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Topic: subtype.decidable_eq

Chris Hughes (Jan 04 2019 at 15:56):

subtype.decidable_eq sometimes fails to reduce in the kernel. Not sure why this is, it doesn't use propext or anything. The instance foo that I wrote in this code does work for some reason.

import group_theory.perm group_theory.coset

open equiv

example : (1, rfl : {x : perm bool // x = 1}) = swap ff tt * swap ff tt, dec_trivial :=

example : (1, rfl : {x : perm bool // x = 1}) = swap ff tt * swap ff tt, dec_trivial :=
subtype.eq dec_trivial

@[instance, priority 1000] lemma foo {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] {P : α  Prop} :
  decidable_eq (subtype P) :=
λ a b, decidable_of_iff (a.1 = b.1) (by cases a; cases b; simp)

example : (1, rfl : {x : perm bool // x = 1}) = swap ff tt * swap ff tt, dec_trivial :=

Mario Carneiro (Jan 04 2019 at 17:15):

Here's a little test of the decidable instance:

run_cmd do
  let t := `((1, rfl : {x : perm bool // x = 1}) = swap ff tt * swap ff tt, dec_trivial),
  inst  mk_instance `(decidable %%t),
  e  whnf inst, -- should be is_true _ but it's not
  trace e, -- eq.rec (λ (w_property : 1 = 1), is_true _) _ _
  [_,_,_,_,_,_,e]  return $ expr.get_app_args e, -- get the major premise
  `(%%a = %%b)  infer_type e, -- it is a proof of swap ff tt * swap ff tt = 1
  is_def_eq a b -- and they are not defeq

Mario Carneiro (Jan 04 2019 at 17:17):

whnf gets stuck here because it does not unfold proofs, like the major premise of the eq.rec, and it can't ignore the proof because it's not equivalent to rfl (because the things being equated are not defeq)

Mario Carneiro (Jan 04 2019 at 17:23):

You should not cast types in order to prove a decidable instance. I know it's tempting but you should always use decidable_of_iff which does a case on the target rather than a cast

Mario Carneiro (Jan 04 2019 at 17:23):

Unfortunately, the blame here seems to lie in mk_dec_eq_instance, which is bad since it powers @[derive decidable_eq] which is used all over

Mario Carneiro (Jan 04 2019 at 17:24):

Here's subtype.decidable_eq:

protected def subtype.decidable_eq : Π {α : Type u} {p : α  Prop} [_inst_1 : decidable_eq α], decidable_eq {x // p x} :=
λ {α : Type u} {p : α  Prop} [_inst_1 : decidable_eq α],
    (λ (_v : {x // p x}),
       subtype.cases_on _v
         (λ (val : α) (property : p val) (w : {x // p x}),
            subtype.cases_on w
              (λ (w_val : α) (w_property : p w_val),
                 decidable.by_cases (λ (a : val = w_val), eq.rec (λ (w_property : p val), is_true _) a w_property)
                   (λ (a : ¬val = w_val), is_false _))))

Note the eq.rec in the true branch

Mario Carneiro (Jan 04 2019 at 17:25):

if it said is_true (eq.rec (λ (w_property : p val), _) a w_property) there would be no problem

Mario Carneiro (Jan 04 2019 at 17:30):

the culprit is the subst here -> https://github.com/leanprover/lean/blob/master/library/init/meta/mk_dec_eq_instance.lean#L76 . Unfortunately I'm not sure there is anything we can do about it from mathlib

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC