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Topic: timeout
Kenny Lau (Nov 08 2018 at 21:15):
theorem is_noetherian_ring_mv_polynomial_fin {n : ℕ} (hnr : is_noetherian_ring R) : is_noetherian_ring (mv_polynomial (fin n) R) := begin try_for 4000 { induction n with n ih, { refine is_noetherian_ring_of_equiv R _ _ hnr, { exact (mv_polynomial.pempty_equiv.symm.trans $ mv_polynomial.equiv_of_equiv ⟨pempty.elim, fin.elim0, λ x, pempty.elim x, λ x, fin.elim0 x⟩) }, { dsimp only [equiv.trans, equiv.symm, equiv.coe_fn_mk], exact @@is_ring_hom.comp _ _ _ (mv_polynomial.C.is_ring_hom) _ _ (@@mv_polynomial.eval₂.is_ring_hom _ _ _ _ _ (mv_polynomial.C : R → mv_polynomial (fin 0) R) mv_polynomial.C.is_ring_hom (mv_polynomial.X ∘ pempty.elim : pempty → mv_polynomial (fin 0) R)) } }, }, try_for 100000 { refine is_noetherian_ring_of_equiv (polynomial (mv_polynomial (fin n) R)) _ _ (is_noetherian_ring_polynomial ih), { exact mv_polynomial.option_equiv.symm.trans (mv_polynomial.equiv_of_equiv ⟨λ x, option.rec_on x 0 fin.succ, λ x, fin.cases none some x, by rintro ⟨none | x⟩; [refl, exact fin.cases_succ _], λ x, fin.cases rfl (λ i, show (option.rec_on (fin.cases none some (fin.succ i) : option (fin n)) 0 fin.succ : fin n.succ) = _, by rw fin.cases_succ) x⟩) }, { dsimp only [equiv.trans, equiv.symm, equiv.coe_fn_mk], exact is_ring_hom.comp _ _ } } end
Kenny Lau (Nov 08 2018 at 21:15):
Even 100 seconds is not enough
Kenny Lau (Nov 08 2018 at 21:15):
@Mario Carneiro I don't really know how to deal with this
Kenny Lau (Nov 08 2018 at 21:21):
Kenny Lau (Nov 08 2018 at 22:49):
Kenny Lau (Nov 08 2018 at 22:49):
@Mario Carneiro more ridiculousness
Kenny Lau (Nov 09 2018 at 08:42):
@Sebastian Ullrich what do you think about this?
Sebastian Ullrich (Nov 09 2018 at 08:43):
not much
Mario Carneiro (Nov 09 2018 at 08:44):
good idea
Kenny Lau (Nov 09 2018 at 09:17):
I think it's a serious problem if I provided every implicit argument and it still takes 16 seconds to elaborate
Kenny Lau (Nov 09 2018 at 10:25):
I basically changed the definitions of polynomial and mv_polynomial and that cut down 6 seconds
Kevin Buzzard (Nov 09 2018 at 12:24):
Kenny can you make a MWE? It's hard to run your code.
Yaël Dillies (Jul 31 2021 at 15:04):
I got a timeout working on #8471, for no apparent reason: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/runs/3209267335
I'll just rerun the job, but please tell me if I actually did something wrong.
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jul 31 2021 at 15:28):
There might just be a slow proof at ring_theory/ideal/basic.lean:599:9
which is pushed over the limit by a change in imports?
Yaël Dillies (Jul 31 2021 at 15:36):
Yeah, probably
Eric Wieser (Jan 13 2023 at 15:36):
Bors is failing due to a timeout in ring_theory.is_tensor_product
; presumably not due to a PR in the queue
David Loeffler (Jan 13 2023 at 15:52):
Maybe an effect of #18121 or #18140 (both merged yesterday, both involving tensor products)?
Eric Wieser (Jan 13 2023 at 15:53):
Eric Wieser (Jan 13 2023 at 19:33):
#18169 helps a little, but not much
Eric Wieser (Jan 13 2023 at 22:42):
I won't have much time for Lean over the weekend; I think the queue might get quite stuck without a speedup there. Looking at the failure history, it's not obvious that #18121 or #18140 are related
Eric Wieser (Jan 13 2023 at 22:42):
I'm happy for anyone to push speedups to that PR
Eric Wieser (Jan 14 2023 at 08:18):
Thanks @Junyan Xu!
Yaël Dillies (Mar 01 2023 at 15:15):
#18529 for a timeout in analysis.inner_product_space.basic
Jireh Loreaux (Mar 01 2023 at 15:18):
I put it on the maintainer merge queue.
Yaël Dillies (Mar 18 2023 at 15:34):
#18614 for a timeout in group_theory.torsion
Yaël Dillies (Mar 23 2023 at 16:48):
docs#measure_theory.Lp.simple_func.normed_space times out. I couldn't fix it.
Eric Wieser (Mar 23 2023 at 21:58):
Where are you getting the timeout?
Eric Wieser (Mar 23 2023 at 21:58):
It's slow on master but doesn't seem disastrously so
Yaël Dillies (Mar 23 2023 at 21:59):
On the very innocent #18635
Eric Wieser (Mar 23 2023 at 22:05):
I would guess that the fact simple_func
is a subgroup of Lp
which is itself a subgroup of ae_eq_fun
which is a quotient of a subtype is possibly causing some of the slowness
Eric Wieser (Mar 23 2023 at 22:05):
could just be a subgroup of ae_eq_fun
Eric Wieser (Mar 23 2023 at 22:16):
Hmm, I tried that and its not pleasant
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC