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Topic: too many axioms in comm_ring class
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 08:55):
I have to put a ring structure on a slightly complicated type (a subtype, consisting of functions with some properties). Every verification is going to be quite messy -- even defining zero and one will take some effort. So I really want to minimise the amount of stuff I want to prove. I am sure that Lean is asking me to do too much by default -- for example it wants a proof of add_comm, add_zero and zero_add, and the same story with multiplication and one. Of course I can deduce zero_add from add_zero once I've proved add_comm but in some sense I'm wondering why I am even being asked to do this, because this is true for every commutative ring. Is there a way of "fixing" this?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 08:57):
The usual solution is to write a variant on mk
that asserts only the properties you want to prove and proves the rest. This can be done generally for comm_ring
, to provide several interfaces depending on which axioms you want.
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 08:58):
Warning: you can get into trouble if you do this for data fields, like we've discussed about deriving a topology from a metric
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 08:59):
Aah I see. So there's an argument for comm_ring.mk'
which takes what I need and builds the rest. I remember seeing this in the construction of the rationals -- I think there are about 4 constructors in the end.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:00):
Re: data fields. Once you have one and neg you can define zero ;-) so perhaps I should be careful here.
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:04):
If you want to derive zero or something else, one option is to have it be an optional argument, so that the user can still set up their desired choice of defeq equivalence class here
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:04):
that's what many structures do by default
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:05):
Oh, something annoying has happened.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:05):
Fring := λ U OU,{ add := _, zero := _, add_comm := _, add_assoc := _, one := _, zero_add := _, neg := _, add_left_neg := _, mul := _, mul_assoc := _, add_zero := _, one_mul := _, mul_one := _, left_distrib := _, right_distrib := _, mul_comm := _ },
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:05):
There's my set-up (I'm not going to do mk' right now, I'm going to prove it's a ring and see what happens)
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:05):
and I was expecting red underlines on all the _s
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:05):
but I only have one under add_assoc
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:05):
I mean on the _ of add_assoc
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:06):
Am I expected to remember that addition takes two inputs? I thought Lean was going to tell me that.
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:07):
Hm, I can probably explain why add_assoc specifically, but it's not all that relevant. They are all actually required, but lean won't be able to even contemplate the later stuff until you finish the early stuff
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:07):
add_assoc is telling me I have a type mismatch!
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:07):
with what?
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:08):
Wooah -- maybe type class inference is randomly doing stuff? How do I check that?
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:08):
type mismatch at field 'add_assoc' ?m_1 has type ∀ (a b c : (λ (U : set (X R)) (HU : (λ (X_1 : set (X R)), set.mem (lattice.complete_boolean_algebra.neg X_1) {A : set (X R) | ∃ (E : set R), Spec.V E = A}) U), {f // ∀ (u : X R), U u → (∃ (g : R), set.mem u (Spec.D' g) ∧ set.subset (Spec.D' g) U ∧ ∃ (r : localization.away g), ∀ (Q : X R) (HQQ : set.mem Q U) (H2 : set.mem Q (Spec.D' g)), f Q HQQ = canonical_map g Q H2 r)}) U OU), ?m_1 (?m_1 a b) c = ?m_1 a (?m_1 b c) but is expected to have type ∀ (a b c : (λ (U : set (X R)) (HU : (λ (X_1 : set (X R)), -X_1 ∈ {A : set (X R) | ∃ (E : set R), Spec.V E = A}) U), {f // ∀ (u : X R), U u → (∃ (g : R), u ∈ Spec.D' g ∧ Spec.D' g ⊆ U ∧ ∃ (r : localization.away g), ∀ (Q : X R) (HQQ : Q ∈ U) (H2 : Q ∈ Spec.D' g), f Q HQQ = canonical_map g Q H2 r)}) U OU), a + b + c = a + (b + c)
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:08):
So far I wrote nothing.
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:09):
what's all that about localizations? What's the theorem?
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:09):
What does that add even mean on the bottom line?
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:09):
The ?m_1 presumably means "you didn't tell me what add meant yet"
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:09):
it's @has_add.add <your type> ?m_1 a b
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:09):
which prints as a + b
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:09):
Oh I see it's just some pretty printer cuteness
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:10):
I told you my objects were complicated ;-)
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:10):
this is probably some artifact of structure notation
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:10):
are you familiar with making defs for things?
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:10):
I have heard of definition
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:11):
if that's what you mean
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:11):
I'm trying to understand why your goal is a mile long before you start the proof
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:11):
In brief, my objects are functions which are well-behaved locally
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:11):
you left out the statement of the theorem above
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:12):
I am defining a ring structure
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:12):
on a complex type
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:12):
on what?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:12):
give the type a name
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:12):
It's a subtype of a pi type
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:12):
Here's a toy example
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:12):
do not prove an instance for a messy type
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:12):
I want to consider functions on a topological space which are "locally well-behaved"
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:12):
it will make typeclass inference cry
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:13):
I am not using type class inference at all
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:13):
I gave up on it
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:13):
I'm not talking about the mathematical specifics of the type
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:13):
I don't need it
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:13):
I don't understand what you are asking but I am certainly interested in what you are thinking
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:13):
what's the theorem? like paste the statement here
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:13):
There is no theorem
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:13):
I don't know why you keep asking this
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:13):
I am trying to put a ring structure on a type
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:14):
I am making a 1000 line definition
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:14):
yes that
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:14):
instance, def, theorem, it's all the same
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:14):
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:14):
My type is a subtype of a pi type
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:15):
and the details involve a lot of commutative algebra
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:15):
what exactly do you want to know about it?
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:15):
and I have a convoluted way of adding and multiplying two such things
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:16):
Okay, toy example:
instance : ring {x // ∀ y, x is more awesome than y} := sorry
def awesome_sauce := {x // ∀ y, x is more awesome than y} instance : ring awesome_sauce := sorry
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:17):
whatever is the difference?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:17):
I am getting the sense you typed some big term after ring
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:18):
definition structure_presheaf_of_rings_on_affine_scheme (R : Type*) [comm_ring R] : presheaf_of_rings (X R) := { PT := structure_presheaf_of_types_on_affine_scheme R, Fring := λ U OU,{ add := _, zero := _, add_comm := _, add_assoc := _, one := _, zero_add := _, neg := _, add_left_neg := _, mul := _, mul_assoc := _, add_zero := _, one_mul := _, mul_one := _, left_distrib := _, right_distrib := _, mul_comm := _ }, res_is_ring_morphism := sorry, }
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:18):
I typed that
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:18):
I am right in the middle of a complex mathematical object
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:18):
and your simple example is too simple for me to currently make sense of
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:18):
In that case, you should probably define that Fring
field in its own lemma
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:19):
Why does this make any difference?
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:19):
But of course I will do this now you tell me to
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:19):
My sense is that typeclass inference generally does poorly with inferring typeclasses on complicated things
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:20):
it needs to know when not to unfold
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:20):
and definitions are the best way to indicate this
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:20):
I am not ever using typeclass inference
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:20):
it causes me too much trouble
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:20):
you are, inside the structure instance itself
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:20):
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:21):
because it's actually proven in stages, a semigroup plus some more stuff to make it a monoid, group, ring, then comm_ring
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:21):
this I knew
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:21):
But is this really typeclass inference?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:21):
and after the initial stages, it uses the semigroup instance to find the +
which is used in later proofs
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:22):
It's not just "comm_ring extends ring so let's just copy the fields"?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:22):
Actually, that depends on whether it is using the old or new structure command
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:22):
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:22):
I am using the default structure command
Sebastian Ullrich (Mar 07 2018 at 09:22):
It looks like we don't do error recovery after that field type mismatch error. I could change that, but a smaller example would be nice :) .
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:23):
I feel like the definition of a ring is extremely small compared to the monster I am creating.
Sebastian Ullrich (Mar 07 2018 at 09:23):
Eh, I guess it shouldn't be hard to construct one by myself
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:24):
This is not a big deal at this point
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:24):
Even if it doesn't make a difference, I would recommend making this a definition and proving in stages simply for proof engineering reasons
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:24):
I see.
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:24):
you should try to keep your goal size down to something human readable
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:25):
I thought I'd fix things up with add_assoc := sorry
for the time being
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:25):
I got
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:26):
type mismatch at field 'add_assoc' sorry has type ∀ (a b c : (λ (U : set (X R)) (HU : (λ (X_1 : set (X R)), set.mem (lattice.complete_boolean_algebra.neg X_1) {A : set (X R) | ∃ (E : set R), Spec.V E = A}) U), ...
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:26):
Wasn't expecting that!
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:26):
did you sorry the add
field first?
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:26):
that fixes it
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:27):
Ok so here's a question
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:27):
First I have a red line under add_assoc.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:27):
I can't fix it with a sorry
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:27):
I sorry the add and this fixes both.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:27):
Q) Where does the new red line appear?
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:27):
And how do I fix it?
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:27):
A) zero_add
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:27):
I can fix it by sorrying the zero and zero_add.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:27):
Now I have a type mismatch at add_left_neg
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:28):
I love the randomness of it all
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:28):
it's whack a mole, I know
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:28):
Here's how you can derive the answer: First, find the first nested structure that is not complete
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:29):
so in the original case, that's semigroup
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:29):
next, find all fields that have nothing dependent on them
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:29):
ha ha, I sorried all the data fields and now I have don't know how to synthesize placeholder
on every other field apart from add_left_neg. ???
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:29):
so in this case add_assoc
because add
has add_assoc
depending on it
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:30):
when you sorry it out, it is considered complete and you get the next error, because of the error recovery issue Sebastian mentioned
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:31):
I have a grant deadline for Friday, I'd better go to work. Thanks for the comments. I will move the ring structure to a definition. Do I need to annotate the definition with reducible or irreducible or whatever?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:31):
But if you sorry add_assoc
without add
, then I think the sorry macro gets into trouble because the type it needs to be has a metavariable in it
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:32):
no, the regular reducibility is fine
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:32):
I think I deserve another achievement for making sorry fail to find its own type
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:33):
Thanks to Kenny's hard work on localisation lemmas we nearly have schemes, although not in a way Assia would approve of, as when I have defined this ring structure we will have a definition but no way of constructing examples :-)
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:33):
I will then need to prove one more theorem and then we can have examples
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:34):
what's the most trivial scheme?
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:34):
Mario -- you always said that the test case for you was whether one could prove any lemmas about the object
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:34):
is a ring a scheme over itself?
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:34):
but I will work on Assia's comments first -- she wants to see examples first.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:34):
The spectrum of a ring is an affine scheme
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:34):
and an affine scheme is a scheme
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:34):
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:35):
do that
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:35):
but I will be able to define a scheme correctly in Lean
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:35):
without ever proving that an affine scheme is a scheme
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:35):
because a scheme is an object with property X that looks locally like an affine scheme
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:35):
and I did not prove that affine schemes have property X yet
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:36):
but one can formulate "I look locally like an affine scheme" without mentioning X
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:36):
so first I want the definition of a scheme
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:36):
and then I need to prove one more theorem
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:37):
I think you are not ready for assia's criterion yet
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:37):
Thanks for the definition comments.
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:37):
she talked about examples in situations where you already have the fundamental theorem of mystuffoids
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:37):
you are still in the definition crafting stage
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:37):
This is a fundamental issue
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:38):
which goes beyond Lean
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:38):
It's something I have found when lecturing
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:38):
You introduce a new concept in a lecture
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:38):
typically a new structure
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:38):
and then you want to do two things simultaneously:
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:38):
(1) give basic examples
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:38):
(2) prove basic lemmas (e.g. subsets, quotients, products, whatever)
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:39):
(consequences of axioms)
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:39):
and whenever I do this in a lecture I never know whether to do (1) or (2) first
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:39):
because they are independent and both very important
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:39):
they are both important, of course. They are even closely related since (1) is basically stuff that implies X and (2) is stuff implied by X
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:40):
They are both "the first thing you should do after you defined the concept"
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:40):
Still, I should concentrate on defining the concept first. Cheers!
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 09:40):
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:41):
Current state of things at https://github.com/kbuzzard/lean-stacks-project/blob/master/src/scheme.lean
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 09:42):
probably lines 268 - 305 should be moved into a definition, if my understanding of what you're saying is correct. OK I really am gone now.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 10:27):
dammit I refactored into a definition and then started with add := λ f₁ f₂, ⟨_,_⟩,
and got an assertion violation. I am going to roll back a bit I think. Does anyone have any advice as to which version to pick?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 10:29):
when I get an assertion violation in the middle of writing something, I try to finish writing it and see if it's okay once it is once again well-formed
Johannes Hölzl (Mar 07 2018 at 10:32):
@Kevin Buzzard I think a simpler solution for you would be to first start defining the operations, i.e. instance : has_add (Fring)
, ... do this for all the data. Then you see at least that this works. Then you proof stat it is a monoid, a group, a semiring etc. this allows you to have a clear overview what's happening.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 10:32):
In maths we care about refactoring to a far lesser degree.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 10:33):
I've seen lecturers write a proof and then in the middle stop and say "oh, hmm, Ok we will need this:" and then write "sublemma : ..." and just insert something in the middle, and then press on.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 10:33):
Either that or just splurge through everything.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 10:34):
And then we get "and as we see from the proof of Theorem B, X -> Y" later on
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 10:34):
and everyone is fine with this
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 10:35):
PS I am not using instances at all. I wanted to completely avoid type class inference and also any coercions as much as possible, so I had a tight control over what was going on.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 10:51):
Oh this is a really nice way of doing it. Thanks. My definitions are getting smaller and smaller, apparently this is what I should be aiming at.
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 10:56):
I've seen lecturers write a proof and then in the middle stop and say "oh, hmm, Ok we will need this:" and then write "sublemma : ..." and just insert something in the middle, and then press on.
You should view this as analogous to writing a proof, then in the middle editing the statement, and returning to the proof. The fact that lectures are limited to a linear format is simply because of practical concerns of blackboard presentation, but we often think about things out of order like this. A lean script should not reflect these amendations themselves, so that at the end everything fits together.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 11:00):
I added some of these comments to https://github.com/kbuzzard/mathlib/blob/master/docs/WIPs/structures.md
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 11:01):
Are you interested in a PR Mario? A lot of those WIPs are (a) works in progress and (b) already helpful for me in their current form.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 11:01):
I am just letting them grow organically at this point rather than trying to tidy them.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 11:01):
The advantage of a PR is that they become more visible to people. The disadvantage is that they become your problem.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 11:02):
I am happy either way; a lot depends on how seriously you take that docs directory.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 11:02):
My workflow now is much better now we're at zulip. If I have time I update my local docs. If I don't then I just star the messages and come back later.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 11:03):
I'm talking about when people give me good advice which I would like to keep track of.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 11:15):
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 11:15):
how clean is this:
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 11:15):
definition structure_presheaf_value_is_comm_ring {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] (U : set (X R)) (HU : is_open U) : comm_ring (structure_presheaf_value U HU) := { add := (structure_presheaf_value_has_add U HU).add, mul := (structure_presheaf_value_has_mul U HU).mul, zero := (structure_presheaf_value_has_zero U HU).zero, one := (structure_presheaf_value_has_one U HU).one, add_comm := by simp, zero_add := by simp, add_zero := by simp, neg := (structure_presheaf_value_has_neg U HU).neg, add_left_neg := by simp, add_assoc := by simp, mul_assoc := by simp [mul_assoc], one_mul := by simp, mul_one := by simp, left_distrib := by simp [left_distrib], right_distrib := by simp [right_distrib], mul_comm := by simp [mul_comm] }
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 11:15):
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 11:16):
My original proofs were worse
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 11:17):
but because I wrote https://github.com/kbuzzard/mathlib/blob/master/docs/WIPs/simp.md
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 11:18):
I remembered the "how to use simp better" thing -- i.e "if your proof looks like funext (λ f,subtype.eq (funext (λ P,by simp)))
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 11:18):
then you might want to consider being more optimistic with when exactly you use simp"
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 11:21):
Why is there the messy thing with (structure_presheaf_value_has_add U HU).add
? As it is currently, there should be no difficulty making this thing an instance, and then it will pick those fields up automatically
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 11:24):
even if you can't make them instances, you can use ..structure_presheaf_value_has_add U HU
etc to add the operations
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 11:37):
Re: PRs, I'm okay with docs of any kind. My recommendation is to try to write them with an authoritative locution style; I will let you know if you say false things. If you don't know something, leave it out, say you don't know in the doc, or ask about it here and then put in whatever you find out.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 12:07):
Messy thing: I am not concerned with such issues at the minute. I am completely avoiding instances simply because writing all this code is taking my Lean understanding to a new level and I realised that I did not trust myself to do all the clever things instances could do for me, and I would occasionally have problems with instances, so I decided to never use them just to see what like would be like without them. The advantage of doing it my way is that I can take one look and understand what is happening. I am still a learner.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 12:09):
I am always muddled about this .. thing. I forget the syntax, I never know whether it has to go at the beginning or the end or whether it doesn't matter, just stupid things which people your age only need to be told once but people my age need to have a reference for and basic examples of. I don't have the time right now to fart around with .. trying to make it work and as you can see from https://github.com/kbuzzard/mathlib/blob/master/docs/WIPs/structures.md I have also not found the time to figure it out once and for all and then document it. I am afraid I need docs to work efficiently, and if stuff isn't documented properly then I shy away from it.
Sebastian Ullrich (Mar 07 2018 at 12:20):
Instead of declaring mk'
s, the algebraic hierarchy could be amended with superclass defaults like
class add_comm_monoid (α : Type u) extends add_monoid α, add_comm_semigroup α := (add_zero := by simp [add_comm, zero_add])
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 12:35):
that doesn't actually work right now tho
Sebastian Ullrich (Mar 07 2018 at 12:38):
It doesn't?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2018 at 12:58):
nvm, I misread what you are doing there
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 15:31):
Why is there the messy thing with
(structure_presheaf_value_has_add U HU).add
? As it is currently, there should be no difficulty making this thing an instance, and then it will pick those fields up automatically
My co-author got their hands on it and now it looks like this:
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 07 2018 at 15:31):
definition structure_presheaf_value_is_comm_ring {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] (U : set (X R)) (HU : is_open U) : comm_ring (structure_presheaf_value U HU) := by refine { add := (+), zero := 0, neg := ((structure_presheaf_value_has_neg U HU).neg), mul := (*), one := 1, .. }; {simp [mul_assoc, left_distrib, right_distrib]} <|> simp [mul_comm]
Scott Morrison (Mar 07 2018 at 16:39):
I really like @Sebastian Ullrich’s suggestion for putting in superclass defaults in the algebraic hierarchy, at least where they are “uncontroversial”. I didn’t even know you can do that.
Sebastian Ullrich (Mar 07 2018 at 16:39):
It's not a very old feature :)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC