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Topic: using_well_founded for a type mimicking programming structs
Kris Brown (Jul 15 2020 at 21:09):
I'm modeling programming datatypes, including a type with fields that contain other datatypes.
mutual inductive PrimType, Struct
with PrimType : Type
| pInt : nat → PrimType
| pStr : string → PrimType
| pBool: bool → PrimType
| pStruct {s: string}: Struct s → PrimType
with Struct : string → Type
| mk (name: string) (fields : list (string × PrimType))
: Struct name
| nil (name: string) : Struct name
open PrimType open Struct
I'm trying to prove decidable equality on this type (that function is in a #new_members thread), but doing that straightforwardly doesn't lead to something that Lean knows will terminate. Based on Floris' suggestion, I pattern matched off of src#lists.equiv.decidable and add to the bottom
using_well_founded {
rel_tac := λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, measure_wf _⟩], -- this last hole needs to be filled in with something specific to PrimType/Struct
dec_tac := `[assumption] }
The type that I need to implement (it seems) is psum (Σ' (a : PrimType), PrimType) (Σ' {s : string} (a : Struct s), Struct s) → ℕ
I'm still trying to understand what this psum
really means. I started writing out an implementation but keep hitting roadblocks.
def meas : psum (Σ' (a : PrimType), PrimType) (Σ' {s : string} (a : Struct s), Struct s) → ℕ
| (psum.inl ⟨pStruct (mk _ x), pStruct (mk _ y)⟩) := 1 + 0 -- something with x and y
| (psum.inl ⟨pStruct (mk _ x), _⟩) := 1 + 0 -- something with x
| (psum.inl ⟨_, pStruct (mk _ x)⟩) := 1 + 0 -- something with x
| (psum.inl ⟨_,_⟩) := 0
| (psum.inr ⟨_,⟨_,mk _ x⟩⟩) := 1 + 0 -- something with x
| (psum.inr ⟨_,⟨_,nil _⟩⟩) := 0
A simpler recursive function to prove termination for might look like this
mutual def sizeofp, sizeofs
with sizeofp: PrimType → ℕ
| (pStruct s) := 1 + sizeofs s
| _ := 0
with sizeofs: Π{s: string}, Struct s → ℕ
| _ (nil _) := 0
| _ (mk _ []) := 0
| _ (mk s ((_, h)::t)) := sizeofp h + sizeofs (mk s t)
using_well_founded {
rel_tac := λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, measure_wf meas⟩],
dec_tac := `[assumption] } -- fails to prove recursive application is decreasing
Does anyone with experience with using_well_founded
have suggestions for how to tackle this?
Kris Brown (Jul 17 2020 at 00:30):
It turns out this problem could be solved without resorting to using_well_founded
- it just requires adding the right proofs immediately above the recursive calls. There is one bizarre thing where I need to prove a+b<c+d
and Lean seems to nondeterministically need some permutation of that (possibly a
swapped or c
swapped). Sometimes the checker would approve with just one, but often it fails unless all four permutations are explicitly declared.
Posting my solution here in case anyone else comes across a similar problem
import tactic.linarith
mutual inductive PrimType, Struct
with PrimType : Type
| pInt : nat → PrimType
| pStr : string → PrimType
| pBool: bool → PrimType
| pStruct {s: string}: Struct s → PrimType
with Struct : string → Type
| mk (name: string) (fields : list (string × PrimType))
: Struct name
| nil (name: string) : Struct name
open PrimType open Struct
The head of a list of pairs is smaller than the whole list
lemma headsize {α β: Type} [has_sizeof α] [has_sizeof β]
(a: α) (b: β) (t: list (α×β)):
sizeof b < sizeof(list.cons (a,b) t) := calc
sizeof b <= sizeof a + sizeof b : by linarith
... < 1 + prod.sizeof (a,b) + list.sizeof t : by {unfold prod.sizeof,
... = 1 + sizeof (a,b) + list.sizeof t : by {unfold sizeof, refl}
... = list.sizeof(list.cons (a,b) t) : by unfold list.sizeof
The tail of a list of pairs is smaller than the whole list
lemma tailsize {α β: Type} [has_sizeof α] [has_sizeof β]
(ab: α×β) (t: list (α×β)):
sizeof t < sizeof(list.cons (ab) t) := calc
sizeof t < 1 + sizeof (ab) + sizeof t : by {linarith}
... = 1 + sizeof (ab) + list.sizeof t : by {unfold sizeof, refl}
... = list.sizeof(list.cons (ab) t) : by unfold list.sizeof
Sometimes we cannot use prod.decidable_eq, because that requires an instance of
[has_decidable_eq] for α and β, which is what we're trying to prove! Need a
version that works for specific elements, used in a proof by induction.
def prod_eq_intro: Π{α β: Type} (a1 a2: α) (b1 b2: β)
(x: decidable (a1=a2)) (y: decidable (b1=b2)),
decidable ((a1,b1)=(a2,b2)) := by begin
cases x with xfalse xtrue,
{simp [xfalse], exact decidable.false},
{cases y with yfalse ytrue,
{simp [yfalse], exact decidable.false},
{simp [xtrue, ytrue], exact decidable.true}},
One caveat of this equality is that the NULL values for some given struct
are considered equal.
mutual def P_eq, P_list_eq, S_eq
with P_eq : decidable_eq PrimType
| (pInt _) (pBool _) := by {simp only [], exact decidable.false}
| (pInt _) (pStr _) := by {simp only [], exact decidable.false}
| (pInt _) (pStruct _) := by {simp only [], exact decidable.false}
| (pBool _) (pInt _) := by {simp only [], exact decidable.false}
| (pBool _) (pStr _) := by {simp only [], exact decidable.false}
| (pBool _) (pStruct _) := by {simp only [], exact decidable.false}
| (pStr _) (pInt _) := by {simp only [], exact decidable.false}
| (pStr _) (pBool _) := by {simp only [], exact decidable.false}
| (pStr _) (pStruct _) := by {simp only [], exact decidable.false}
| (pStruct _) (pInt _) := by {simp only [], exact decidable.false}
| (pStruct _) (pStr _) := by {simp only [], exact decidable.false}
| (pStruct _) (pBool _) := by {simp only [], exact decidable.false}
| (pInt x) (pInt y) := by {simp only [], exact nat.decidable_eq x y}
| (pBool x) (pBool y) := by {simp only [], exact bool.decidable_eq x y}
| (pStr x) (pStr y) := by {simp only [],
exact string.has_decidable_eq x y}
| (@pStruct m (mk a b)) (@pStruct n (nil x)) := by {
simp, have p: decidable (a=x), by exact string.has_decidable_eq a x,
cases p with pf pt,
-- two different Struct classes! definitely not equal.
{simp [pf], exact decidable.false},
-- Even if same class, it's different constructors; still not equal
{simp [pt], rw pt, rw [heq_iff_eq], simp, exact decidable.false}}
| (@pStruct _ (nil x)) (@pStruct m (mk a b)) := by {
simp, have p: decidable (x=a), by exact string.has_decidable_eq x a,
cases p with pf pt, -- (same as above block, with a flip)
{simp [pf], exact decidable.false},
{simp [pt], rw pt, rw [heq_iff_eq], simp, exact decidable.false}}
| (@pStruct n (nil x)) (@pStruct m (nil y)) := by {simp only,
have p: decidable (x=y), by exact string.has_decidable_eq x y,
cases p, {simp [p], exact decidable.false}, -- different classes.
{rw p, rw [heq_iff_eq], simp, exact decidable.true}} -- both NULL
| (@pStruct n (mk a x)) (@pStruct m (mk b y)) := by {
simp, have p: decidable (a=b), by exact string.has_decidable_eq a b,
cases p with pf pt,
{simp [pf], exact decidable.false}, -- different classes; not equal
{rw pt, simp, exact P_list_eq x y}} -- equal if arg lists are equal
with P_list_eq : decidable_eq (list (string × PrimType))
| a b := by begin
cases eqa : a with a_hd a_tl,
{cases b,
{simp, exact decidable.true}, -- both lists nil, they're equal
{simp, exact decidable.false}}, -- false if only one list is nil
{cases eqb : b with b_hd b_tl,
{simp, exact decidable.false}, simp, -- false if only one list is nil
cases a_hd with a_hds a_hdp, -- split the head into its parts
cases b_hd with b_hds b_hdp, -- split the head into its parts
-- Lemmas useful for proving recursive calls terminate
have sizea : a_hdp.sizeof < a.sizeof :=
by {rw eqa, exact headsize a_hds a_hdp a_tl},
have sizea': a_tl.sizeof < a.sizeof :=
by {rw eqa, exact tailsize (a_hds, a_hdp) a_tl},
have sizeb : b_hdp.sizeof < b.sizeof :=
by {rw eqb, exact headsize b_hds b_hdp b_tl},
have sizeb': b_tl.sizeof < b.sizeof :=
by {rw eqb, exact tailsize (b_hds, b_hdp) b_tl},
have res1: decidable (a_hdp = b_hdp) :=
-- bizarre... but all four permutations are explicitly needed
have H1: a_hdp.sizeof + b_hdp.sizeof < 1 + (b.sizeof + a.sizeof),
by linarith,
have H2: a_hdp.sizeof + b_hdp.sizeof < 1 + (a.sizeof + b.sizeof),
by linarith [H1],
have H3: b_hdp.sizeof + a_hdp.sizeof < 1 + (b.sizeof + a.sizeof),
by linarith [H1],
have H4: b_hdp.sizeof + a_hdp.sizeof < 1 + (a.sizeof + b.sizeof),
by linarith [H1],
P_eq a_hdp b_hdp, -- the head is decidably equal (recursive call)
-- Above case was just for the primtype half; extend to the whole head
have res1': decidable ((a_hds, a_hdp) = (b_hds, b_hdp)) :=
prod_eq_intro a_hds b_hds a_hdp b_hdp
(string.has_decidable_eq a_hds b_hds) res1,
have res2: decidable (a_tl = b_tl) :=
have H1: a_tl.sizeof + b_tl.sizeof < b.sizeof + a.sizeof,
by linarith,
have H2: b_tl.sizeof + a_tl.sizeof < b.sizeof + a.sizeof,
by linarith [H1],
have H3: a_tl.sizeof + b_tl.sizeof < a.sizeof + b.sizeof,
by linarith [H1],
have H4: b_tl.sizeof + a_tl.sizeof < a.sizeof + b.sizeof,
by linarith [H1],
P_list_eq a_tl b_tl, -- the tail is decidably equal (recursive call)
-- head and tail are both decidably equal, so we're done
exact @and.decidable ((a_hds, a_hdp) = (b_hds, b_hdp)) (a_tl = b_tl)
res1' res2
with S_eq : Π(s: string), decidable_eq (Struct s)
| _ (mk _ _) (nil _) := by {simp only [], exact decidable.false}
| _ (nil _) (mk _ _) := by {simp only [], exact decidable.false}
| _ (nil _) (nil _) := by {simp only [], exact decidable.true}
| z (Struct.mk m x) (Struct.mk n y) := by {simp,
cases (P_list_eq x y) with Hf Ht, -- recursively check if lists are equal
{simp [Hf], exact decidable.false},
{rw Ht, simp, exact decidable.true}}
instance : Π{s: string}, decidable_eq (Struct s) := by {intros s, exact S_eq s}
def f {s: string} (x: Struct s) (y: Struct s) : bool := x = y
#eval f (mk "a" []) (nil "a") --ff
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC