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Stream: general

Topic: timeout (universe or diamond? not sure)

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 21 2022 at 17:50):

Here's something @David Ang pointed out on the Discord. units_mod.fintype and units_mod.fintype' are identical modulo an extra id. They both compile fine and give defeq answers. However if I generalise the units.fg instance to allow K : Type u then the first instance still compiles but the second one starts timing out. I feel like I've been getting quite good at these issues recently but here I'm lost; I'm not sure whether I should be looking for a diamond, or whether this is a universe issue.

import number_theory.number_field
open_locale number_field

universe u

variables {G : Type u} [comm_group G]
local notation n`⬝`G := (zpow_group_hom n : G →* G).range
noncomputable instance quotient_group.fintype_of_fg [group.fg G] (n : ) : fintype $ G  (nG) :=
classical.choice sorry -- avoiding sorrying data

-- change {K : Type} to {K : Type u} and units_mod.fintype' times out
instance units.fg {K : Type} [field K] [number_field K] : group.fg (𝓞 K)ˣ := sorry

variables {L : Type} [field L] [number_field L]

noncomputable instance units_mod.fintype (n : ) : fintype $ (𝓞 L)ˣ  (n(𝓞 L)ˣ) :=
@quotient_group.fintype_of_fg (𝓞 L)ˣ _ (@id _ @units.fg L _ _) n

-- the same but without an id
noncomputable instance units_mod.fintype' (n : ) : fintype $ (𝓞 L)ˣ  (n(𝓞 L)ˣ) :=
@quotient_group.fintype_of_fg (𝓞 L)ˣ _ (@units.fg L _ _) n

example : @units_mod.fintype = @units_mod.fintype' := rfl

Mario Carneiro (Feb 21 2022 at 17:53):

by the way the id there is doing a weird thing, it's applying directly to @units.fg, not @units.fg L _ _

Mario Carneiro (Feb 21 2022 at 17:54):

and since id is not reducible you should expect it to change the results of all the typeclass searches in those _

Mario Carneiro (Feb 21 2022 at 17:54):

although that doesn't really solve the question

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 21 2022 at 17:55):

oh yeah, thanks; putting in the brackets doesn't change anything though.

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 21 2022 at 18:01):

With trace.class_instances true the traces for units_mod.fintype and units_mod.fintype' are identical (over 5800 lines of it).

Mario Carneiro (Feb 21 2022 at 18:02):

My guess is something in defeq checking

Mario Carneiro (Feb 21 2022 at 18:10):

Hm, there is a type mismatch:

--- src/expected.txt    2022-02-21 13:06:48.514253485 -0500
+++ src/produced.txt    2022-02-21 13:06:58.170170784 -0500
@@ -1,140 +1,93 @@
        (@coe_sort.{1 2} ...)
-    (@comm_group.to_group.{0}
-       (@units.{0}
-          (@coe_sort.{1 2}
+    (@units.group.{0}
+       (@coe_sort.{1 2}
+          (@subalgebra.{0 0} int L (@comm_ring.to_comm_semiring.{0} int int.comm_ring)
+             (@ring.to_semiring.{0} L
+                (@comm_ring.to_ring.{0} L
+                   (@euclidean_domain.to_comm_ring.{0} L (@field.to_euclidean_domain.{0} L _inst_2))))
+             (@algebra_int.{0} L (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2))))
+          Type
+          (@set_like.has_coe_to_sort.{0 0}
              (@subalgebra.{0 0} int L (@comm_ring.to_comm_semiring.{0} int int.comm_ring)
                 (@ring.to_semiring.{0} L
                    (@comm_ring.to_ring.{0} L
                       (@euclidean_domain.to_comm_ring.{0} L (@field.to_euclidean_domain.{0} L _inst_2))))
                 (@algebra_int.{0} L (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2))))
-             Type
-             (@set_like.has_coe_to_sort.{0 0}
-                (@subalgebra.{0 0} int L (@comm_ring.to_comm_semiring.{0} int int.comm_ring)
-                   (@ring.to_semiring.{0} L
-                      (@comm_ring.to_ring.{0} L
-                         (@euclidean_domain.to_comm_ring.{0} L (@field.to_euclidean_domain.{0} L _inst_2))))
-                   (@algebra_int.{0} L (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2))))
-                L
-                (@subalgebra.set_like.{0 0} int L (@comm_ring.to_comm_semiring.{0} int int.comm_ring)
-                   (@ring.to_semiring.{0} L
-                      (@comm_ring.to_ring.{0} L
-                         (@euclidean_domain.to_comm_ring.{0} L (@field.to_euclidean_domain.{0} L _inst_2))))
-                   (@algebra_int.{0} L (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2)))))
-             (@number_field.ring_of_integers.{0} L _inst_2))
-          (@ring.to_monoid.{0}
-             (@coe_sort.{1 2}
-                (@subalgebra.{0 0} int L (@comm_ring.to_comm_semiring.{0} int int.comm_ring)
-                   (@ring.to_semiring.{0} L
-                      (@comm_ring.to_ring.{0} L
-                         (@euclidean_domain.to_comm_ring.{0} L (@field.to_euclidean_domain.{0} L _inst_2))))
-                   (@algebra_int.{0} L (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2))))
-                Type
-                (@set_like.has_coe_to_sort.{0 0}
-                   (@subalgebra.{0 0} int L (@comm_ring.to_comm_semiring.{0} int int.comm_ring)
-                      (@ring.to_semiring.{0} L
-                         (@comm_ring.to_ring.{0} L
-                            (@euclidean_domain.to_comm_ring.{0} L (@field.to_euclidean_domain.{0} L _inst_2))))
-                      (@algebra_int.{0} L (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2))))
-                   L
-                   (@subalgebra.set_like.{0 0} int L (@comm_ring.to_comm_semiring.{0} int int.comm_ring)
-                      (@ring.to_semiring.{0} L
-                         (@comm_ring.to_ring.{0} L
-                            (@euclidean_domain.to_comm_ring.{0} L (@field.to_euclidean_domain.{0} L _inst_2))))
-                      (@algebra_int.{0} L (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2)))))
-                (@number_field.ring_of_integers.{0} L _inst_2))
-             (@subalgebra.to_ring.{0 0} int L int.comm_ring
-                (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2))
-                (@algebra_int.{0} L (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2)))
-                (@number_field.ring_of_integers.{0} L _inst_2))))
-       (@units.comm_group.{0}
+             L
+             (@subalgebra.set_like.{0 0} int L (@comm_ring.to_comm_semiring.{0} int int.comm_ring)
+                (@ring.to_semiring.{0} L
+                   (@comm_ring.to_ring.{0} L
+                      (@euclidean_domain.to_comm_ring.{0} L (@field.to_euclidean_domain.{0} L _inst_2))))
+                (@algebra_int.{0} L (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2)))))
+          (@number_field.ring_of_integers.{0} L _inst_2))
+       (@ring.to_monoid.{0}
           (@coe_sort.{1 2} ...)
-          (@comm_ring.to_comm_monoid.{0}
-             (@coe_sort.{1 2}
-                (@subalgebra.{0 0} int L (@comm_ring.to_comm_semiring.{0} int int.comm_ring)
-                   (@ring.to_semiring.{0} L
-                      (@comm_ring.to_ring.{0} L
-                         (@euclidean_domain.to_comm_ring.{0} L (@field.to_euclidean_domain.{0} L _inst_2))))
-                   (@algebra_int.{0} L (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2))))
-                Type
-                (@set_like.has_coe_to_sort.{0 0}
-                   (@subalgebra.{0 0} int L (@comm_ring.to_comm_semiring.{0} int int.comm_ring)
-                      (@ring.to_semiring.{0} L
-                         (@comm_ring.to_ring.{0} L
-                            (@euclidean_domain.to_comm_ring.{0} L (@field.to_euclidean_domain.{0} L _inst_2))))
-                      (@algebra_int.{0} L (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2))))
-                   L
-                   (@subalgebra.set_like.{0 0} int L (@comm_ring.to_comm_semiring.{0} int int.comm_ring)
-                      (@ring.to_semiring.{0} L
-                         (@comm_ring.to_ring.{0} L
-                            (@euclidean_domain.to_comm_ring.{0} L (@field.to_euclidean_domain.{0} L _inst_2))))
-                      (@algebra_int.{0} L (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2)))))
-                (@number_field.ring_of_integers.{0} L _inst_2))
-             (@subalgebra.to_comm_ring.{0 0} int L int.comm_ring
-                (@euclidean_domain.to_comm_ring.{0} L (@field.to_euclidean_domain.{0} L _inst_2))
-                (@algebra_int.{0} L (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2)))
-                (@number_field.ring_of_integers.{0} L _inst_2)))))
+          (@subalgebra.to_ring.{0 0} int L int.comm_ring
+             (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2))
+             (@algebra_int.{0} L (@division_ring.to_ring.{0} L (@field.to_division_ring.{0} L _inst_2)))
+             (@number_field.ring_of_integers.{0} L _inst_2))))

Mario Carneiro (Feb 21 2022 at 18:11):

so somewhere in that monstrosity is an expensive defeq test

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 21 2022 at 18:15):

I found something like this and extracted two terms and checked they were equal with rfl and it was really quick

Mario Carneiro (Feb 21 2022 at 18:15):

For context, I'm comparing the goal to the have in this example:

-- to ensure that units.fg is not getting unfolded
constant {v} units.fg {K : Type v} [field K] [number_field K] : group.fg (𝓞 K)ˣ

-- the same but without an id
noncomputable example {L : Type} [field L] [number_field L] (n : ) : fintype $ (𝓞 L)ˣ  (n(𝓞 L)ˣ) :=
  refine @quotient_group.fintype_of_fg (𝓞 L)ˣ _ (id _) n,
  have := @units.fg L _ _,
  exact @units.fg L _ _,

Mario Carneiro (Feb 21 2022 at 18:15):

if you use exact this it is quick, and if you use @units.fg.{0} L _ _ it is also quick

Mario Carneiro (Feb 21 2022 at 18:16):

so I think it has something to do with solving that equation while units.fg.{?u} still has a metavariable

Mario Carneiro (Feb 21 2022 at 18:16):

even though applying it to L will solve the metavariable

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 21 2022 at 18:17):

Aah yes, the two humungous terms of type comm_group (↥(𝓞 L))ˣ which I had were when we were in Type 0.

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 21 2022 at 19:00):

If I tell Lean the universe level of units.fg it works. This really surprises me; I guess I don't know how Lean is solving universe variables (in the sense that this proves that it's not looking at L and saying "aah yes, let's use u=0"). Note we're id-free here.

import number_theory.number_field
open_locale number_field

universe u

variables {G : Type u} [comm_group G]
local notation n`⬝`G := (zpow_group_hom n : G →* G).range
noncomputable instance quotient_group.fintype_of_fg [group.fg G] (n : ) : fintype $ G  (nG) :=
classical.choice sorry -- avoiding sorrying data

instance units.fg {K : Type u} [field K] [number_field K] : group.fg (𝓞 K)ˣ := sorry

variables {L : Type} [field L] [number_field L]

-- works!
noncomputable instance units_mod.fintype' (n : ) : fintype $ (𝓞 L)ˣ  (n(𝓞 L)ˣ) :=
@quotient_group.fintype_of_fg (𝓞 L)ˣ _ (@units.fg.{0} L _inst_2 _inst_3) n

-- Now remove `.{0}` in `units.fg` and it fails
noncomputable instance units_mod.fintype (n : ) : fintype $ (𝓞 L)ˣ  (n(𝓞 L)ˣ) :=
@quotient_group.fintype_of_fg (𝓞 L)ˣ _ (@units.fg L _inst_2 _inst_3) n

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 21 2022 at 19:09):

-- make field explicit in units.fg
instance units.fg (K : Type u) [field K] [number_field K] : group.fg (𝓞 K)ˣ := sorry

variables {L : Type} [field L] [number_field L]

-- works very quickly
noncomputable instance units_mod.fintype'' (n : ) : fintype $ (𝓞 L)ˣ  (n(𝓞 L)ˣ) :=
@quotient_group.fintype_of_fg (𝓞 L)ˣ _ (@units.fg.{0} L _ _) n

-- works but takes quite a long time
noncomputable instance units_mod.fintype' (n : ) : fintype $ (𝓞 L)ˣ  (n(𝓞 L)ˣ) :=
@quotient_group.fintype_of_fg (𝓞 L)ˣ _ (units.fg.{0} L) n

-- times out without universe hint
noncomputable instance units_mod.fintype (n : ) : fintype $ (𝓞 L)ˣ  (n(𝓞 L)ˣ) :=
@quotient_group.fintype_of_fg.{0} (𝓞 L)ˣ _ (@units.fg L _ _) n

-- times out without universe hint
noncomputable instance units_mod.fintype (n : ) : fintype $ (𝓞 L)ˣ  (n(𝓞 L)ˣ) :=
@quotient_group.fintype_of_fg.{0} (𝓞 L)ˣ _ (units.fg L) n

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC