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Topic: type class resolution or unification?
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:32):
This question might be too vague to answer. I have a fixed type X
and I am doing a lot of work with functions from {U : set X // P U}
to Type*
(for example, X
might be a topological space and the functions might assign a type to each open set in X
, but I also consider more general possibilities for P
, e.g. P
might say "U
is in a fixed basis for the topological space"). I seem to have three different ways to set up such functions.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:32):
1) I could look at functions on subtypes, as I wrote above. I don't do this. I think subtypes are messy and would be forever taking them apart.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:33):
2) I could define my functions as lam {U} (H : P U), ...
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:34):
3) I could define my functions as lam U [H : P U], ...
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:34):
I don't like (3) because it relies on the type class inference system and for my own types P it would rely on my getting the system to work.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:35):
I used to be using (4) lam U (H : P U)
but I just got sick of constantly writing U when it could be inferred from HU, so I just switched to (2).
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:35):
I am now looking at (2) thinking "ugh, my functions are supposed to be eating open sets and they're now eating proofs, that looks a bit weird"
Chris Hughes (Apr 18 2018 at 18:37):
I like (2). Same number of arguments, but you don't have to rely on type classes. So long as you always have a proof of P U
to hand.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:39):
Are there any arguments for or against any of (1) to (4)? I am 99.9% convinced that I could get any of (1), (2) or (4) working. I simply don't know whether I could get (3) working; in my mind it would be by far the "riskiest" approach. These functions are everywhere in my code and I am constantly coming up with proofs that various sets have property P
; in the case P
is "I am an open set" then some of these are in mathlib. I would probably have to go around making a whole bunch of things instances, and even then I'm not convinced that I would be able to cover everything (e.g. these functions might show up as part of structures, where the proof of P U
is somewhere else in the structure and I am not 100 percent convinced that type class inference can get me to it).
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:40):
I used (4) for open sets and (2) for bases of open sets, and both worked fine, so I switched to (2) because it made my code shorter.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:42):
...and possibly slightly less readable -- e.g. open sets like (which was easy to read) have now been removed and replaced by hypotheses like "I am a lemma in mathlib saying the pre-image of an open set under a continuous function is open".
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:43):
On the other hand I am using type class inference for rings (the functions map open sets to rings) and sometimes it just doesn't work and it's easier to do the @
dance than try to figure out why it didn't work.
Chris Hughes (Apr 18 2018 at 18:43):
(1) has no advantages other than proving things like injectivity where the function has to be α → β
, but I don't think you want to do that. (4) does have the advantage of readability. some _
is a nightmare in this regard.
Kenny Lau (Apr 18 2018 at 18:44):
@Kevin Buzzard it's amazing how we went from knowing nothing about type theory to having an opinion on them
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:44):
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:44):
I've learnt so much this year.
Kenny Lau (Apr 18 2018 at 18:44):
the best way to learn maths is indeed to play with them
Kenny Lau (Apr 18 2018 at 18:45):
people just learn symbols without the meanings
Kenny Lau (Apr 18 2018 at 18:45):
(x+y)^2 = x^2+2xy+y^2
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:45):
I am very much in two minds about whether I want my code to be readable though.
Kenny Lau (Apr 18 2018 at 18:45):
means nothing
Kenny Lau (Apr 18 2018 at 18:45):
but whenever you are told to expand it, you go from left to right
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:45):
here it means "about 6 invocations of the axioms of a ring" :-)
Andrew Ashworth (Apr 18 2018 at 18:46):
i think you should not worry too much about your code being readable in tactic mode
Andrew Ashworth (Apr 18 2018 at 18:46):
i don't think there's any way to understand tactic mode without going through the proofs line by line
Moses Schönfinkel (Apr 18 2018 at 18:47):
Technically Coq is all tactic mode and you can write readable proofs just fine :).
Andrew Ashworth (Apr 18 2018 at 18:48):
chlipala disagrees :)
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:48):
I think I read some quote by Paulson arguing that readability was super-important
Andrew Ashworth (Apr 18 2018 at 18:48):
and that's the biggest difference between the isabelle style and the coq style
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:48):
I see.
Moses Schönfinkel (Apr 18 2018 at 18:48):
Adam Disagrees and then writes CPDT, which has yet to be deciphered :).
Andrew Ashworth (Apr 18 2018 at 18:50):
well, readability is definitely important, but do you want to make a second pass over all your proofs?
Andrew Ashworth (Apr 18 2018 at 18:50):
you can write out many of the intermediate steps with show, have, and give many comments, and that is certainly great
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:52):
The last big proof I wrote (compactness of a certain topological space), every few lines I wrote down what the goal was (in mathematical language) and what I was going to do next.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 18:52):
So "unreadable" proof but readable comments
Andrew Ashworth (Apr 18 2018 at 18:54):
in isabelle some authors go so far as to write a latex proof in the comments next to the formal derivation
Kenny Lau (Apr 18 2018 at 18:54):
in isabelle one forgets computability
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 19:02):
In the future there will be files which humans read which will look like beautifully typeset mathematics and which will unfold into computer-checked proofs.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 19:02):
I hope to see it before I die.
Andrew Ashworth (Apr 18 2018 at 19:03):
perhaps... you have to wonder why coq and isabelle never took off. well, maybe people just need to be exposed to it more
Sebastien Gouezel (Apr 18 2018 at 19:07):
Speaking of readability, I just wrote a proof like that:
lemma eventually_bdd_above_iff_exists_eventually_le {F : filter α} {u : α → β} : (eventually_bdd_above F u) ↔ (∃t, eventually (λn, u n ≤ t) F) := have A: eventually_bdd_above F u → (∃t, eventually (λn, u n ≤ t) F) := assume ⟨su, suF, tu, tuH⟩, have eventually (λn, u n ≤ tu) F := begin apply filter.upwards_sets F suF, assume (y) (Hy), apply tuH _ (mem_image_of_mem _ Hy) end, ⟨tu, by assumption⟩, have B: (∃t, eventually (λn, u n ≤ t) F) → eventually_bdd_above F u := assume ⟨t, Ht⟩, have bdd_above (u '' {y : α | u y ≤ t}) := begin apply bdd_above.mk t, assume (y) (Hy), induction Hy with x Hx, simpa [Hx.2] using Hx, end, ⟨{y | u y ≤ t}, by assumption, by assumption⟩, ⟨A, B⟩
and then I compacted it to
⟨λ ⟨su, suF, tu, tuH⟩, ⟨tu, filter.upwards_sets F suF (λ y Hy, tuH _ (mem_image_of_mem _ Hy))⟩, λ ⟨t, Ht⟩, ⟨{y | u y ≤ t}, Ht, t, (λy Hy, let ⟨x, Hx⟩ := Hy in by simpa [Hx.2] using Hx)⟩⟩
Do you have an opinion on the readability of both, and which one I should keep?
Moses Schönfinkel (Apr 18 2018 at 19:11):
@Andrew Ashworth They're reasonably well established in a few specific areas, almost exclusively related to software verification. Are you talking widespread adoption by mathematicians and in general, people who use formal apparatus of any kind?
Andrew Ashworth (Apr 18 2018 at 19:16):
i like non-compacted proofs, although the mathlib developers disagree with me :grinning:
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 19:16):
I think it depends on your audience.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 19:16):
If you want to get it into mathlib then if you wrote the long one they would squish it down to the short one themselves
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 19:17):
If you want to explain to a bunch of undergraduates how Lean works then I would definitely not recommend the short one
Mario Carneiro (Apr 18 2018 at 19:18):
there is plenty of space for big proofs in TPIL and similar works
Andrew Ashworth (Apr 18 2018 at 19:19):
@Moses Schönfinkel yes. it doesn't even have that many inroads into high-assurance software, which is all written in things like MISRA C
Johannes Hölzl (Apr 18 2018 at 19:19):
For simple statements like this I prefer the later proof (btw: you can even reduce it more: λy Hy, let ⟨x, Hx⟩ := Hy in ~> λy ⟨x, Hx⟩,
). But the more complicated the proof itself is, especially when the proof goes over a couple of lines, I prefer the more elaborate one.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 19:21):
In fact Johannes taught me a valuable lesson regarding this sort of thing (which you already know Sebastian) -- it's a very good exercise, at some point in your Lean career, to start trying to write the shortest proofs you possibly can.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 19:21):
because this game just teaches you stuff, or perhaps teaches you to appreciate certain things
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 19:21):
which you might otherwise miss.
Sebastien Gouezel (Apr 18 2018 at 19:23):
Agreed. To be able to compactify the proof, I needed to understand much more of what is going on.
Johannes Hölzl (Apr 18 2018 at 19:27):
The problem with compact proofs is of course, that it is hard to ever change the definition of constants. As the often rely on definitional equality. There using automation has a big advantage, as it is often configurable like the simplifier.
Andrew Ashworth (Apr 18 2018 at 19:27):
compact proofs / programs are painful to me. as someone who was tasked with fixing an old scientific c program from the 80s for several months, terseness is the great enemy
Patrick Massot (Apr 18 2018 at 19:30):
What about having the goal that people could learn stuff from reading proofs?
Patrick Massot (Apr 18 2018 at 19:30):
In ordinary maths this is a pretty important idea
Patrick Massot (Apr 18 2018 at 19:32):
Of course we could completely separate the explanation of a theorem from its proof using Lean. But that wouldn't help people learning how to convince Lean that something is true
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 18 2018 at 20:10):
What about having the goal that in between the incomprehensible lines of Lean code there are comments explaining what is going on, so people can learn from the comments?
Johan Commelin (Apr 18 2018 at 20:10):
I think readability is extremely important for people to have confidence in formalisations. I am sure you all know the paper by Pollack, "How to believe a machine-checked proof": http://www.brics.dk/RS/97/18/BRICS-RS-97-18.pdf
Johan Commelin (Apr 18 2018 at 20:10):
I think he has very good points
Johan Commelin (Apr 18 2018 at 20:13):
For example, if the statement of Ramanujan's conjecture uses modular forms, then I need to understand the formalisation of the definition of modular forms as well. And if they are defined as sections of some line bundle on a modular curve, then I need to understand those as well...
Johan Commelin (Apr 18 2018 at 20:13):
If there is one typo in those definitions... then the proof of Ramanujan's conjecture might not actually be a proof.
Johan Commelin (Apr 18 2018 at 20:14):
That is why theorems with simple statements should have extremely readable and simple formalisations
Johan Commelin (Apr 18 2018 at 20:14):
And afterwards, there might be theorems that say the statement is equivalent to some other statement using involved definitions, which you then go on to prove...
Johan Commelin (Apr 18 2018 at 20:15):
On the other hand, maybe my rant does not have much bearing on readability of proofs...
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC