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Topic: subst at hyp
Johan Commelin (Sep 07 2018 at 08:31):
Could we have subst foobar at hyp
for substituting in the hypotheses of the local context? Currently I am using repeat {rw foobar at hyp}
which feels a bit verbose...
Kenny Lau (Sep 07 2018 at 08:32):
subst foobar
Chris Hughes (Sep 07 2018 at 08:34):
What about simp only [foobar] at hyp
Johan Commelin (Sep 07 2018 at 08:35):
aah never mind. subst
is only for local constants. I wanted to substitute x = y
where x = y
was the result of some proposition.
Johan Commelin (Sep 07 2018 at 08:36):
simp only
Kenny Lau (Sep 07 2018 at 08:38):
Johan Commelin (Sep 07 2018 at 08:38):
Kenny Lau (Sep 07 2018 at 08:39):
Johan Commelin (Sep 07 2018 at 08:40):
Right, so now you only see the simp
s. For the repeat {rw ...}
you have to look in the history.
Johan Commelin (Sep 07 2018 at 08:40):
Basically I'm challenging you to golf it :lol:
Kenny Lau (Sep 07 2018 at 08:44):
what import is allowed?
Johan Commelin (Sep 07 2018 at 08:45):
I don't really care
Johan Commelin (Sep 07 2018 at 08:45):
What would you want to use? tidy
Kenny Lau (Sep 07 2018 at 08:46):
you didn't import any file from mathlib, so I can't use any mathlib tactic
Johan Commelin (Sep 07 2018 at 08:47):
Wasnt have ... simp at this ... exact this
some sort of idiom that can be golfed into a simpa
-oneliner? I tried but failed.
Reid Barton (Sep 07 2018 at 08:50):
simpa using this
Reid Barton (Sep 07 2018 at 08:51):
Or rather simpa using ...
Johan Commelin (Sep 07 2018 at 08:54):
And what do I need to import to get simpa
Reid Barton (Sep 07 2018 at 08:54):
My attempt: https://gist.github.com/rwbarton/b79b804e4bff300a5aa2a4ec2951c55e
Reid Barton (Sep 07 2018 at 08:54):
Anything in mathlib, but say tactic.interactive
Kenny Lau (Sep 07 2018 at 08:55):
import tactic.interactive universe u namespace eckmann_hilton variables (X : Type u) local notation a `<`m`>` b := @has_mul.mul X m a b class is_unital [m : has_mul X] [e : has_one X] : Prop := (one_mul : ∀ x : X, (e.one <m> x) = x) (mul_one : ∀ x : X, (x <m> e.one) = x) attribute [simp] is_unital.one_mul is_unital.mul_one variables {X} {m₁ : has_mul X} {e₁ : has_one X} {m₂ : has_mul X} {e₂ : has_one X} variables (h₁ : @is_unital X m₁ e₁) (h₂ : @is_unital X m₂ e₂) variables (distrib : ∀ a b c d, ((a <m₂> b) <m₁> (c <m₂> d)) = ((a <m₁> c) <m₂> (b <m₁> d))) include h₁ h₂ distrib lemma one : (e₁.one = e₂.one) := by simpa using distrib e₂.one e₁.one e₁.one e₂.one lemma mul : (m₁.mul = m₂.mul) := by funext a b; have := distrib a e₁.one e₁.one b; simp at this; simpa [one h₁ h₂ distrib] using this lemma mul_comm : is_commutative _ m₂.mul := ⟨λ a b, by simpa [mul h₁ h₂ distrib] using distrib e₂.one a b e₂.one⟩ lemma mul_assoc : is_associative _ m₂.mul := ⟨λ a b c, by simpa [mul h₁ h₂ distrib] using distrib a b e₂.one c⟩ instance : comm_monoid X := { mul_comm := (mul_comm h₁ h₂ distrib).comm, mul_assoc := (mul_assoc h₁ h₂ distrib).assoc, ..m₂, ..e₂, ..h₂ } end eckmann_hilton
Johan Commelin (Sep 07 2018 at 09:00):
Well done!
Johan Commelin (Sep 07 2018 at 09:02):
@Kenny Lau https://gist.github.com/jcommelin/2e031b5446ca54089576ea9f66f12abf
I added your name.
Kenny Lau (Sep 07 2018 at 09:02):
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC