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Topic: wlog
Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2019 at 04:19):
@Simon Hudon Can you explain to me how I should invoke wlog
in this problem that is clearly (lol) symmetric:
lemma forty_two (a b c : ℕ) (h : (0:ℚ) < 1 - (1/a + 1/b + 1/c)) : (1:ℚ)/(1 - (1/a + 1/b + 1/c)) ≤ 42 := begin wlog : a ≤ b ∧ b ≤ c, end
Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2019 at 04:20):
Note that wlog : a ≤ b
succeeds after thinking for a long time.
Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2019 at 04:20):
I wouldn't mind if it dumps some proof obligations in my face. I can then manually select a hammer to kill them off.
Simon Hudon (Oct 05 2019 at 04:44):
What if you specified the variables on which the symmetry hinges? wlog : a ≤ b ∧ b ≤ c using a b c,
Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2019 at 04:47):
@Simon Hudon
To generate cases at least two permutations are required, i.e. `using [x y, y x]` or exactly 0 or 2 variables
Simon Hudon (Oct 05 2019 at 04:53):
You could do wlog : a ≤ b ∧ b ≤ c using [a b c,b c a],
Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2019 at 05:01):
You need 6 permutations, right?
Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2019 at 05:01):
And then it times out... @Simon Hudon
Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2019 at 05:02):
Huh... it works
Simon Hudon (Oct 05 2019 at 05:03):
You can file an issue. I'll have a closer look later
Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2019 at 05:03):
Ooh, no, it doesn't. It generates a side goal that is false.
Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2019 at 05:07):
@Simon Hudon #1509
Johan Commelin (Nov 12 2019 at 06:59):
@Simon Hudon Do you have any thoughts on this issue?
Alexander Bentkamp (Nov 13 2019 at 21:03):
I just found out that there is another parameter of this tactic: discharger : tactic unit
. Its default value is tactic.solve_by_elim <|> tactic.tautology tt <|> using_smt (smt_tactic.intros >> smt_tactic.solve_goals)
, which is the reason wlog
takes so long. If you use skip
instead, wlog
is very fast. Of course, the disadvantage is that you get a lot of stupid goals afterwards.
lemma forty_two (a b c : ℕ) (h : (0:ℚ) < 1 - (1/a + 1/b + 1/c)) : (1:ℚ)/(1 - (1/a + 1/b + 1/c)) ≤ 42 := begin wlog : a ≤ b ∧ b ≤ c using [a b c, c a b, b c a, c b a, b a c, a c b] skip, end
Johan Commelin (Nov 13 2019 at 21:29):
Thanks, that looks very helpful!
Chris Hughes (Nov 13 2019 at 21:31):
But I guess you could use a more sensible tactic.
Simon Hudon (Nov 13 2019 at 21:33):
I thought that had been changed in mathlib already
Alexander Bentkamp (Nov 13 2019 at 21:53):
Let us know if you find a nice way to discharge these goals. Maybe there could be a different default value for discharger
Alexander Bentkamp (Nov 15 2019 at 17:40):
@Johan Commelin With an auxiliary lemma for wlog with three variables, we can speed this up a lot. Maybe this lemma wlog3
should be in mathlib:
lemma wlog3 {α : Type*} [linear_order α] (p : α → α → α → Prop) (x y z : α) (h₁ : ∀ a b c, p a b c → p b a c) (h₂ : ∀ a b c, p a b c → p a c b) (hp : ∀ a b c, a ≤ b ∧ b ≤ c → p a b c) : p x y z := begin have h₃ : ∀ (a b c : α), p a b c → p c a b, { intros, apply h₁, apply h₂, assumption }, wlog : x ≤ y ∧ y ≤ z using [x y z, y z x, z x y, z y x, y x z, x z y], { cases le_total x y with hc₁; cases le_total y z with hc₂; cases le_total x z with hc₃; cc }, { apply hp, assumption }, end lemma forty_two (a b c : ℕ) (h : (0:ℚ) < 1 - (1/a + 1/b + 1/c)) : (1:ℚ)/(1 - (1/a + 1/b + 1/c)) ≤ 42 := begin revert h, apply wlog3 _ a b c, { intros a b c h, change implies _ _, convert h using 3, ac_refl, ac_refl}, { intros a b c h, change implies _ _, convert h using 3, ac_refl, ac_refl}, sorry end
The trick is that we actually do not need to consider all 5 non-identity permutations. Just 2 permutations are enough to express all others.
Unfortunately, I don't see a fast way to discharge the resulting goals in a way that is both fast and generally applicable.
Simon Hudon (Nov 15 2019 at 18:31):
We could tag wlog3
with a wlog
attribute and get the tactic wlog
to try those before trying the discharger
Johan Commelin (Nov 15 2019 at 19:18):
@Alexander Bentkamp Thanks a lot for looking at this!
Johan Commelin (Nov 15 2019 at 19:19):
It's already a lot better than the mess that I initially had :wink:
Johan Commelin (Nov 15 2019 at 19:19):
I'm still hoping that tactics could crunch away more of the administrative parts of the proof.
Johan Commelin (Nov 15 2019 at 19:20):
It would be nice if one could drill down to the heart of the matter in <5 lines
Alexander Bentkamp (Nov 15 2019 at 19:20):
You can replace
{ intros a b c h, change implies _ _, convert h using 3, ac_refl, ac_refl},
by cc
. But unfortunately, that's very slow. I am not sure why.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC