e8836c64ea13826/analysis/topology/completion.lean#L442-L446

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 11:42):

Now I'm stuck on the following goal:

 classical.rec_on _
      (λ (Γ : Type u₁)
       (hv' :
          [_inst_3 : linear_ordered_comm_group Γ] (v_1 : valuation R Γ),
            (r s : R), v_1 r  v_1 s  (v.val) r  (v.val) s),
         classical.rec_on hv'
           (λ (inst : linear_ordered_comm_group Γ)
            (hv'' :  (v_1 : valuation R Γ),  (r s : R), v_1 r  v_1 s  (v.val) r  (v.val) s),
              classical.rec_on hv''
                (λ (v_1 : valuation R Γ) (h :  (r s : R), v_1 r  v_1 s  (v.val) r  (v.val) s),
                   f {Γ := Γ, grp := inst, val := v_1}))) =
    f v

The maths is clear, but I have no idea how to work with this classical.rec_on. How do I fight those?

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 11:59):

Ok, so I can turn it into the rather unhelpful:

lemma lift_mk {β : Type u₃} {f : Valuation R  β} {H :  v₁ v₂ : Valuation R, v₁  v₂  f v₁ = f v₂} (v : Valuation R) :
lift f H (mk v) = f v :=
  refine H _ _ _,
  -- ⊢ {Γ := classical.some _, grp := classical.some _, val := classical.some _} ≈ v

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 12:00):

As you can see in the code, there is this bit saying (hv'' : ∃ (v_1 : valuation R Γ), ∀ (r s : R), ⇑v_1 r ≤ ⇑v_1 s ↔ ⇑(v.val) r ≤ ⇑(v.val) s),. I need to extract that, and use it to close my goal.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 12:18):

Ok, from browsing code I think that I should use some_spec or some_spec2. Can anyone confirm that this is reasonable? (I have yet to figure out how I should use them...)

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 12:44):

This is what I have now:

lemma lift_mk {β : Type u₃} {f : Valuation R  β} {H :  v₁ v₂ : Valuation R, v₁  v₂  f v₁ = f v₂} (v : Valuation R) :
lift f H (mk v) = f v :=
  let ineq := mk v,
  have foo := classical.some_spec (ineq.2),
  refine H _ _ _,
  intros r s,
-- R : Type u₁,
-- _inst_1 : comm_ring R,
-- _inst_2 : decidable_eq R,
-- β : Type u₃,
-- f : Valuation R → β,
-- H : ∀ (v₁ v₂ : Valuation R), v₁ ≈ v₂ → f v₁ = f v₂,
-- v : Valuation R,
-- ineq : Spv R := mk v,
-- foo : ∀ (r s : R), ⇑(classical.some _) r ≤ ⇑(classical.some _) s ↔ ineq.val r s,
-- r s : R
-- ⊢ ⇑(classical.some _) r ≤ ⇑(classical.some _) s ↔ ⇑v r ≤ ⇑v s

Looks deceptively close, but I can't finish it.

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 01 2018 at 12:45):

Yes, if you want to proof something about classical.some. What you usually do is to define a the constant using classical.some and then proof when a corresponding value exists, then the constant has the properties.

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 01 2018 at 12:45):

what is the type of _ in classical.some _?

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 12:47):


lemma lift_mk {β : Type u₃} {f : Valuation R  β} {H :  v₁ v₂ : Valuation R, v₁  v₂  f v₁ = f v₂} (v : Valuation R) :
lift f H (mk v) = f v :=
  let ineq := mk v,
  have spec := classical.some_spec (mk v).property,
  refine H _ _ _,
  intros r s,
  dsimp [mk] at spec,
  exact spec r s

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2018 at 12:47):

Somehow I managed to convince Lean!

Andrew Ashworth (Oct 01 2018 at 12:48):

I agree some_spec is awkward, but for what it's worth, it is mentioned in TPIL. When I first saw the example provided in 11.6 I didn't have any idea how it worked.

Andrew Ashworth (Oct 01 2018 at 12:48):

open classical function
local attribute [instance] prop_decidable

noncomputable definition linv {α β : Type} [h : inhabited α]
  (f : α  β) : β  α :=
λ b : β, if ex : ( a : α, f a = b) then some ex else arbitrary α

theorem linv_comp_self {α β : Type} {f : α  β}
    [inhabited α] (inj : injective f) :
  linv f  f = id :=
funext (assume a,
  have ex  :  a₁ : α, f a₁ = f a, from exists.intro a rfl,
  have   feq : f (some ex) = f a, from some_spec ex,
  calc linv f (f a) = some ex :  dif_pos ex
             ...    = a       :  inj feq)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC