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Topic: updating mathlib without compiling is hard

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 11 2019 at 14:33):

I have a project with a dependency on mathlib. I want Patrick's lovely has_mem (set ℝ) (filter ℝ), which is in a recent mathlib. So I go to my project, type leanpkg upgrade and I find that mathlib is now back at Feb 23rd.

So I go into _target/deps/mathlib, checkout master, pull, look at the latest commit, edit my leanpkg.toml to point to this commit, then type update-mathlib and it says "no nightly archive found".

Now I don't know what to do. I know that it will be much better when someone who can build the infrastructure builds the infrastructure but I just want to get something working quickly now, and I'm sure this should be possible with a bit of hacking around.

How do I painlessly figure out the most recent commit that will make update-mathlib work? And once I've figured it out, which of (a) manually editing my toml so that it points to this mathlib commit and (b) manually switching to the correct commit in _target/deps/mathlib do I need to do, in order to get update-mathlib to work?

I just want the most recent commit for which I don't have to compile mathlib.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 11 2019 at 14:39):

Oh! update-mathlib now works! So was I just unlucky somehow? I coincidentally pulled very quickly after a commit or something?

Chris Hughes (Mar 11 2019 at 14:39):

There was a commit very recently, so that may be the case.

Patrick Massot (Mar 11 2019 at 14:43):

Indeed the latest nighly is 14 minutes old The answer to the question was: go to https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib-nightly/releases, get the commit hash, modify the leanpkg.toml of your project, and run upodate-mathlib

Patrick Massot (Mar 11 2019 at 14:44):

Hopefully this answer will soon become unneeded

Simon Hudon (Mar 11 2019 at 16:16):

leanpkg upgrade followed by update-mathlib should also work.

Patrick Massot (Mar 11 2019 at 16:19):

No it won't work in general

Patrick Massot (Mar 11 2019 at 16:19):

unless you are very lucky

Patrick Massot (Mar 11 2019 at 16:20):

This is why we need a binary release for every commit

Simon Hudon (Mar 11 2019 at 16:32):

Why doesn't it work?

Johan Commelin (Mar 11 2019 at 17:19):

Because leanpkg upgrade moves to the latest commit of mathlib. And that one typically doesn't have an olean-release attached to it.

Johan Commelin (Mar 11 2019 at 17:25):

Ideally, leanpkg upgrade would update to latest mathlib, and call update-mathlib.

Johan Commelin (Mar 11 2019 at 17:25):

Alternatively, update-mathlib could edit the .toml to point to the latest olean-release of mathlib, and do the rest of its magic.

Simon Hudon (Mar 11 2019 at 17:26):

It should go to the latest commit on the lean-3.4.2 branch which get pushed when we make releases. They should all have a proper olean archive attached

Johan Commelin (Mar 11 2019 at 17:26):

Hmm... that didn't work when I last tried it.

Johan Commelin (Mar 11 2019 at 17:27):


Johan Commelin (Mar 11 2019 at 17:27):

@Simon Hudon :up:

Simon Hudon (Mar 11 2019 at 17:28):

That's odd. I'll have a look

Simon Hudon (Mar 11 2019 at 21:08):

I think there was probably a non-monotonic rebase about 11 days ago and now Travis fails every time it tries to push to lean-3.4.2. I pushed it manually.

Simon Hudon (Mar 11 2019 at 21:08):

It should now work if you do leanpkg upgrade and then update-mathlib

Patrick Massot (Mar 11 2019 at 21:13):

I can confirm it works in the perfectoid project (bringing it only 2 commits behind mathlib master)

Simon Hudon (Mar 11 2019 at 21:15):


Keeley Hoek (Mar 14 2019 at 08:57):

Also if you want to track master you can do branch = 'master' in leanpkg.toml

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:00):

I don't have any branch = anything in the toml of the perfectoid project.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:01):

I am not sure I want to track mathlib master, I want to track "the last release with some olean files" :-)

Patrick Massot (Mar 14 2019 at 09:01):

That's what we already do

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:01):


Patrick Massot (Mar 14 2019 at 09:01):

we don't need to change anything here (except we need people to stop pushing outdated tags)

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:03):

Probably the next time I push anything I will push an outdated tag

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:03):

I have a gazillion copies of community mathlib across various machines

Patrick Massot (Mar 14 2019 at 09:04):

running git tag -d 3.4.2 in each of them would help

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:04):

I typed git branch -d lean-3.4.2 and Johan said it wasn't enough

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:04):

but then the branch did not show up with git branch

Patrick Massot (Mar 14 2019 at 09:04):

You need new glasses

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:04):

I typed git tag -d 3.4.2 and it looked like something succeeded

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:05):

however Simon said there were a tonne of other tags which needed deleting

Patrick Massot (Mar 14 2019 at 09:05):

This is the correct one

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:05):

and I can't see any of them in my branches

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:05):

Oh so I don't need to worry about the other tags he mentioned?

Patrick Massot (Mar 14 2019 at 09:05):

what does git tag says?

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:05):

$ git tag

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:06):

$ git tag

in another one

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:06):

I can go and find my laptop and give you a couple more

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:06):

and then there's my work machine

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:06):

they're everywhere

Patrick Massot (Mar 14 2019 at 09:06):

I think you can safely git tag | xargs git tag -d

Patrick Massot (Mar 14 2019 at 09:07):

You don't need any of these tags, they can only hurt

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:07):

can there ever be a space in a tag?

Patrick Massot (Mar 14 2019 at 09:07):


Kevin Buzzard (Mar 14 2019 at 09:08):

Well this is a good step forward: I am tag-free on my home desktop

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 15 2019 at 21:46):

hey wait a second:

buzzard@bob:~/Lean/lean-projects/mathlib-community-master$ git tag
buzzard@bob:~/Lean/lean-projects/mathlib-community-master$ git tag | xargs git tag -d
Deleted tag 'bin-20190208-212100-4227f5c' (was 4227f5c)
Deleted tag 'bin-20190208-220606-64065f4' (was 64065f4)
Deleted tag 'bin-20190208-221206-814cb03' (was 814cb03)
Deleted tag 'bin-20190208-222309-650237b' (was 650237b)
Deleted tag 'bin-20190208-235057-8b51017' (was 8b51017)
Deleted tag 'bin-20190209-020632-22c7179' (was 22c7179)
Deleted tag 'bin-20190209-162751-484d864' (was 484d864)
Deleted tag 'bin-20190209-163013-088f753' (was 088f753)
Deleted tag 'bin-20190210-113848-ed4c536' (was ed4c536)
Deleted tag 'bin-20190210-131553-d6f84da' (was d6f84da)
Deleted tag 'bin-20190210-152455-c25122b' (was c25122b)
Deleted tag 'bin-20190210-171431-9b28db0' (was 9b28db0)
Deleted tag 'untagged-9164526c5fa59e86918d' (was e01e4d8)
buzzard@bob:~/Lean/lean-projects/mathlib-community-master$ git tag
buzzard@bob:~/Lean/lean-projects/mathlib-community-master$ git fetch
From github.com:leanprover-community/mathlib
 * [new tag]         bin-20190208-212100-4227f5c -> bin-20190208-212100-4227f5c
 * [new tag]         bin-20190208-220606-64065f4 -> bin-20190208-220606-64065f4
 * [new tag]         bin-20190208-221206-814cb03 -> bin-20190208-221206-814cb03
 * [new tag]         bin-20190208-222309-650237b -> bin-20190208-222309-650237b
 * [new tag]         bin-20190208-235057-8b51017 -> bin-20190208-235057-8b51017
 * [new tag]         bin-20190209-020632-22c7179 -> bin-20190209-020632-22c7179
 * [new tag]         bin-20190209-162751-484d864 -> bin-20190209-162751-484d864
 * [new tag]         bin-20190209-163013-088f753 -> bin-20190209-163013-088f753
 * [new tag]         bin-20190210-113848-ed4c536 -> bin-20190210-113848-ed4c536
 * [new tag]         bin-20190210-131553-d6f84da -> bin-20190210-131553-d6f84da
 * [new tag]         bin-20190210-152455-c25122b -> bin-20190210-152455-c25122b
 * [new tag]         bin-20190210-171431-9b28db0 -> bin-20190210-171431-9b28db0
 * [new tag]         untagged-9164526c5fa59e86918d -> untagged-9164526c5fa59e86918d
buzzard@bob:~/Lean/lean-projects/mathlib-community-master$ git tag

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 15 2019 at 21:48):

the tags have returned!

we don't need to change anything here (except we need people to stop pushing outdated tags)

Am I about to push an outdated tag?

Chris Hughes (Mar 15 2019 at 21:49):

What is a tag?

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 15 2019 at 22:03):

They're the things which completely screw you up when you do leanpkg upgrade and make you downgrade instead.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 15 2019 at 22:04):

If your local copy of mathlib has a lean-3.4.2 tag then the next time you push it will be back, and then any time I type leanpkg upgrade ever I will end up at the commit which that tag points to.

Chris Hughes (Mar 15 2019 at 22:34):

Do I need to worry about this?

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 15 2019 at 22:43):

I think that the fact that one of my tags was lean-3.4.2 was somehow a bad thing.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 15 2019 at 22:43):

This tag was created a while ago, and then when we pull we get it too, and then they remove it, but then when we push we put it back, and it messes things up.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 15 2019 at 22:44):

if you have a command line handy you could try git tag -d lean-3.4.2

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 15 2019 at 22:44):

or you could type git tag first to see if you have one

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 15 2019 at 22:44):

somewhere in your mathlib repo

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC