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Topic: widget v long term names

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 02 2020 at 15:03):

It's taken me a while, but I finally figured out how to close a textbox coming from the widgets when it is so big that the "close" icon is way off the screen.


Am I missing a trick here? I could have not expanded the right hand window I guess.

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Nov 02 2020 at 15:05):

cc: @Edward Ayers

Edward Ayers (Nov 02 2020 at 15:22):


Edward Ayers (Nov 02 2020 at 15:22):

that's horrible I'm sorry

Edward Ayers (Nov 02 2020 at 15:24):

A max-width needs to be set somewhere.

Edward Ayers (Nov 02 2020 at 15:24):

Is the file you are editing availbs on a mathlib branch somewhere?

Adam Topaz (Nov 02 2020 at 15:31):

I don't know how to make screenshot gifs like this, but I think you can toggle this textbox by clicking the same text you clicked to open it.

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Nov 02 2020 at 15:36):

That's true, but what happens with horizontal scrolling in the screenshot is still rather unintuitive.

Adam Topaz (Nov 02 2020 at 15:39):

Of course, I agree.

Adam Topaz (Nov 02 2020 at 15:39):

But it's a trick that works in the meantime :)

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 02 2020 at 15:53):

@Edward Ayers if you replace src/topology/sheaves/sheafify.lean with

Copyright (c) 2020 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
import topology.sheaves.local_predicate
import topology.sheaves.stalks

# Sheafification of `Type` valued presheaves

We construct the sheafification of a `Type` valued presheaf,
as the subsheaf of dependent functions into the stalks
consisting of functions which are locally germs.

We show that the stalks of the sheafification are isomorphic to the original stalks,
via `stalk_to_fiber` which evaluates a germ of a dependent function at a point.

We construct a morphism `to_sheafify` from a presheaf to (the underlying presheaf of)
its sheafification, given by sending a section to its collection of germs.

## Future work
Show that the map induced on stalks by `to_sheafify` is the inverse of `stalk_to_fiber`.

Show sheafification is a functor from presheaves to sheaves,
and that it is the left adjoint of the forgetful functor,
following https://stacks.math.columbia.edu/tag/007X.

universes v

noncomputable theory

open Top
open opposite
open topological_space

variables {X : Top.{v}} (F : presheaf (Type v) X)

namespace Top.presheaf

namespace sheafify

The prelocal predicate on functions into the stalks, asserting that the function is equal to a germ.
def is_germ : prelocal_predicate (λ x, F.stalk x) :=
{ pred := λ U f,  (g : F.obj (op U)),  x : U, f x = F.germ x g,
  res := λ V U i f g, p⟩, F.map i.op g, λ x, (p (i x)).trans (F.germ_res_apply _ _ _).symm⟩, }

The local predicate on functions into the stalks,
asserting that the function is locally equal to a germ.
def is_locally_germ : local_predicate (λ x, F.stalk x) := (is_germ F).sheafify

end sheafify

The sheafification of a `Type` valued presheaf, defined as the functions into the stalks which
are locally equal to germs.
def sheafify : sheaf (Type v) X :=
subsheaf_to_Types (sheafify.is_locally_germ F)

The morphism from a presheaf to its sheafification,
sending each section to its germs.
(This forms the unit of the adjunction.)
def to_sheafify : F  F.sheafify.presheaf :=
{ app := λ U f, λ x, F.germ x f, prelocal_predicate.sheafify_of f, λ x, rfl⟩⟩,
  naturality' := λ U U' f, by { ext x u, m⟩, apply germ_res_apply', }, }

The natural morphism from the stalk of the sheafification to the original stalk.
In `sheafify_stalk_iso` we show this is an isomorphism.
def stalk_to_fiber (x : X) : F.sheafify.presheaf.stalk x  F.stalk x :=
stalk_to_fiber (sheafify.is_locally_germ F) x

-- TODO typo in surjective docstring
lemma stalk_to_fiber_surjective (x : X) : function.surjective (F.stalk_to_fiber x) :=
  apply stalk_to_fiber_surjective,
  intro t,
  obtain U, m, s, rfl := F.germ_exist _ t,
  { use U, m⟩,
    { exact λ y, F.germ y s, },
    { exact prelocal_predicate.sheafify_of s, (λ _, rfl)⟩, rfl⟩, }, },

lemma stalk_to_fiber_injective (x : X) : function.injective (F.stalk_to_fiber x) :=
  apply stalk_to_fiber_injective,
  rcases hU x, U.2 with U', mU, iU, gU, wU⟩,
  rcases hV x, V.2 with V', mV, iV, gV, wV⟩,
  have wUx := wU x, mU⟩,
  dsimp at wUx, erw wUx at e, clear wUx,
  have wVx := wV x, mV⟩,
  dsimp at wVx, erw wVx at e, clear wVx,
  rcases F.germ_eq x mU mV gU gV e with W, mW, iU', iV', e'⟩,
  use W  (U'  V'), mW, mU, mV⟩⟩,
  refine _, _, _⟩,
  { change W  (U'  V')  U.val,
    exact (opens.inf_le_right _ _)  (opens.inf_le_left _ _)  iU, },
  { change W  (U'  V')  V.val,
    exact (opens.inf_le_right _ _)  (opens.inf_le_right _ _)  iV, },
  { intro w,
    dsimp only,
    specialize wU w.1, w.2.2.1⟩,
    dsimp only at wU,
    specialize wV w.1, w.2.2.2⟩,
    dsimp only at wV,
    erw [wU, F.germ_res_apply iU' w, w.2.1 gU, e', F.germ_res_apply, wV],
    refl, },

The isomorphism betweeen a stalk of the sheafification and the original stalk.
def sheafify_stalk_iso (x : X) : F.sheafify.presheaf.stalk x  F.stalk x :=
(equiv.of_bijective _ stalk_to_fiber_injective _ _, stalk_to_fiber_surjective _ _⟩).to_iso

/-! # Functoriality -/

-- If F is a presheaf and G is a sheaf on X,
-- and F → G.presheaf, then F.sheafify → G

def adjoint (F : presheaf (Type v) X) (G : sheaf (Type v) X)
  (φ : F  G.presheaf) : F.sheafify  G :=
{ app := λ U, λ s, begin
    cases s with stalk_fun hs,
    dsimp only at stalk_fun,
--    unfold sheafify.is_locally_germ at hs,
--    unfold sheafify.is_germ at hs,
--    unfold prelocal_predicate.sheafify at hs,
--    dsimp at hs,
    have hG := G.sheaf_condition,
--    unfold sheaf_condition at hG,
    choose cover hcover1 hcover2 sections hcover4 using hs,
    specialize hG cover,
    -- hG is the sheaf condition
    -- so it says G(union of cover) = limit of fork Prod_i G(U_i) -> -> Prod_{i,j} G(U_i ∩ U_j)
    -- let's define this section!
    -- let's first define the local sections
    let ti :  x : unop U, G.presheaf.obj (op (cover x)) := λ x, φ.app _ (sections x),
    cases hG,
    unfold auto_param at *,
    -- BIG BOX : click on "category_theory.limits.cone"
    -- in term hG_lift
  naturality' := sorry }


then you can click on the term which I describe a few lines from the bottom

Edward Ayers (Nov 02 2020 at 22:40):

tracking PR: #4882

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC