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Stream: general

Topic: timeout with split_ifs

Kenny Lau (Jul 28 2018 at 07:02):

import data.fin

variable {n : }

def fin.fall : Π i : fin (n+1), i.1 < n  fin n :=
λ i h, i.1, h

def fin.descend (pivot : fin (n+1)) : Π i : fin (n+1), i  pivot  fin n :=
λ i H, if h : i.1 < pivot.1
  then i.fall (lt_of_lt_of_le h $ nat.le_of_lt_succ pivot.2)
  else i.pred (λ H1, H $ by subst H1;
    replace h := nat.eq_zero_of_le_zero (le_of_not_gt h);
    from fin.eq_of_veq h.symm)

def fin.ascend (pivot : fin (n+1)) : Π i : fin n, fin (n+1) :=
λ i, if i.1 < pivot.1 then i.raise else i.succ

@[simp] lemma fin.descend_ascend (pivot : fin (n+1))
  (i : fin n) (H : pivot.ascend i  pivot) :
  pivot.descend (pivot.ascend i) H = i :=
  unfold fin.descend fin.ascend,
  split_ifs -- (deterministic) timeout

Kenny Lau (Jul 28 2018 at 07:02):

I've used split_ifs quite a lot but it just happens to timeout here

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 28 2018 at 07:34):

  unfold fin.descend fin.ascend,
  have P := (ite (i.val < pivot.val) (fin.raise i) (fin.succ i)).val < pivot.val,
  let dP : decidable P := by apply_instance, -- fails

Is P decidable? It looks decidable to me.

Kenny Lau (Jul 28 2018 at 07:34):

it should be decidable

Kenny Lau (Jul 28 2018 at 07:34):

but Lean is not very intelligent

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 28 2018 at 07:35):

Is there some missing instance decidable.dite?

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 28 2018 at 07:54):

Is there some missing instance decidable.dite?

P is just the statement that some nat is less than some other nat, right? But example (a b : ℕ) : decidable (a < b) := by apply_instance works fine

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 28 2018 at 08:00):

Oh I'm being an idiot. I've used have instead of let again.

Gabriel Ebner (Jul 28 2018 at 08:15):


Kevin Buzzard (Jul 28 2018 at 08:15):

Nice one Gabriel.

Gabriel Ebner (Jul 28 2018 at 08:16):

Apparently simp cannot simplify the second ite.

Kenny Lau (Jul 28 2018 at 08:17):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC